{23} All Tickets (Including closed) (3432 matches)

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Results (301 - 400 of 3432)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Ticket Summary Component Version Milestone Type Owner Status Created
#2592 Spanish translation (4.7.5) - Refused by Transifex translations defect closed 08/12/11
#2596 wrong file names on ftp mc-vfs defect closed 08/22/11
#2600 mc viewer freezes for minutes when scrolling to the end of large file mcview defect closed 08/29/11
#2613 4.8.0-pre2 VFS mc-vfs 4.8.0-pre2 defect closed 09/21/11
#2615 Wrong links owner when copying directory structure mc-core master defect closed 09/22/11
#2616 Extended key combinations are broken mc-key-bindings defect closed 09/27/11
#2618 tilde processing has bug/deviation to bash mc-core 4.6.2 defect closed 09/28/11
#2623 Trouble opening zip files. mc-vfs defect closed 10/02/11
#2631 [patch ready] mcedit puts cursor in the middle of multibyte utf8 character mcedit defect closed 10/14/11
#2642 mc 4.8.0 will NOT build mc-core 4.8.0 defect closed 10/22/11
#2647 xoria256 theme broken mc-skin 4.8.0 defect closed 10/25/11
#2650 Moving content of `bindings` to `mc.ext` during 4.7 -> 4.8 upgrade breaks mc mc-config-ini 4.8.0 defect closed 10/26/11
#2667 Fish subshell doesnt work mc-core master defect closed 11/07/11
#2671 Gray bug mc-skin defect closed 11/16/11
#2711 Crash in file search mc-core 4.8.1 defect closed 01/03/12
#2716 Removed leading space from run command mc-core 4.8.1 defect closed 01/17/12
#2724 MC fails to recognize 7z password prompt mc-vfs defect closed 01/28/12
#2728 Search "Whole words" non eng chars mc-search defect closed 02/06/12
#2729 Patchfs doesn't handle the case when the file was modified mc-vfs master defect closed 02/07/12
#2730 ms uses wrong location for ini files (data directories) in su environment mc-config-ini master defect closed 02/09/12
#2734 Unable to establish remote connection if a previous one was terminated mc-vfs 4.8.0 defect slavazanko closed 02/14/12
#2750 mc hangs on startup mc-core 4.8.1 defect closed 03/19/12
#2752 'mc_global_t' has no member named 'we_are_background' mc-core master defect closed 03/19/12
#2770 garbled entries to directory hotlist mc-core 4.8.2 defect closed 04/02/12
#2782 MC and snapshots on FreeBSD mc-core master defect closed 04/20/12
#2790 FTP VFS broken if using extended url mc-vfs master defect closed 04/27/12
#2794 hex view: search works from fle start, not the current position mcview master defect closed 04/28/12
#2802 very slow uzip mc-vfs 4.8.3 defect closed 05/05/12
#2818 shift - fn keys not working mc-tty defect closed 05/30/12
#2823 wrong handling of new VFS naming scheme mc-vfs 4.8.3 defect closed 06/01/12
#2824 Editing a file located on FTP does not update the remote file mc-vfs defect closed 06/02/12
#2828 multiple memory leaks mc-core defect closed 06/13/12
#2844 deb vfs error mc-vfs master defect closed 07/13/12
#2868 detach on save broken mcedit master defect closed 08/18/12
#2870 invisible characters in command line after inserting from history mc-core defect closed 08/29/12
#2882 Text containing separation TAB mcedit defect closed 09/12/12
#2884 editor broken in mc mcedit defect closed 09/13/12
#2885 mc handles Shift+Fxx-keys incorrectly on OSX mc-tty 4.8.4 defect closed 09/14/12
#2899 shell link copy files eats all of /tmp mc-vfs defect closed 09/22/12
#2908 Ошибка с позицией курсора mc-core 4.8.5 defect closed 09/30/12
#2915 Cross-compilation: linking fail cross-compilation defect closed 10/12/12
#2925 Built-in viewer does not work with text files in .ipk archives. mc-core defect closed 11/08/12
#2927 path completion in command prompt and dialog boxes doesn't work with '~' present mc-core master defect closed 11/14/12
#2933 Cursor movements are recorded in undo history. How to disable? mcedit master defect closed 11/20/12
#2943 Copy/Rename dialogs double the "\" char mc-core 4.8.6 defect closed 12/17/12
#2969 Incorrect GLIB version detected by "configure" mc-core defect closed 02/20/13
#2970 mc-4.8.7: german copy/move dialogs are way too big mc-core 4.8.7 defect closed 02/21/13
#2973 extfs p7zip speed mc-vfs master defect closed 02/27/13
#2975 Accents in .html file are badly showned with internal viewer mc-core master defect closed 03/03/13
#2984 Bogus file ownership reported by FISH if the remote user does not exists locally mc-vfs master defect closed 03/17/13
#2989 Fix code which depends on signed overflow in C (which isn't defined in C) mc-vfs master defect closed 03/28/13
#3007 Painting issues for wide dialogs mc-core 4.8.8 defect closed 05/20/13
#3010 subshell is not working with dash mc-core 4.8.15 defect closed 05/23/13
#3028 MC's UI is very slow mc-core master defect closed 06/29/13
#3033 mc-4.8.8 linux build from source failed with static glib mc-core master defect closed 07/08/13
#3039 sftpfs: SSH aliases (#2923 wrong fix) mc-vfs 4.8.9 defect closed 07/12/13
#3055 Wrong directory in right panel mc-core defect closed 08/13/13
#3058 nano editor started with incorrect options mc-core master defect closed 08/18/13
#3063 subshell history is poisoned with cwd's in csh mc-core 4.8.8 defect closed 08/27/13
#3067 update ubuntu repositories adm master defect closed 09/02/13
#3071 [4.8.10]: FTBFS on GNU Hurd mc-core 4.8.10 defect closed 09/09/13
#3082 long timeout on startup mc-vfs 4.8.10 defect closed 09/27/13
#3102 Segmentation Fault with Moving Multiple Directories mc-core defect closed 10/22/13
#3104 double list of files mc-core defect closed 11/07/13
#3110 MC kicks me off after entering mc mc-tty master defect closed 11/23/13
#3120 Patches for 4.8.11 Ncurses mc-tty 4.8.11 defect closed 12/08/13
#3126 vfs utar doesn't show empty directories in listed-incremental (-g) gnu tar archives mc-vfs 4.8.11 defect closed 12/14/13
#3144 key.c "flag" undeclared mc-core 4.8.11 defect closed 01/05/14
#3188 mc crashes on Solaris right after start mc-core 4.8.11 defect closed 03/31/14
#3198 mc on Solaris 11.1 hangs after copy/move command mc-core 4.8.12 defect closed 04/19/14
#3200 MC 4.6.1. Subshell обновляет каталог с задержкой mc-core master defect closed 04/21/14
#3201 segmentation fault (core dumped) mc-core defect closed 04/28/14
#3217 Untrusted SSL certificate on this site adm defect closed 05/21/14
#3218 Difference copy speed MC mc-core 4.8.3 defect closed 05/27/14
#3231 "Auto save panels setup" affects only the inactive panel on remembering last directory mc-core master defect closed 07/09/14
#3236 mc gets hung/frozen/stalled while copying, moving or deleting big amount of files or directrories mc-core 4.8.11 defect closed 07/31/14
#3249 Midnight Commander cannot connect via SSH after the network connection got broken and then up again mc-vfs 4.8.12 defect closed 08/21/14
#3254 Shift+Fn keys are off by two in ncurses mc-tty master defect closed 08/22/14
#3279 Meta+i hotkey does not work in mcedit documentation master defect closed 09/29/14
#3292 Console saving does not work in FreeBSD mc-core master defect closed 10/24/14
#3294 shell link menu item missing mc-core 4.8.11 defect closed 10/29/14
#3310 Shift-Left and Shift-Right don't work in mcedit in KDE Konsole mc-tty 4.8.13 defect closed 11/09/14
#3334 Error compiling glibcompat.c with glib 2.20.3 mc-core 4.8.13 defect closed 11/16/14
#3345 Subshell not working in GNU screen mc-core 4.8.13 defect closed 11/23/14
#3362 Ctrl+O [ mc-4.8.13_1 ] mc-core 4.8.13 defect closed 12/05/14
#3368 mc_4.8.13_1 for FREEBSD mc-core master defect closed 12/09/14
#3377 mcedit cannot highlight echo "$(echo "$(echo)")" normally mcedit master defect closed 12/12/14
#3383 slow open of zip files if unzip points to unzip-rcc (use unzip-plain as workaround) mc-vfs master defect closed 12/28/14
#3395 RenMov to same fs performs a slow directory scanning mc-core master defect closed 01/30/15
#3421 viewer does not scroll to found text when string is very long mcview 4.8.14 defect closed 03/23/15
#3432 Segmentation fault when viewing file which archived multiple time (in rpm's tarball) mc-vfs master defect closed 03/29/15
#3480 PHP heredoc highlights fail mcedit 4.8.10 defect closed 06/08/15
#3486 Subshell is not cleared when it already contains a command and active panel is changed mc-core master defect closed 06/23/15
#3492 Wrong file count while copying/moving mc-core defect closed 06/29/15
#3501 Searching for text in a binary file leads to SIGSEGV mc-core master defect closed 07/09/15
#3544 File extraction size limit mc-vfs master defect closed 10/27/15
#3552 Cannot login to ftp server with USER = webmaster@domain mc-vfs 4.8.13 defect closed 11/12/15
#3564 mc is slow to start mc-core master defect closed 11/21/15
#3573 copy does not honor setgid flag on target directory mc-core master defect closed 11/28/15
#3827 macOS Sierra 10.12.6 non-ascii characters issue mc-core 4.8.19 defect closed 05/30/17
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