{23} All Tickets (Including closed) (3430 matches)

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Results (201 - 300 of 3430)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Ticket Summary Component Version Milestone Type Owner Status Created
#253 OperationalError: database is locked adm defect styx closed 02/05/09
#263 OperationalError: database is locked adm defect styx closed 02/06/09
#296 ECAvARlJeGG mc-core defect closed 03/04/09
#297 spam mc-core defect closed 03/04/09
#298 jDuPLtaYugZqYZxt mc-core defect closed 03/04/09
#299 dOvlBRISLCHOad mc-core defect closed 03/04/09
#300 spam mc-core defect closed 03/04/09
#329 mc has high memory footprint when working with archives through VFS mc-vfs 4.6.1 defect closed 04/21/09
#349 git master: vfs: stale cache in /tmp/ after container modification mc-vfs master defect closed 05/11/09
#356 '\' must be escaped in move/rename diallog mc-core master defect closed 05/18/09
#378 cannot change into directories with names containing underscores mc-core 4.6.2 defect closed 05/27/09
#416 Auto completion don't work mcedit defect closed 06/18/09
#1387 Backspace doesn't erase empty lines mcedit master defect closed 06/29/09
#1416 Search regression after removing globals: every file has it's own F7 history mcedit defect closed 07/20/09
#1418 fish: doesn't copy files frоm busybox host mc-core defect winnie closed 07/22/09
#1427 mcedit/mcview so slow open file if file contain long line in header mc-core defect closed 07/28/09
#1436 build error with --with-glib-static option mc-core defect closed 08/01/09
#1442 Viewer resets codepage mcview defect closed 08/02/09
#1450 FISH: timestamps don't show correctly mc-vfs master defect angel_il closed 08/03/09
#1464 mc no longer works with rxvt as an X Window terminal mc-core 4.7.0-pre1 defect closed 08/04/09
#1481 Backward Kill Word in widgets mc-core defect angel_il closed 08/06/09
#1498 Narrow panels if terminal window is too wide mc-tty master defect closed 08/07/09
#1528 Refresh terminal (Ctrl-L) mapping broken in recent 4.6.2 versions mc-core defect closed 08/12/09
#1568 Некорректная реакция на Alt+O mc-core defect closed 08/28/09
#1579 Translation defects mc-core defect slavazanko closed 09/02/09
#1584 Encoding dialog off-screen with horizontal panel layout mc-core defect closed 09/04/09
#1587 --enable-vfs-mcfs doesn't build mc-vfs defect closed 09/06/09
#1603 After copy text from another program (i.e. Kate), inserted text shifted at every string mcedit master defect closed 09/10/09
#1606 with ncurses interface, page down in directory hotlist deletes entry mc-tty 4.7.0-pre2 defect closed 09/11/09
#1626 Dos files in viewer mc-core master defect closed 09/18/09
#1638 M-o and M-i shortcuts mc-core defect closed 09/24/09
#1641 Doesn't work shift+F1(F2) keys mc-core defect closed 09/26/09
#1644 Key combo Shift-F8 harmfull mc-core defect closed 09/28/09
#1676 ini fail not found in ~ mc-core defect closed 10/05/09
#1740 "Show directory sizes" shows size of only one directory mc-core defect closed 10/27/09
#1741 Key '*' should toggle also directories in selection mc-core defect closed 10/27/09
#1766 MC color default mc-skin defect closed 10/31/09
#1772 Incorrect backspace behaviour in mcedit mcedit defect closed 10/31/09
#1773 Make error. Screen.c:213: undefined reference to `g_assertion_message_expr' mc-core defect closed 10/31/09
#1795 incomplete move from ftp mc-vfs 4.7.0-pre4 defect closed 11/05/09
#1799 mc quits immediately if control-c or control-g pressed mc-core defect closed 11/05/09
#1817 Build w/o VFS but with mcserver fails mc-vfs defect closed 11/12/09
#1821 properties.syntax file missing in sources mcedit defect closed 11/13/09
#1846 "Settings -> Display bits" is actually "Options -> Display bits" mc-core defect closed 11/27/09
#1888 missing special characters mcedit 4.7.0-pre4 defect closed 12/22/09
#1912 Remove unused free_codepages_list mc-core defect closed 12/29/09
#1919 Directories are not highlighted on default install on Debian mc-core defect closed 12/29/09
#1938 ctrl-pgdn and ctrl-pgup key mappings broken in latest MC editor mc-core version not selected defect closed 01/05/10
#1961 Incorrect archives handling mc-vfs defect closed 01/14/10
#1962 Quick move non-intelligent behaviour mc-core defect closed 01/14/10
#1970 Column selection failure mcedit defect closed 01/19/10
#1985 @ symbol in RAR archives makes MC crash at opening them mc-vfs defect closed 01/30/10
#2019 problem creating new tickets adm defect vit_r closed 02/11/10
#2034 mc crashes when subshell is fed from X clipboard mc-core defect closed 02/17/10
#2052 uncompressing error in mc.menu mc-core defect closed 02/21/10
#2064 Some keys are not properly recognized in Konsole/xterm mc-tty defect closed 02/26/10
#2074 ftp timeout processing mc-vfs 4.7.1 defect closed 03/02/10
#2080 SIGSEGV when trying to panelize find results mc-core defect closed 03/02/10
#2095 tar vfs instability mc-vfs 4.7.1 defect closed 03/10/10
#2096 crash in mcedit mc-core defect closed 03/10/10
#2100 mc hangs up on attempt to enter .zip archive with encrypted headers mc-vfs defect closed 03/11/10
#2113 Get rid of unpacking arcives to temporary directory mc-vfs master defect closed 03/18/10
#2116 Incorrect parsing in command line of MC mc-core defect closed 03/19/10
#2131 E: mc: binary-or-shlib-defines-rpath ./usr/bin/mc /usr/lib mc-core defect andrew_b closed 04/04/10
#2141 Not work internal viewer and editor. If open archive, then error "can't spawn child process" mc-core defect closed 04/13/10
#2186 The outputs from commands under panels are unvisible mc-core 4.7.2 defect closed 05/07/10
#2204 mc hangs when run on a linux console with framebuffer mc-core 4.7.2 defect closed 05/19/10
#2221 Compilation from master git clone fails in mc-4.7.2 mc-core defect closed 05/26/10
#2222 Compare directories skip directories mc-core defect closed 05/27/10
#2223 locale selection broken mc-core master defect closed 05/27/10
#2230 problem copying file containing #a# mc-vfs defect closed 06/01/10
#2241 key binding "ctrl-1" doesn't work properly mc-tty defect closed 06/17/10
#2258 paste in mc edit doesnt respect indention level mcedit defect closed 07/05/10
#2262 MC doesn't display on all window if run in gnome-terminal in a maximized window mc-core defect closed 07/06/10
#2293 syntax error in filehighlight/, when compiling for Solaris 5 i386 mc-core defect closed 07/19/10
#2298 mc doesn't create .mc folder for saving settings mc-core defect closed 07/27/10
#2301 Archive decompression directly to destination mc-vfs defect closed 07/29/10
#2302 [extfs][urar][patch] handle broken rar archives better mc-vfs master defect closed 08/01/10
#2306 posix tar does not handle long filenames mc-vfs defect closed 08/09/10
#2315 mcedit: block curser invisible over tab-marker in gnome-terminal mcedit defect closed 08/22/10
#2317 slow unzip mc-vfs defect closed 08/23/10
#2318 Editor exit dialog button order has changed. NOT FUNNY! mcedit defect closed 08/23/10
#2319 crash in replace when the first occurence is skipped mcedit defect closed 08/23/10
#2321 4.7.3: "copy directory to another pane which already has same-named directory" behavior has changed mc-core defect closed 08/24/10
#2331 mc 4.7.2 ssh connection problem mc-vfs defect closed 08/27/10
#2349 File/directory copy dialog does not always work mc-core 4.7.4 defect closed 09/14/10
#2353 copying to *.! mc-core 4.7.4 defect closed 09/15/10
#2358 [Shift + Ins] didn't paste from cooledit.clip mcedit defect closed 09/20/10
#2416 Closing the window with mc leaves it in background consuming 100% CPU mc-tty defect closed 11/10/10
#2418 copying/moving with shell patterns won't work as expected mc-core defect closed 11/13/10
#2431 Hot-key override data when attempt to add new field in Listenig mode mc-core defect closed 11/25/10
#2433 search dialog in viewer doesn't correctly process input field in hexadecimal mode mc-search defect closed 12/01/10
#2476 ftpfs doesn't work on NetBSD mc-vfs defect closed 01/22/11
#2477 definition of macro begin when Ctlr+A <defined key> pressed mcedit defect closed 01/22/11
#2502 Screen corruption with non-printable chars mcdiff defect closed 02/17/11
#2517 useless strlen() mc-core defect closed 03/27/11
#2532 Shell link listing not working correctly on FreeBSD-8.2 (fish) mc-vfs 4.7.5 defect closed 04/08/11
#2540 mcedit: ctrl+{leftArrow|rightArrow} don't work (for word skipping left|right) mcedit defect closed 04/13/11
#2574 symlink loop in .deb segfaults mc mc-vfs defect closed 07/13/11
#2828 multiple memory leaks mc-core defect closed 06/13/12
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