{23} All Tickets (Includind closed) (3320 matches)

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Results (1501 - 1600 of 3320)

Ticket Summary Component Version Milestone Type Owner Status Created
#30 savannah: support for x clipboard wanted mcedit master 4.7.4 enhancement angel_il closed 12/25/08
#2279 mcserver deprecation and removal mc-vfs master 4.7.4 task andrew_b closed 07/13/10
#2273 restore signals even if fork() fails mc-core master 4.7.4 defect andrew_b closed 07/11/10
#2265 mcedit quit dialog mcedit 4.7.3 4.7.4 enhancement andrew_b closed 07/08/10
#2316 Code cleanup before 4.7.4 release mc-core 4.7.3 4.7.4 task andrew_b closed 08/22/10
#2267 Implement resuming file downloads (reget) in FISH VFS mc-vfs master 4.7.4 enhancement angel_il closed 07/09/10
#2337 Check for inode count instead of block count mc-core 4.7.3 4.7.4 defect andrew_b closed 09/01/10
#2320 regexp replace only transforms the first occurence correctly mcedit 4.7.3 4.7.4 defect andrew_b closed 08/23/10
#2299 History is defective mc-core master 4.7.4 defect andrew_b closed 07/28/10
#2284 segfault on path autocompletion mc-core 4.7.3 4.7.4 defect andrew_b closed 07/15/10
#2277 Warnings in mcdiff mcdiff master 4.7.4 defect angel_il closed 07/12/10
#2276 copy/move: wrong directory update with the same name mc-core master 4.7.4 defect slavazanko closed 07/11/10
#2272 mcedit: replace confirmation - segfault on Skip/Cancel mcedit 4.7.3 4.7.4 defect andrew_b closed 07/11/10
#2263 viewer: doesn't show koi-8 chars in hex mode mcview master 4.7.4 defect angel_il closed 07/07/10
#2253 DONT_SPLIT option bad formatted documentation master 4.7.4 defect slavazanko closed 06/30/10
#2123 crash while copying into directory named "????" mc-core 4.7.1 4.7.4 defect slavazanko closed 03/24/10
#1818 Refactoring no-vfs mc-vfs master 4.7.4 defect andrew_b closed 11/12/09
#123 savannah: 2GB file size limit in fish mc-vfs 4.6.1 4.7.4 defect andrew_b closed 01/02/09
#2448 crash in copy progress dialog mc-core master 4.7.5 defect andrew_b closed 12/13/10
#2425 segfaults on NetBSD>=3.0 on startup mc-core 4.7.5 defect andrew_b closed 11/20/10
#2407 find file dialog bugs mc-core master 4.7.5 defect andrew_b closed 11/04/10
#2405 Listing mode - typing text mc-core master 4.7.5 defect andrew_b closed 11/01/10
#2350 Please fix Keybar mc-core master 4.7.5 defect andrew_b closed 09/14/10
#1785 lost transparency colors in mcedit [editnormal] background depends on [normal] mcedit 4.7.0-pre4 4.7.5 defect slavazanko closed 11/02/09
#2396 Find File "Whole words" search bug mc-search master 4.7.5 defect slavazanko closed 10/18/10
#2449 editor: search position reset after file opened in viewer mcedit 4.7.4 4.7.5 defect angel_il closed 12/13/10
#27 savannah: undo grouping wanted mcedit master 4.7.5 enhancement angel_il closed 12/25/08
#2437 mcedit text selection length doesn't change when text is deleted mcedit 4.7.4 4.7.5 defect angel_il closed 12/07/10
#1894 Panel Sort order "not Case Sensitive" should not mix dotfiles with others mc-core master 4.7.5 enhancement andrew_b closed 12/24/09
#2177 mcdiff shortcut mc-core master 4.7.5 enhancement slavazanko closed 05/06/10
#2197 The different color pair is needed for editor/viewer/diffviewer status bar mc-core master 4.7.5 enhancement andrew_b closed 05/14/10
#2287 internal editor bookmarks should be persistent (saved in filepos) mcedit 4.7.3 4.7.5 enhancement angel_il closed 07/16/10
#2432 delete and backspace key behaviour broken in master mc-key-bindings master 4.7.5 defect andrew_b closed 11/26/10
#1424 [RPMLint] conffile-without-noreplace-flag warnings mc-core master 4.7.5 defect andrew_b closed 07/25/09
#2327 Can't put ? into a new name mc-core master 4.7.5 defect slavazanko closed 08/26/10
#2427 cython syntax file mcedit 4.7.4 4.7.5 enhancement angel_il closed 11/22/10
#2171 Hotkey color used for complete entries mc-skin 4.7.2 4.7.5 defect andrew_b closed 05/05/10
#2375 go up dir hot key mc-core master 4.7.5 enhancement angel_il closed 10/01/10
#1800 Minor enhancement/fix for mc.ext mc-core 4.7.0-pre4 4.7.5 defect andrew_b closed 11/07/09
#2365 Repeat previous quicksearch on C-s C-s mc-core 4.7.4 4.7.5 enhancement slavazanko closed 09/26/10
#1651 user menu: filetype-specific items don't show in 'mc -e' standalone mc-core master 4.7.5 defect andrew_b closed 10/01/09
#2435 Viewer: cannot go to the specified offset mcview master 4.7.5 defect andrew_b closed 12/04/10
#2429 mc got its counters overflown on a large amounts of data mc-core 4.7.4 4.7.5 defect andrew_b closed 11/23/10
#1953 some cppcheck cleanups mc-core master 4.7.5 task slyfox closed 01/10/10
#2333 Mc hangs after exit mc-core 4.7.4 4.7.5 defect andrew_b closed 08/28/10
#2344 Fix line jump when started as editor mcedit master 4.7.5 defect zaytsev closed 09/09/10
#2670 Prepare for stable release mc- mc-core 4.7.5 task slavazanko closed 11/09/11
#2447 Prepare for release mc-4.7.5 mc-core 4.7.5-pre1 4.7.5 task slavazanko closed 12/10/10
#2409 Prepare for release mc-4.7.5-pre1 mc-core 4.7.4 4.7.5 task slavazanko closed 11/04/10
#2529 Convenient renaming of files in mc mc-core 4.8.18 4.7.5 enhancement closed 04/04/11
#2238 When the text is copied to the clipboard the selection is reset mcedit master 4.7.5 enhancement angel_il closed 06/11/10
#2046 Field history in the "Find file" dialog should not impact the usability for major use cases mc-core master 4.7.5 enhancement zaytsev closed 02/21/10
#2434 Find File, Panelize & Delete fails mc-core 4.7.4 4.7.5 defect andrew_b closed 12/03/10
#2419 configure script for mc-4.7.4 fails to set samba configdir mc-vfs 4.7.4 4.7.5 defect andrew_b closed 11/15/10
#2417 String in the editor's search field turns into garbage after reopening editor mcedit 4.7.4 4.7.5 defect andrew_b closed 11/12/10
#2415 Exit window won't disappear when "Cancel quit" is pressed mcedit master 4.7.5 defect andrew_b closed 11/10/10
#2411 MC doesn't allow to scroll a bzip'ped file past 16384 bytes mcview 4.7.4 4.7.5 defect slavazanko closed 11/05/10
#2404 MCEDIT ignores old (and documented) keys like CTRL+Z and CTRL+X mc-key-bindings master 4.7.5 defect andrew_b closed 11/01/10
#2398 ~ is not treated properly in editor's "Save As" dialog mcedit master 4.7.5 defect andrew_b closed 10/20/10
#2393 Clipboard contents overwritten mc-core 4.7.0-pre4 4.7.5 defect angel_il closed 10/16/10
#2366 ignore_dirs not working mc-core 4.7.4 4.7.5 defect andrew_b closed 09/27/10
#2362 mouse and checkbox mc-core master 4.7.5 defect andrew_b closed 09/25/10
#2356 mc viewer: segmentation fault mcview 4.7.4 4.7.5 defect slavazanko closed 09/17/10
#2347 Hardcoded FISH scripts do not work properly mc-vfs master 4.7.5 defect angel_il closed 09/14/10
#2324 manually changing syntax definition is broken mcedit master 4.7.5 defect andrew_b closed 08/26/10
#2288 Regression in path autocompletion mc-core master 4.7.5 defect andrew_b closed 07/17/10
#2137 Cannot change panel encoding without VFS support mc-vfs master 4.7.5 defect andrew_b closed 04/07/10
#2135 End button in MC viewer jumps too far mcview 4.7.1 4.7.5 defect slavazanko closed 04/07/10
#2031 Permission denied (13) on ssh to sun solaris mc-vfs 4.7.5 defect angel_il closed 02/16/10
#1963 ISO9660 VFS doesn't recognize Joliet extension (losing long filenames) mc-vfs 4.7.5 defect andrew_b closed 01/14/10
#1898 Bug in vertical selection mcedit master 4.7.5 defect angel_il closed 12/24/09
#1856 Bug, search in files with different encodings. mcedit 4.7.0-pre4 4.7.5 defect andrew_b closed 12/03/09
#1512 "Choose codepage" dialog does not remember current choice mc-core master 4.7.5 defect andrew_b closed 08/09/09
#1490 Multiple viewers and editors open concurrently with the file manager mc-core master 4.7.5 defect andrew_b closed 08/06/09
#121 savannah: Please support IPv6 mc-vfs master 4.7.5 defect zaytsev closed 01/02/09
#2741 Prepare for stable release mc- mc-core master 4.8 task slavazanko closed 03/07/12
#2789 Prepare for stable release mc- mc-core 4.8 task slavazanko closed 04/25/12
#2568 bash syntax color error when using nested command substitution mcedit 4.8 defect closed 07/04/11
#2539 On 64-bit struct vfs_s_super not aligned mc-vfs master 4.8 defect closed 04/11/11
#1890 shift+f5 and shift+f6 doesn't work in konsole mc-tty 4.8.11 4.8 enhancement closed 12/22/09
#2474 [patch] fix 4.7.5 build with --disable-charset mcedit master 4.8 defect closed 01/21/11
#2847 use unrar instead of rar for viewing rar archives mc-core 4.8 enhancement andrew_b closed 07/16/12
#2708 ActionScript file syntax highlighting mcedit master 4.8 enhancement closed 12/28/11
#2889 Prepare for stable release mc- adm 4.8 task slavazanko closed 09/14/12
#2887 Prepare for stable release mc- adm 4.8 task slavazanko closed 09/14/12
#2518 Code cleanup mc-core 4.7.5 4.8 task andrew_b closed 03/27/11
#2573 patchfs enchancement mc-vfs 4.7.5 4.8 enhancement angel_il closed 07/10/11
#1406 FISH: can't copy from host to the same host mc-vfs master 4.8 enhancement closed 07/15/09
#392 add "ignore further errors" tick for error dialog mc-core master 4.8 enhancement closed 06/05/09
#3077 MC падает при копировании нескольких папок mc-core 4.8.10 4.8 defect closed 09/24/13
#2688 Bad 'Case sensitive' option in file searches mcedit 4.8.0 4.8 defect closed 12/13/11
#2625 [patch ready] mc does not preserve file mtime when copying over ssh mc-vfs 4.8 defect slavazanko closed 10/06/11
#2565 Hintbar visible & ftp output mc-core 4.7.5 4.8 defect closed 06/06/11
#2564 view beyond eof mcview 4.7.5 4.8 defect closed 06/06/11
#2559 fish: copy file don't overwrite exists file mc-vfs 4.7.5 4.8 defect closed 05/25/11
#2551 No Warning Given When Changing Write-Protected Files On Remote Systems mcedit 4.8 defect closed 05/02/11
#2549 Unable to see zip file content by pressing ENTER on the zip file mc-core 4.6.2-pre1 4.8 defect closed 05/02/11
#2487 scroll beyond EOF mcview 4.7.5 4.8 defect closed 01/28/11
#2473 No rule to make target `../lib/vfs/mc-vfs/samba/libsamba.a', needed by `mc' mc-vfs 4.7.5 4.8 defect closed 01/17/11
#2383 MC doesn't put rebinded keys into the search(Ctrl-S, Alt-S) mc-core 4.7.4 4.8 defect closed 10/10/10
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