{23} All Tickets (Including closed) (3393 matches)

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Results (1501 - 1600 of 3393)

Ticket Summary Component Version Milestone Type Owner Status Created
#355 mcconfig: wrong type in mc_config_get_keys mc-core master 4.7 defect closed 05/15/09
#2244 MC consumes 100% cpu after wake up from suspend mc-tty 4.7.4 Future Releases defect assigned 06/21/10
#4456 MC could really use FTP's MFMT command mc-vfs master Future Releases defect new 05/10/23
#4455 MC could really use FTP's MLSD command mc-vfs master Future Releases enhancement new 05/10/23
#3701 MC crashes inside Docker container on Windows mc-core 4.8.14 defect closed 10/11/16
#1942 mc crashes on exit when using C locale mc-core 4.7.1 defect andrew_b closed 01/06/10
#4075 mc crashes on mouse click in search file dialog mc-core master defect closed 04/20/20
#3064 mc crashes on rpm packages with tar files inside mc-vfs master 4.8.11 defect andrew_b closed 08/29/13
#3188 mc crashes on Solaris right after start mc-core 4.8.11 defect closed 03/31/14
#1790 mc crashes on start mc-core 4.7.0-pre4 4.7.0 defect slavazanko closed 11/02/09
#4213 mc crashes on startup with subshell support as default in Freebsd mc-core 4.8.26 Future Releases defect andrew_b accepted 02/25/21
#3937 mc crashes right after it tries to open an SFTP link mc-vfs 4.8.21 4.8.22 defect andrew_b closed 10/01/18
#2065 mc crashes when entering a deb file created from mc mc-vfs 4.7.1 4.7 defect closed 02/26/10
#1992 Mc crashes when running with ftp link mc-core 4.7.1 defect andrew_b closed 02/03/10
#3528 MC crashes when selecting too many files and adding their name to a bash command with CTRL-X C mc-core 4.8.11 defect closed 09/25/15
#2034 mc crashes when subshell is fed from X clipboard mc-core defect closed 02/17/10
#3078 MC crashes while copying few directories mc-core 4.8.10 4.8.11 defect closed 09/24/13
#1574 mc crashes while setting tty colors mc-tty 4.7.0-pre2 4.7.0-pre3 defect andrew_b closed 08/30/09
#2239 MC crash on copy into <dirname_with_LT_or_GT_signs> mc-core 4.7.4 4.7 defect slavazanko closed 06/14/10
#3617 mc crash when copying files between panels (F5) under FreeBSD 9.3 mc-core 4.8.16 4.8.17 defect zaytsev closed 03/15/16
#1793 mc ctrl-c exit mc-core 4.7.0-pre4 4.7.0 defect angel_il closed 11/05/09
#2736 MC deletes the wrong file mc-core master 4.8.2 defect andrew_b closed 02/21/12
#3759 mcdiff color weirdnesses mcdiff master Future Releases enhancement new 01/21/17
#4487 mcdiff fails on macOS because of wrong diff support mcdiff 4.8.29 defect closed 07/30/23
#2182 mcdiff: hangup if tab_size = 0 mcdiff master 4.7.3 defect angel_il closed 05/06/10
#4163 mcdiff - Merge from left to right with F6 mcdiff master enhancement closed 12/27/20
#4608 mcdiff: "Segmentation fault" after empty files merge attempt mcdiff 4.8.29 4.8.33 defect andrew_b closed 12/03/24
#3984 mcdiff Segmentation fault in ydiff.c when calling g_utf8_offset_to_pointer() mcdiff 4.8.22 Future Releases defect new 05/09/19
#2177 mcdiff shortcut mc-core master 4.7.5 enhancement slavazanko closed 05/06/10
#2867 mcdiff should show *.diff/*.patch files mcdiff master Future Releases enhancement new 08/14/12
#2865 mcdiffviewer could save diff mcdiff master Future Releases enhancement new 08/10/12
#2778 "mc dir1 dir2" ignores "dir2" mc-core defect closed 04/14/12
#3048 mc displayes differently directories in face of xterm-256color mc-core master defect closed 07/26/13
#1749 mc does not build with Sun Studio compiler mc-core 4.7.0-pre3 4.7.0 defect slavazanko closed 10/27/09
#3887 MC does not exit on Ubuntu PPC64 big endian mc-core master 4.8.28 defect andrew_b closed 12/10/17
#4378 MC does not recognize XTerm as a terminal emulator that supports 256-colors mc-tty master defect closed 06/20/22
#354 MC does not remember mask in Select screen mc-core 4.6.2 4.7 defect slavazanko closed 05/14/09
#3814 MC does not set group-sticky bit when copy directory to directory with group-sticky bit mc-core master Future Releases defect new 04/22/17
#2997 mc does not support autodetection for extfs - problem with different formats of .ipk files (now with patch) mc-vfs 4.7.0 Future Releases enhancement new 04/06/13
#4148 mc does not threat TERM=screen.xterm-256color as 256 colored terminal mc-tty 4.8.25 defect closed 11/24/20
#2945 MC does not update $PS1 after internal file operations mc-core 4.8.7 Future Releases defect new 01/01/13
#2411 MC doesn't allow to scroll a bzip'ped file past 16384 bytes mcview 4.7.4 4.7.5 defect slavazanko closed 11/05/10
#285 mc doesn't automatically create ~/.mc directory mc-core 4.6.2 4.7 defect winnie closed 02/24/09
#2298 mc doesn't create .mc folder for saving settings mc-core defect closed 07/27/10
#2262 MC doesn't display on all window if run in gnome-terminal in a maximized window mc-core defect closed 07/06/10
#386 mc doesn't handle Shift+F[1-4] mc-tty master defect slavazanko closed 05/30/09
#2423 MC doesn't jump to a destination directory upon pressing Enter on files in panelization mc-core 4.7.4 Future Releases defect new 11/18/10
#4049 MC doesn't let me modify contents of archive mc-vfs master Future Releases enhancement new 01/18/20
#4552 MC doesn't open files with external editor mc-core master defect closed 06/20/24
#4393 mc doesn't open images, pdfs and other document types anymore mc-core 4.8.28 defect closed 07/25/22
#2383 MC doesn't put rebinded keys into the search(Ctrl-S, Alt-S) mc-core 4.7.4 4.8 defect closed 10/10/10
#2384 MC doesn't rebind F1-F10 keys mc-core 4.7.4 4.8.3 defect andrew_b closed 10/10/10
#3689 mc doesn't recognize shell (e.g., /bin/sh) as bash when it is a link to bash binary mc-core master enhancement closed 09/18/16
#2921 mc doesn't respect first-line comments in man pages mc-core master Future Releases defect new 11/03/12
#3009 mc doesn't respect SGID bit while copying mc-vfs master Future Releases defect new 05/21/13
#3848 mc dropped path when try open NFS mount point from Windows 2012 mc-core master Future Releases defect new 08/15/17
#2187 mc -e and mc -v don't work mc-core 4.7.2 4.7.3 defect andrew_b closed 05/07/10
#326 mc -e /cmc -->>>> Segmentation fault (core dumped) mcedit 4.6.1 4.7 defect closed 04/17/09
#3843 mcedit, 8-bit terminal, encoding=UTF-8: characters between 0x80 and 0xff are broken mcedit master 4.8.20 defect zaytsev closed 07/25/17
#4250 mcedit: added syntax highlighting for .json files mcedit master 4.8.27 enhancement andrew_b closed 05/27/21
#4072 mcedit anchored regex line matching inconsistencies mcedit 4.8.24 Future Releases defect new 03/28/20
#2315 mcedit: block curser invisible over tab-marker in gnome-terminal mcedit defect closed 08/22/10
#3668 mcedit bookmarks are killed when opening file from search dialog mcedit master 4.8.18 defect andrew_b closed 08/05/16
#3897 mcedit: broken extended key mode mcedit master 4.8.21 defect andrew_b closed 02/09/18
#3377 mcedit cannot highlight echo "$(echo "$(echo)")" normally mcedit master defect closed 12/12/14
#3896 mcedit can not show "/dev/null" mcedit master defect closed 01/29/18
#1876 mcedit closed by ctrl-c without conformation changes mc-tty master 4.7.0 defect andrew_b closed 12/16/09
#3081 mcedit command to copy to X11 clipboard mcedit master enhancement closed 09/26/13
#283 mcedit consumes a lot of time to open a large file mcedit 4.6.2 Future Releases defect new 02/24/09
#2178 mcedit crash after ctrl-z mc-core 4.7.2 4.7.3 defect andrew_b closed 05/06/10
#2183 mcedit crash after open empty gz file mcedit 4.7.2 4.7.3 defect andrew_b closed 05/07/10
#4124 mcedit crashes at startup mc-core master 4.8.26 defect andrew_b closed 10/08/20
#2738 mcedit crashes when ~/.config is a file mc-core master 4.8.2 defect andrew_b closed 02/29/12
#4192 mcedit crash on safe (shadows) mc-tty 4.8.26 4.8.27 defect andrew_b closed 02/02/21
#3830 mcedit: create a corpus of sample files in various syntaxes for testing purposes mcedit master Future Releases task new 06/15/17
#3533 mcedit: Ctrl+E (go to end of line) and Ctrl+A (go to start of line) shortcuts mcedit master Future Releases enhancement new 10/06/15
#2540 mcedit: ctrl+{leftArrow|rightArrow} don't work (for word skipping left|right) mcedit defect closed 04/13/11
#3215 Mcedit cursor takes more space on russian letters mcedit master Future Releases defect new 05/14/14
#2130 mcedit default indentation settings cause mixture of tabs and spaces mcedit master Future Releases enhancement new 04/04/10
#2355 mcedit displays opened file with "^M" tag in end of each line mcedit 4.7 defect closed 09/16/10
#2999 mcedit doesn't handle ZWNJ correctly. mcedit master Future Releases defect new 04/08/13
#3898 mcedit doesn't save all opened files mcedit master 4.8.21 defect andrew_b closed 02/10/18
#2231 mcedit goes to endless loop when trying to replace \n regexp with any substring mcedit 4.7.3 defect andrew_b closed 06/03/10
#3224 mcedit hangs on `Paste output of...` mcedit master Future Releases defect new 06/17/14
#1529 mcedit have overhead in converter algorithm mcedit master 4.7.0-pre2 defect angel_il closed 08/13/09
#2142 mcedit highlighting stumbles upon multiple nested quotes mcedit master Future Releases defect new 04/15/10
#2404 MCEDIT ignores old (and documented) keys like CTRL+Z and CTRL+X mc-key-bindings master 4.7.5 defect andrew_b closed 11/01/10
#1683 mcedit: Impossible to turn off syntax highlighting with Ctrl-s hotkey mcedit 4.7.0-pre3 4.7.0-pre4 defect angel_il closed 10/09/09
#4252 MCEdit: incorrect syntax detection mcedit master defect closed 05/29/21
#3969 mcedit: incorrect syntax highlighting for .c and .cxx files mcedit master defect closed 02/07/19
#1411 mcedit input text issue mcedit master 4.7.0-pre2 defect angel_il closed 07/16/09
#4421 mcedit is slow at handling files with long lines (25KB+) mcedit 4.8.28 Future Releases defect new 12/25/22
#1884 mcedit: jump to the end of the file is not consistent to jump to beginning of file mcedit master 4.7.0 defect closed 12/21/09
#2757 mcedit macros are broken mcedit master 4.8.3 defect angel_il closed 03/21/12
#3918 mcedit man page talks about scanf search which seems to be removed documentation master 4.8.22 defect andrew_b closed 06/01/18
#3761 mcedit marked column deletion with F8 is wrong. mcedit master 4.8.31 defect andrew_b closed 01/24/17
#1427 mcedit/mcview so slow open file if file contain long line in header mc-core defect closed 07/28/09
#1956 mcedit: moving cursor to the empty last line problem mcedit master 4.7.1 defect angel_il closed 01/12/10
#2726 mcedit must reset selection when pressed END/HOME/PgDn/PgUp (nonpersistent mode) mcedit master 4.8.2 defect angel_il closed 02/01/12
#4402 mcedit - open file at specific line and column position mcedit master Future Releases enhancement new 08/22/22
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