{6} All Tickets By Milestone (Including closed) (3327 matches)

A more complex example to show how to make advanced reports.

Results (2901 - 3000 of 3327)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#2770 garbled entries to directory hotlist mc-core closed duplicate 4.8.2 defect major 12/17/16
#2729 Patchfs doesn't handle the case when the file was modified mc-vfs closed duplicate master defect major 12/17/16
#2987 subshell: unexpected command execution mc-core closed duplicate 4.8.5 defect critical 12/17/16
#2955 Changing output_lines has no effect mc-core closed wontfix defect minor 12/17/16
#2584 lt.po update translations closed wontfix 4.8.0-pre1 enhancement minor 12/17/16
#1948 Do not check for equality mcview closed wontfix master enhancement minor 12/17/16
#371 "configure" fails on Cygwin mc-core closed wontfix master defect minor 12/17/16
#3740 mc-wrapper.sh script is not installed in target bin directory mc-core closed wontfix master defect major 12/17/16
#3706 FreeBSD mc-4.8.18 mc-core closed wontfix master defect major 12/17/16
#2969 Incorrect GLIB version detected by "configure" mc-core closed wontfix defect major 12/17/16
#2618 tilde processing has bug/deviation to bash mc-core closed wontfix 4.6.2 defect major 12/17/16
#2600 mc viewer freezes for minutes when scrolling to the end of large file mcview closed wontfix defect major 12/17/16
#2575 Invalid content when using xclip mc-core closed wontfix master defect major 12/17/16
#2302 [extfs][urar][patch] handle broken rar archives better mc-vfs closed wontfix master defect major 12/17/16
#2202 tree view mc-core closed wontfix master enhancement major Janek Kozicki 12/17/16
#1842 Change version of MC 4.7.0 to 5.0 to signify the changes adm closed wontfix master task major 12/17/16
#52 savannah: hint changed when the window is resized mc-core closed wontfix defect major 12/17/16
#2840 [WIKI] compilation requirements documentation closed fixed master defect minor 12/17/16
#2866 publish win32 native build details documentation closed fixed master enhancement major 12/17/16
#2720 Use a hotkey to toggle between two preferred sort orders mc-core closed invalid master enhancement trivial 12/17/16
#3019 segfault in gslice.c deleting file mc-core closed invalid 4.8.3 defect minor 12/17/16
#2940 Slow mc and mcedit launch when using X11 forwading mc-core closed invalid 4.8.1 enhancement minor 12/17/16
#2831 ini file grows to excessive size with blank lines mc-core closed invalid 4.8.3 defect minor 12/17/16
#2975 Accents in .html file are badly showned with internal viewer mc-core closed invalid master defect major 12/17/16
#2949 [ Optimization ]: replace pipe() by pipe2() mc-core closed invalid master enhancement major 12/17/16
#2933 Cursor movements are recorded in undo history. How to disable? mcedit closed invalid master defect major 12/17/16
#2908 Ошибка с позицией курсора mc-core closed invalid 4.8.5 defect major 12/17/16
#2647 xoria256 theme broken mc-skin closed invalid 4.8.0 defect major 12/17/16
#1387 Backspace doesn't erase empty lines mcedit closed invalid master defect major 12/17/16
#3558 F5/F6/F7/F8 often doesn't report proper error mc-core closed invalid 4.8.15 defect critical 12/17/16
#3743 v4.8.18 crash with <Ctrl-\> mc-core closed duplicate master defect major 12/15/16
#3728 Viewer doesn't work for files called *.foo.html mc-config-ini closed invalid master defect trivial 12/07/16
#3737 Documentation asks to run ./configure script which does not exist mc-core closed invalid master defect blocker 12/06/16
#3350 "Select group" selects file it shouldn't mc-search closed duplicate 4.8.13 defect minor 12/05/16
#2577 quick search fails for names with comma sign mc-search closed duplicate 4.8.0-pre1 defect minor 12/05/16
#3732 mcedit syntax highlighting for rc.conf mcedit closed wontfix 4.8.18 defect minor 12/01/16
#3695 Hex search fails to find binary data mc-search closed duplicate master defect minor 11/14/16
#51 savannah: Copying files to the FISH VFS does not syncronize timestamps mc-vfs closed fixed master defect major 10/29/16
#3707 ctrl+o press bug in csh, Freebsd 10 mc-core closed duplicate master defect major 10/24/16
#3659 Subshell clears the terminal before showing prompt mc-core closed duplicate master defect major 10/24/16
#3704 Brazilian Portuguese localization problem. translations closed wontfix master defect major 10/23/16
#3702 MC incorrectly lists tar archive entries when entering it. mc-vfs closed duplicate 4.8.18 defect major 10/12/16
#3701 MC crashes inside Docker container on Windows mc-core closed invalid 4.8.14 defect major 10/11/16
#3454 searching for hex sequence with 0x0a fails mc-search closed duplicate 4.8.14 defect minor 09/26/16
#3689 mc doesn't recognize shell (e.g., /bin/sh) as bash when it is a link to bash binary mc-core closed duplicate master enhancement major 09/24/16
#3677 Update documentation for #3666 documentation closed wontfix master task major 08/17/16
#3671 RFC: when built against netbsd-curses, "rotating wheel" animation overwrites column headers mc-tty closed invalid master defect trivial 08/10/16
#3667 problem in pt_BR translation in copy (F5) options translations closed wontfix master defect minor 07/29/16
#3662 MC is very slow when starting and changing directories on Windows 10 mc-core closed invalid master defect major 07/27/16
#2141 Not work internal viewer and editor. If open archive, then error "can't spawn child process" mc-core closed worksforme defect major 06/15/16
#3653 Rename a directory does compute totals mc-core closed duplicate master defect minor 06/08/16
#3651 keypad 5 input freeze mc-tty closed duplicate 4.8.17 defect minor 06/03/16
#3207 paste adds extra characters on Gnome Terminal mc-tty closed invalid master enhancement minor 05/17/16
#3645 breaks paste in vte-based terminals mc-tty closed duplicate 4.8.17 defect major 05/17/16
#3634 Unicode filenames are borken when connected with Fish (sftp is ok) mc-vfs closed duplicate 4.8.16 defect major 04/20/16
#3633 ftpfs: Login incorrect for user mc-vfs closed duplicate master defect major 04/14/16
#3631 shell link shows mangled utf-8 names mc-vfs closed duplicate 4.8.16 defect major 04/12/16
#3584 Hints rotates faster when copying/moving small files mc-core closed worksforme 4.8.14 defect trivial 04/11/16
#3630 Multithreaded files copying/moving/deleting mc-core closed duplicate master enhancement minor 04/09/16
#3626 Themes behaves differently with TERM=xterm-256color mc-skin closed duplicate master defect minor 04/04/16
#3625 mc 4.8.16 incorrect work with MacOS SSH mc-vfs closed duplicate 4.8.16 defect major 03/29/16
#3624 slow performance due to small buffer used in mc_read() mc-core closed duplicate master defect major 03/25/16
#423 uzip will not work with new unzip 6.x mc-vfs closed duplicate master defect minor 03/20/16
#3292 Console saving does not work in FreeBSD mc-core closed duplicate master defect major 03/17/16
#3612 fish on large files number mc-vfs closed worksforme master defect minor 03/15/16
#1888 missing special characters mcedit closed worksforme 4.7.0-pre4 defect major 03/06/16
#2711 Crash in file search mc-core closed worksforme 4.8.1 defect major 03/06/16
#2925 Built-in viewer does not work with text files in .ipk archives. mc-core closed worksforme defect major 03/06/16
#2943 Copy/Rename dialogs double the "\" char mc-core closed worksforme 4.8.6 defect major 03/06/16
#3238 Add RSA key based authentication for SFTP mc-vfs closed worksforme enhancement trivial 03/03/16
#3590 [musl alpinelinux] sftp vfs connects to localhost or another alpinelinux-host only mc-vfs closed duplicate master defect major 02/14/16
#3597 WInput widget: notify owner about changes mc-core closed wontfix master enhancement major andrew_b 02/12/16
#3596 Setting PROMPT_COMMAND in a subshell makes mc to consider that the command is still running mc-tty closed wontfix 4.8.14 defect major 02/11/16
#3592 MC über Desktop starten mc-core closed duplicate task major 02/02/16
#3583 Null keepalive char from terminal causes "Directory Scanning" mc-core closed invalid defect major 01/17/16
#3217 Untrusted SSL certificate on this site adm closed duplicate defect major 01/10/16
#3108 Hangs and CPU very high load after exit mc-core closed duplicate defect critical 01/08/16
#2903 Please, add "AAC" as audio for mc.ext mc-core closed fixed defect trivial 01/03/16
#2728 Search "Whole words" non eng chars mc-search closed worksforme defect major 01/03/16
#1427 mcedit/mcview so slow open file if file contain long line in header mc-core closed wontfix defect major 01/03/16
#3576 [mcview] No "not found" message if searching for text from the beginning of the file mcview closed duplicate 4.8.13 defect major 12/17/15
#3564 mc is slow to start mc-core closed invalid master defect major 11/22/15
#3549 View find results doesn't jump to match line if file is too short to scroll page mcview closed invalid 4.8.14 defect minor 11/09/15
#3532 Find File's line numbers are meaningless for parsed files mc-core closed duplicate master defect minor 10/02/15
#3528 MC crashes when selecting too many files and adding their name to a bash command with CTRL-X C mc-core closed invalid 4.8.11 defect blocker 09/25/15
#3519 It is impossible to copy file preserving attributes and considering the umask value mc-core closed invalid enhancement trivial 09/15/15
#3501 Searching for text in a binary file leads to SIGSEGV mc-core closed duplicate master defect major 07/09/15
#3492 Wrong file count while copying/moving mc-core closed invalid defect major 06/30/15
#3480 PHP heredoc highlights fail mcedit closed duplicate 4.8.10 defect major 06/08/15
#2970 mc-4.8.7: german copy/move dialogs are way too big mc-core closed worksforme 4.8.7 defect major 05/24/15
#3153 "make" after a local "git commit" reconfigures everything mc-core closed duplicate master defect minor 05/07/15
#3455 replace lucid builds with vivid adm closed fixed master task major 05/06/15
#2488 "Find File" dialog tab order mc-core closed wontfix 4.7.5 defect minor 04/16/15
#3451 Bad Tab order in Find File mc-core closed duplicate 4.8.14 defect trivial 04/16/15
#2674 Reget doesn't read/write at block boundaries mc-core closed invalid 4.8.0 enhancement minor 04/11/15
#2989 Fix code which depends on signed overflow in C (which isn't defined in C) mc-vfs closed wontfix master defect major 04/05/15
#3425 [patch] fix -Wdeclaration-after-statement compiler warnings mc-core closed duplicate master defect minor 03/29/15
#3421 viewer does not scroll to found text when string is very long mcview closed duplicate 4.8.14 defect major 03/23/15
#3268 tmux screen list mc-core closed wontfix master enhancement major 03/08/15
#3395 RenMov to same fs performs a slow directory scanning mc-core closed duplicate master defect major 01/30/15
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