{6} All Tickets By Milestone (Including closed) (3320 matches)

A more complex example to show how to make advanced reports.

Results (1801 - 1900 of 3320)

4.7.4 (11 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#2272 mcedit: replace confirmation - segfault on Skip/Cancel mcedit closed fixed 4.7.3 defect major andrew_b 07/19/10
#1966 DarkFar skin: special files are invisible mc-skin closed fixed defect minor 07/18/10
#2279 mcserver deprecation and removal mc-vfs closed fixed master task minor andrew_b 07/17/10
#2257 widget: enable/disable some dialog elements by trigger mc-core closed fixed master enhancement trivial andrew_b 07/17/10
#2284 segfault on path autocompletion mc-core closed fixed 4.7.3 defect major andrew_b 07/17/10
#2276 copy/move: wrong directory update with the same name mc-core closed fixed master defect major slavazanko 07/15/10
#2265 mcedit quit dialog mcedit closed wontfix 4.7.3 enhancement trivial andrew_b 07/13/10
#2235 be-tarask.po should be renamed to be@tarask.po translations closed fixed master task minor zaytsev 07/11/10
#2035 cooledit keystroke combination "C-s" is undocumented mcedit closed fixed master enhancement minor andrew_b 07/11/10
#2264 "Advanced Chown" Segmentation fault mc-core closed fixed 4.7.3 defect critical andrew_b 07/09/10
#1523 Add hotkey for forced using internal mc editor mc-core closed fixed 4.7.0-pre1 enhancement minor andrew_b 07/07/10

4.7.3 (39 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#45 savannah: Build system does not allow cross compiling mc-core closed fixed master defect major slavazanko 01/12/14
#320 Reorganization of menus and configuration dialogs mc-core closed fixed master task minor andrew_b 11/24/11
#2085 Repalce GLib deprecated functions mc-core closed fixed master task major andrew_b 11/08/10
#2249 invalid memory access / crash mc-core closed fixed master defect critical andrew_b 11/08/10
#2174 Quick search partial interrupt mc-core closed fixed master defect trivial andrew_b 09/27/10
#2242 FISH: Need move hardcoded scripts into external files. mc-vfs closed fixed master enhancement minor angel_il 09/18/10
#2231 mcedit goes to endless loop when trying to replace \n regexp with any substring mcedit closed fixed defect major andrew_b 07/10/10
#2259 Prepare for release mc-4.7.3 mc-core closed fixed 4.7.2 task major slavazanko 07/05/10
#2039 missing retcheck in lib/skin/ini-file.c mc-skin closed fixed master defect trivial andrew_b 07/05/10
#2243 Code cleanup before 4.7.3 release mc-core closed fixed master task major andrew_b 07/05/10
#2153 [editor][selection] selection moved when try to press F5 or F6 mcedit closed fixed master defect major angel_il 07/05/10
#2115 Incorrect dialog displayed on CreateDirectory, Edit Symlink, View file mc-core closed fixed defect major andrew_b 06/28/10
#2248 Upon creation of a new file, the translation is not set in mcedit (=> input = unprintable chars) mcedit closed fixed master defect major andrew_b 06/25/10
#1446 [PATCH] updates for syntax/spec.syntax mcedit closed fixed master enhancement minor zaytsev 06/25/10
#2199 [Patch] Buttonbar mouseclicks are off mc-core closed fixed defect major zaytsev 06/24/10
#1959 AC_TRY_RUN crosscompile break mc-core closed fixed master defect major slavazanko 06/16/10
#2196 Editor hangup if editor_tab_spacing is 0 mc-core closed fixed master defect critical andrew_b 06/14/10
#1646 Remove leading and trailing spaces in i18n'd resources mc-core closed fixed master task minor andrew_b 06/07/10
#2226 Delayed filesystem information mc-core closed fixed master defect minor andrew_b 06/07/10
#2161 DEL - clear input line in dialog mc-core closed fixed master enhancement minor angel_il 05/31/10
#2228 compile error mc-core closed fixed master defect major andrew_b 05/31/10
#2203 CP866/CP437/CP850 encodings are unusable in MC 4.7.2 mc-vfs closed fixed 4.7.2 defect major andrew_b 05/28/10
#2212 tree view: colors in tree view are all wrong. mc-core closed fixed master defect minor andrew_b 05/28/10
#1838 source_codepage autodetect with enca program. mc-core closed fixed master defect major andrew_b 05/27/10
#1771 Hide cursor when menu opened mc-core closed fixed 4.7.0-pre4 enhancement trivial andrew_b 05/26/10
#2168 Hotkey shouldn't be capitalized mc-core closed fixed master defect minor andrew_b 05/26/10
#2042 Relative Symlinks - Patch mc-core closed fixed enhancement minor andrew_b 05/22/10
#2195 Crash on search in viewed file after Parsed/Raw switching mcview closed fixed 4.7.2 defect major slavazanko 05/21/10
#2157 ncurses vs. slang: oversized dialog backgrounds not painted in curses mc-tty closed fixed defect major andrew_b 05/19/10
#2158 Some hotkeys have duplicates and thus don't work mc-core closed fixed master defect minor andrew_b 05/14/10
#1742 [patch] Add settings mc-core closed fixed 4.7.0-pre4 enhancement minor andrew_b 05/14/10
#2021 create mark and move *up* command mc-core closed fixed master enhancement trivial angel_il 05/14/10
#2192 autocompletion word of command line mc-core closed fixed 4.7.2 defect major andrew_b 05/14/10
#2182 mcdiff: hangup if tab_size = 0 mcdiff closed fixed master defect critical angel_il 05/14/10
#1911 Use system realpath() instead of own implementation mc-core closed fixed master defect major andrew_b 05/14/10
#2187 mc -e and mc -v don't work mc-core closed fixed 4.7.2 defect critical andrew_b 05/14/10
#2183 mcedit crash after open empty gz file mcedit closed fixed 4.7.2 defect critical andrew_b 05/14/10
#2178 mcedit crash after ctrl-z mc-core closed fixed 4.7.2 defect major andrew_b 05/11/10
#2025 --help incorrect mc-core closed fixed master task trivial andrew_b 05/08/10

4.7.2 (47 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#120 savannah: compare files command would be nice to have in mc mc-core closed fixed master enhancement minor angel_il 01/12/14
#1754 show current syntax scheme in editor mcedit closed fixed 4.7.0-pre3 enhancement trivial andrew_b 11/08/10
#1648 Single-line boxes wanted mc-tty closed fixed master defect minor andrew_b 11/08/10
#2107 Turning on wrap mode does not scroll left the file view mcview closed fixed 4.7.1 defect minor andrew_b 11/08/10
#2068 Segfault in panelization of file find results mc-core closed fixed 4.7.1 defect major andrew_b 10/18/10
#2082 If dialog was canceled, input line content is saved in history mc-core closed fixed 4.7.1 defect major andrew_b 05/09/10
#2166 Prepare for release mc-4.7.2 mc-core closed fixed 4.7.1 task blocker slavazanko 05/05/10
#1949 Complete struct initialization mc-core closed fixed master enhancement minor andrew_b 05/05/10
#2041 missing retcheck of g_strdup_printf in logging.c mc-core closed fixed master defect trivial andrew_b 05/05/10
#2119 some-trivial-corrections mc-core closed fixed master defect trivial andrew_b 05/05/10
#2097 Cleanup for current master mc-core closed fixed 4.7.1 task trivial andrew_b 05/05/10
#2126 ini.syntax mcedit closed fixed master enhancement trivial zaytsev 05/04/10
#1897 Build breaks on ignored return values mc-core closed fixed master defect blocker slavazanko 05/04/10
#1671 i18n_checktimelength may vary depending on the season mc-core closed fixed master defect major zaytsev 05/04/10
#2127 [PATCH] [Syntax] UPDATED: file extension for "sh" mcedit closed fixed master enhancement trivial zaytsev 05/03/10
#2122 Y2k bug in uzip vfs mc-vfs closed fixed master defect minor slavazanko 04/30/10
#1734 ViewMoveToEol behaves weirdly mcview closed fixed master defect major angel_il 04/30/10
#2005 Text area is not updated in hex mode of editor. mcview closed fixed master defect major angel_il 04/30/10
#2159 After the inclusion of mcdiff the SPEC needs an update mc-core closed fixed master defect major zaytsev 04/29/10
#2155 When editor_persistent_selections=0 pasting from clipboad deletes currently selected block (paste over current selection). mcedit closed fixed 4.7.1 enhancement minor angel_il 04/28/10
#2091 Superfluous "Search done, Continue from begining?" dialog mcview closed fixed 4.7.1 defect trivial slavazanko 04/25/10
#2146 Misleading label "Status:" in the Info panel mc-core closed fixed master defect minor zaytsev 04/25/10
#1660 Color keywords discrepancy mc-skin closed fixed 4.7.0-pre3 defect trivial andrew_b 04/25/10
#2149 Patches adding a single line are not shown correctly by patchfs mc-vfs closed fixed master defect major andrew_b 04/25/10
#2050 [PATCH] Disable RAR/UNRAR user/system configuration for archive list and copyout operations in extfs/urar mc-vfs closed fixed master defect major andrew_b 04/22/10
#2049 [PATCH] extfs/urar doesn't correctly shows localized filenames in RAR archives mc-vfs closed fixed master defect major andrew_b 04/22/10
#2134 configure.ac: add support for AM_SILENT_RULES mc-core closed fixed 4.7.1 enhancement minor slyfox 04/10/10
#2081 [Patch] mcedit overwrite mode buggy in UTF-8 mcedit closed fixed master defect major angel_il 04/06/10
#1909 Plugable EXTFS VFS mc-vfs closed fixed master defect major andrew_b 04/06/10
#2121 Deleting symlink to directory scans dir structure first mc-core closed fixed 4.7.1 defect minor andrew_b 04/06/10
#2125 User asked twice about overwriting file mc-core closed fixed master defect major bilbo 04/02/10
#2001 Broken default regexp mask in filecopy dialog mc-core closed fixed master defect minor slavazanko 04/01/10
#2108 lib-vfs-mc-vfs-fish.c-src-editor-edit.c-miss-g_free mc-vfs closed fixed master defect major andrew_b 03/30/10
#2069 Memory leaks mc-core closed fixed master defect major andrew_b 03/30/10
#2086 view with wrap bug mcview closed fixed 4.7.1 defect major angel_il 03/30/10
#2022 allow wildcards in quicksearch dialog mc-core closed fixed master enhancement minor angel_il 03/28/10
#2056 [PATCH] Don't propose ".." as a dirname using mkdir command with automatic name filling mc-core closed fixed master defect minor andrew_b 03/19/10
#2093 Mouse wheel shouldn't change sorting preferences in panels mc-core closed fixed 4.7.1 enhancement major andrew_b 03/19/10
#2114 Don't treat files ending with a dot as gzip mc-core closed fixed defect trivial andrew_b 03/19/10
#2094 resetting option_cursor_beyond_eol does not reset over_col mcedit closed fixed master defect minor angel_il 03/17/10
#2014 [PATCH] Don't try to make directory NULL named in mkdir_cmd() mc-core closed fixed master defect minor andrew_b 03/17/10
#2099 Delete dialog broken when verbose mode is switched off mc-core closed fixed 4.7.1 defect major slavazanko 03/12/10
#1770 'Case insensitive' option for syntax highlihting mcedit closed fixed master defect trivial styx 03/10/10
#2087 mcedit standalone mode SIGSEGVS on ctrl-o/ctrl-o mc-core closed fixed 4.7.1 defect major andrew_b 03/06/10
#2060 Cabal syntax update mcedit closed fixed master enhancement trivial styx 03/04/10
#2067 ruler display delay mcview closed fixed 4.7.1 defect minor andrew_b 02/28/10
#1701 Can't define help window background via skin mc-core closed fixed 4.7.0-pre3 defect minor andrew_b 02/28/10

4.7.1 (3 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#1585 MC viewer is terribly slow in inefficient when jumping to the end of big files mcview closed fixed master defect critical angel_il 12/23/20
#66 savannah: read (subshell_pty...): No such file or directory (2) on mc compiled with subshel mc-core closed fixed defect major 01/11/14
#58 savannah: bytes/count file meter in copy and move dialogs doesn't always work right mc-core closed fixed master defect major 01/11/14
Note: See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.