Ticket #3773 (closed defect: invalid)

Opened 8 years ago

Last modified 8 years ago

External panelize: can browse only one of the resulting directories

Reported by: cri Owned by:
Priority: major Milestone:
Component: mc-core Version: master
Keywords: Cc:
Blocked By: Blocking:
Branch state: no branch Votes for changeset:


How to reproduce:

  • Go to a directory containing many subdirectories
  • Run some find . -type d ... command in External Panelize
  • See only the expected directories showing up in the panel
  • Enter one of those directories
  • Go back (e.g. press Left in lynx mode)

Expected result: get back to the directories resulting from the find command

Actual result: I get back to the original main directory, showing ALL the subdirectories

Is this a bug or a known limitation of the External panelize mode?

Change History

comment:1 Changed 8 years ago by mooffie

This is simply the way panelization works. A panelized listing isn't very "fixed".

You can hit M-o instead of ENTER. This will open the dir you're standing on into the "other" panel.

comment:2 Changed 8 years ago by cri

Ah, thanks for the M-o reminder. I guess this ticket can be closed.

comment:3 Changed 8 years ago by zaytsev

  • Status changed from new to closed
  • Resolution set to invalid
  • Milestone Future Releases deleted

Thanks mooffie for handling this!

comment:4 Changed 8 years ago by mooffie

Surprise: MC has a command for restoring the panelized listing if you lost it. However, it doesn't currently work for "External panelize" (only for "Find file"). I'll fix this in #3767.

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