{6} All Tickets By Milestone (Including closed) (3390 matches)

A more complex example to show how to make advanced reports.

Results (901 - 1000 of 3390)

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4.8.3 (13 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#1851 Home config directory [xdg-user-dirs] mc-core closed fixed 4.8.2 defect major andrew_b 04/04/12
#2663 Segmentation fault while background copying mc-core closed fixed 4.8.0 defect major slavazanko 04/04/12
#2762 mc not recognising 2nd directory argument mc-core closed fixed 4.8.2 defect major andrew_b 04/02/12
#2759 Unable to edit gzipped files mcedit closed fixed 4.8.2 defect major slavazanko 04/02/12
#2758 cd command not working in shell link mc-vfs closed fixed 4.8.2 defect critical slavazanko 04/02/12
#2753 hotlist: broken newly added entries if old-style path is present mc-core closed fixed 4.8.2 defect major slavazanko 04/02/12
#2692 Date not set properly in manpage mc-core closed fixed 4.8.1 defect major slavazanko 04/02/12
#2384 MC doesn't rebind F1-F10 keys mc-core closed fixed 4.7.4 defect major andrew_b 04/02/12
#2386 Interpretation of LANG variable needs to be case insensitive. mc-core closed fixed 4.7.4 defect major andrew_b 03/28/12
#2761 save file on top of existing directory changes dir's permissions mc-core closed fixed 4.8.2 defect major slavazanko 03/27/12
#2755 cannot copy zero-length files with [Preallocate space] option mc-core closed fixed master defect critical slavazanko 03/25/12
#2756 please revert to normal menu alignment mc-core closed fixed 4.8.2 defect major andrew_b 03/25/12
#2754 mc-4.8.2 can't run mceedit without file name as parameter mcedit closed fixed 4.8.2 defect major andrew_b 03/22/12

4.8.29 (40 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#4419 Zip archives with files having phrase `makefile' in name treat them as makefiles mc-config-ini closed fixed 4.8.30 defect minor andrew_b 10/08/23
#3191 Clarify priority/order of mc.ext conflicting entries. mc-core closed fixed master enhancement major 09/17/23
#4357 Prepare for release mc-4.8.29 adm closed fixed master task major 01/21/23
#4429 4.8.29: editor serch/replace regex no longer working mc-search closed fixed master defect major andrew_b 01/15/23
#4422 mc segfaults in extfs once archive contains file(s) in parent directory mc-vfs closed fixed master defect major andrew_b 01/15/23
#4427 4.8.29: rpmfs "EXTFS virtual file system Inconsistent archive" mc-vfs closed fixed master defect major andrew_b 01/15/23
#4425 (lib.c) fix heap buffer overflow mc-search closed fixed master defect major andrew_b 01/14/23
#3608 [PATCH] mc.hint: remove duplicate files translations closed fixed master defect minor 01/05/23
#4420 MC fail to build with only SFTP network VFS future enabled compilation closed fixed master defect major andrew_b 12/30/22
#4320 Syntax file should say where syntax files are located mcedit closed fixed master enhancement trivial andrew_b 12/18/22
#4413 Syntax definitions in user location don't work. mcedit closed fixed master enhancement major andrew_b 12/18/22
#4412 Add TOML syntax highlighting mcedit closed fixed master enhancement major andrew_b 11/26/22
#3220 The "Directory Compare" tool doesn't work (right) with panelization mc-core closed fixed master defect major andrew_b 11/26/22
#4409 Continue copy after interrupt mc-core closed fixed master enhancement major andrew_b 10/23/22
#4400 --enable-configure-args description error mc-core closed fixed master defect minor andrew_b 10/15/22
#4404 wrong decompressor selected mc-core closed fixed master defect major andrew_b 10/09/22
#4364 "Remote I/O error (121)" trying to delete a remote directory containg files. mc-vfs closed fixed 4.8.27 defect major andrew_b 10/09/22
#4368 Problems viewing zip files mc-core closed fixed master defect major 09/25/22
#2773 'include' keyword (for command class def) have no effect if it was defined before 'Include' keyword (for commad def). mc-core closed fixed master defect major andrew_b 09/25/22
#3742 Update to the comments at the start of mc.ext mc-core closed fixed master enhancement minor andrew_b 09/25/22
#4141 Allow compound (AND) conditions in mc.ext to disambiguate overloaded extensions mc-core closed fixed master enhancement minor andrew_b 09/25/22
#4401 Segmentation fault in mc viewer (growbuf.c) mcview closed fixed 4.8.26 defect major andrew_b 08/21/22
#4399 Add support for cross-compilation with PERL path different between --build and --host mc-core closed fixed master defect major andrew_b 08/20/22
#4398 Crash with quick view enabled when hovering .ods files mc-core closed fixed 4.8.28 defect major andrew_b 08/14/22
#4397 sort in editor (ALT-T) without arguments stopped working mcedit closed fixed master defect major andrew_b 08/14/22
#4396 (tty_check_term): support Contour mc-tty closed fixed master enhancement major andrew_b 07/31/22
#4391 Delete editor macro results in infinite loop mcedit closed fixed master defect major andrew_b 07/27/22
#4381 It is not reliable when selecting FILES, keeping the mouse button pressed. If I go a little fast when selecting by keeping the mouse button pressed, there are files that are not selected. mc-core closed fixed 4.8.28 defect critical andrew_b 07/27/22
#4119 Cannot scroll panel listing upwards using mouse mc-core closed fixed 4.8.25 defect minor 07/27/22
#4373 Sort order menu shortcut changed from S to O, why? mc-core closed fixed 4.8.28 defect major andrew_b 07/11/22
#4384 Add file: privoxy.syntax mcedit closed fixed master enhancement major andrew_b 07/03/22
#4377 "Image Open"/"Image View" does not work with special character in filename mc-core closed fixed 4.8.28 defect minor andrew_b 07/03/22
#4358 Variable redeclared in filevercmp_test5 tests closed fixed 4.8.28 defect minor andrew_b 06/05/22
#4374 Version sort order is completely broken in MC 4.8.28 mc-core closed fixed 4.8.28 defect major andrew_b 06/04/22
#3670 bug after FTP disconnect - stray slash copied to beginning of URL mc-vfs closed fixed 4.8.16 defect major andrew_b 05/22/22
#4372 fish commands don't work after window resize mc-core closed fixed master defect minor andrew_b 05/22/22
#4369 sqlite 3 view: use 'immutable=1' URI parameter to prevent leaving wal/shm files after viewing sqlite database mc-core closed fixed master enhancement major andrew_b 05/01/22
#4334 make "filter" case insensitive mc-core closed fixed master enhancement major 04/17/22
#4209 Apply panel filter to directories not only to files mc-core closed fixed master enhancement major 04/17/22
#1373 More options in Filter dialog mc-core closed fixed master enhancement major andrew_b 04/17/22

4.8.28 (23 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#4286 [PATCH] Fix errors in syntax definitions mcedit closed fixed master defect minor andrew_b 11/28/22
#4270 Prepare for release mc-4.8.28 adm closed fixed master task major zaytsev 03/27/22
#4351 Update file highlighting to support Markdown mc-core closed fixed master enhancement major andrew_b 03/19/22
#4330 Missing configure flags --with-slang-includes, --with-slang-libs documentation closed fixed 4.8.27 defect minor 03/13/22
#4328 New additions for filehighlight.ini mc-core closed fixed master enhancement minor andrew_b 01/16/22
#4326 Cannot parse: /usr/bin/isoinfo mc-vfs closed fixed 4.8.27 defect major andrew_b 01/16/22
#4325 shift+f6 doesn't work in kitty mc-tty closed fixed master defect minor andrew_b 01/05/22
#4323 mc sometimes crash when left panel switched to Info mode from File listing mc-core closed fixed 4.8.27 defect major andrew_b 01/05/22
#4322 Add basic DOT/Graphviz syntax highlighting mcedit closed fixed master enhancement minor andrew_b 12/20/21
#3146 widget-scollbar[sic]: Implement or remove mc-skin closed fixed 4.8.11 defect minor 12/18/21
#4319 The SPICE syntax file does not recognize where the control script context ends mcedit closed fixed master defect trivial andrew_b 12/05/21
#4316 Add basic Ngspice syntax highlighting mcedit closed fixed master enhancement minor andrew_b 12/04/21
#4284 Left/Right menu, duplicate F hotkey mc-core closed fixed 4.8.27 defect minor 11/21/21
#3887 MC does not exit on Ubuntu PPC64 big endian mc-core closed fixed master defect major andrew_b 11/21/21
#4150 MC_EXT_BASENAME / %p is unset when viewed using mcview mcview closed fixed 4.8.25 defect minor andrew_b 11/14/21
#4298 Fix mcview for diff files on systems that have no /bin/cat (like NixOS). mc-core closed fixed master defect major andrew_b 10/30/21
#4287 Quadratic(?) slowdown on file moves across filesystems mc-core closed fixed master defect major andrew_b 10/02/21
#1 savannah: mc's built-in samba library is out of date mc-vfs closed fixed 4.6.1 enhancement major andrew_b 09/26/21
#4285 SFTP upload, symbolic link timestamps not preserved mc-vfs closed fixed master defect major andrew_b 09/26/21
#4281 FISH upload, symbolic link along with its target mc-vfs closed fixed 4.8.27 defect major andrew_b 09/11/21
#4272 Compressed man pages are shown unformatted mc-core closed fixed 4.8.27 defect minor andrew_b 09/04/21
#4273 Fix mc.ext breakage caused by c3848a689c0323ba7958e2943878fe831369af01 mc-core closed fixed 4.8.27 defect major andrew_b 08/29/21
#4200 If wchar is not included in ncurses, mc 4.8.26 fails to compile. mc-tty closed fixed 4.8.26 defect minor 08/28/21

4.8.27 (24 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#4198 mc hangs on start randomly with zsh when subshell is not disabled mc-core closed fixed master defect critical andrew_b 03/27/24
#2919 Reimplementation of widget subsystem mc-core closed fixed master task major andrew_b 01/21/24
#4180 mc 4.8.26: cannot view content of .xpi archives (firefox extensions, aka zip files with .xpi extension) mc-core closed fixed 4.8.26 defect major andrew_b 09/04/23
#3375 Lower [hardlink]'s precedence mc-config-ini closed fixed master defect trivial andrew_b 09/05/21
#4179 Prepare for release mc-4.8.27 adm closed fixed master task major 08/15/21
#4269 Fix use-after-free in edit_close_cmd mcedit closed fixed master defect major andrew_b 08/09/21
#4266 MacOS fail - AC_INIT should be called with package and version mc-core closed fixed master defect minor andrew_b 08/07/21
#4267 [alt+]shift+Up/Down not recognized on TERM=st mc-tty closed fixed master defect major andrew_b 08/07/21
#4262 This command is incomplete documentation closed fixed master defect major 07/29/21
#4259 SFTPFS does not verify server fingerprint (CVE-2021-36370) mc-vfs closed fixed master defect major andrew_b 07/26/21
#4260 FTP: the month of file creation is always January mc-vfs closed fixed 4.8.26 defect minor andrew_b 07/13/21
#4233 Enable xterm_flag in screen and tmux even without DISPLAY mc-tty closed fixed master defect major andrew_b 07/04/21
#4246 [PATCH] Syntax.in: add syntax highlighting support for openrc-run scripts mcedit closed fixed master enhancement minor andrew_b 05/31/21
#4251 Recognize foot as an xterm-compatible terminal emulator mc-tty closed fixed master enhancement trivial andrew_b 05/30/21
#4250 mcedit: added syntax highlighting for .json files mcedit closed fixed master enhancement minor andrew_b 05/29/21
#4248 Recognize Alacritty as an xterm-compatible terminal emulator mc-tty closed fixed master enhancement trivial andrew_b 05/29/21
#4249 Autoreconf is failing with tarball prepared by make dist mc-core closed fixed master defect minor andrew_b 05/27/21
#4242 User menu entry with %view fails on no-exec filesystem. mc-core closed fixed master defect major andrew_b 05/23/21
#4244 Password with segmentation fault mc-core closed fixed 4.8.26 defect major andrew_b 05/23/21
#4239 Support for 7zz mc-vfs closed fixed master enhancement major andrew_b 05/08/21
#2252 build system causing waaaay too many rebuilds mc-core closed fixed master enhancement major andrew_b 04/11/21
#3985 Symbolic links modification date is not preserved when copying/moving across file systems mc-core closed fixed master defect minor andrew_b 04/11/21
#4222 fix out of bound read at g_utf8_get_char_validated() mc-search closed fixed master defect major andrew_b 04/03/21
#3603 Redo version detection in autoconf to use modern practices mc-core closed fixed master task minor andrew_b 03/28/21
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Note: See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.