{23} All Tickets (Includind closed) (3320 matches)

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Results (2101 - 2200 of 3320)

Ticket Summary Component Version Milestone Type Owner Status Created
#241 buffer overflow in __mhl_str_concat_hlp mc-core 4.6.2 defect winnie closed 02/03/09
#245 several mhl improvements mc-core 4.6.2 defect winnie closed 02/04/09
#247 mhl: realloc() -> malloc() when NULL passed mc-core 4.6.2 defect metux closed 02/04/09
#261 Source file permissions are not safe mc-core 4.6.2 defect closed 02/05/09
#308 missing - as arg for tar in mc.ext mc-core 4.6.2 defect winnie closed 03/20/09
#332 Quick hacks for OSX build mc-core defect il.smind@… closed 04/27/09
#189 (mandriva) .spec syntax file updates mcedit 4.6.1 enhancement styx closed 01/16/09
#12 savannah: Open a symlink to edit when save, erase symlink and make a new file. mcedit master defect closed 12/24/08
#127 FHS-Break: extfs scripts belong into ${libexecdir}/mc/extfs mc-vfs defect closed 01/03/09
#255 Shift+Enter weirdness in UTF-8 mc-core defect winnie closed 02/05/09
#367 shifted function key mapping broken with ncurses mc-tty 4.6.2 defect closed 05/23/09
#368 window resized during startup are missed mc-core master defect closed 05/23/09
#371 "configure" fails on Cygwin mc-core master defect closed 05/23/09
#386 mc doesn't handle Shift+F[1-4] mc-tty master defect slavazanko closed 05/30/09
#423 uzip will not work with new unzip 6.x mc-vfs master defect closed 06/20/09
#1432 Autotools warnings mc-core defect closed 07/30/09
#1463 wrong group's display into Directory hotlist mc-core defect closed 08/04/09
#1526 Filename under cursor in F7-dialog mc-core defect closed 08/11/09
#1614 flicker when leaving editor/viewer mc-core defect closed 09/14/09
#1624 [PATCH] GPM mouse initalization mc-tty defect andrew_b closed 09/17/09
#1672 backward_delete removes 1 char too much mc-core defect angel_il closed 10/04/09
#1886 configure complains about old gmp mc-core defect closed 12/21/09
#2002 Find File scrollbar looses 'arrow' mc-core defect closed 02/04/10
#2003 Search wrap around mcview defect closed 02/04/10
#2024 [PATCH] Disable by default automatic name filling with current selected item on mkdir command mc-core master defect closed 02/13/10
#2066 Broken FHS compliance mc-core defect closed 02/27/10
#2098 "Search string not found" preceded by wraparound question mcview defect closed 03/10/10
#2200 man2hlp at cross-compilation: must compiled for build, not target machine mc-core defect closed 05/15/10
#2280 comments in trac are not numbered adm defect zaytsev closed 07/13/10
#2281 Invalid handling of large files (>4GB) on samba (different filesize, cannot copy) mc-vfs 4.7.3 defect closed 07/15/10
#2322 l10n behaviour between minor version translations defect closed 08/26/10
#2330 Some non-alpha chars are ignored during case-insensitive file sorting mc-core defect closed 08/27/10
#2332 search match display in viewer suboptimal mcview defect closed 08/28/10
#2339 mc is not using graphical characters when running on osx (ssh connections) mc-core defect closed 09/03/10
#2354 Shell link ssh - refresh problems after connection mc-vfs defect closed 09/16/10
#2430 mcview search sometimes not works mcview defect closed 11/25/10
#2461 Delete remote directory after moving mc-vfs defect closed 12/31/10
#2482 Command line autocomplete mc-core defect closed 01/27/11
#2488 "Find File" dialog tab order mc-core 4.7.5 defect closed 01/29/11
#2494 rpm extfs doesn't detect modified archive mc-vfs defect closed 02/07/11
#2498 Strange syntax highlighting mcedit defect closed 02/12/11
#2577 quick search fails for names with comma sign mc-search 4.8.0-pre1 defect closed 07/14/11
#2588 CTRL-INS not working. SHIFT-INS , SHIFT-DEL works as expected mc-core defect closed 08/08/11
#2617 Missing keyboards shortcuts mc-key-bindings defect closed 09/27/11
#2659 ctrl-c doesn't work in subshell mc-core 4.8.0 defect closed 11/01/11
#2668 Compute totals OFF: wrong count of file processed in copy dialog mc-core master defect closed 11/07/11
#2681 Hungarian translation seems to be partially double latin2->utf8 converted translations master defect closed 11/30/11
#2745 Merging directory with (F6 | Move) does copy instead of rename mc-core defect closed 03/10/12
#2778 "mc dir1 dir2" ignores "dir2" mc-core defect closed 04/14/12
#2793 search string disappears when trying to search same string as entered before again (using F7) mc-core defect closed 04/28/12
#2816 After uploading to FTP mc stops being able to navigate inside of FTP mc-vfs 4.8.3 defect closed 05/28/12
#2831 ini file grows to excessive size with blank lines mc-core 4.8.3 defect closed 06/17/12
#2840 [WIKI] compilation requirements documentation master defect closed 07/04/12
#2909 mc not doing directory completion when using the tilde character. mc-core defect closed 10/01/12
#2911 Segfault on window swith mc-core 4.8.3 defect closed 10/02/12
#2922 don't hardcode latin1 for man page encoding mc-core defect closed 11/03/12
#2955 Changing output_lines has no effect mc-core defect closed 01/25/13
#2965 The ext.d/*sh construction to open a file from MC is overcomplicated mc-core 4.8.7 defect closed 02/15/13
#2972 Cannot delete account on here, Trac detected an internal error adm defect new 02/26/13
#2996 Do not install (locale dependent) configuration files unused at runtime [Serbian menu file] mc-core master defect closed 04/06/13
#3019 segfault in gslice.c deleting file mc-core 4.8.3 defect closed 06/09/13
#3048 mc displayes differently directories in face of xterm-256color mc-core master defect closed 07/26/13
#3049 After exit mc the choosen path in the panel is not taken to the command line mc-core defect closed 07/26/13
#3085 Dropdown menu is not centered mc-core 4.8.10 defect closed 09/27/13
#3129 wrong syntax highlighting for some perl code mcedit master defect closed 12/27/13
#3136 Numpad 5 ("Begin") freezes mc for a while mc-tty 4.8.11 defect new 01/04/14
#3153 "make" after a local "git commit" reconfigures everything mc-core master defect closed 01/13/14
#3182 ncurses only supports single lines mc-skin defect closed 03/12/14
#3213 mcedit won't recognize a quote in a split line mcedit 4.8.12 defect closed 05/13/14
#3350 "Select group" selects file it shouldn't mc-search 4.8.13 defect closed 11/30/14
#3425 [patch] fix -Wdeclaration-after-statement compiler warnings mc-core master defect closed 03/29/15
#3454 searching for hex sequence with 0x0a fails mc-search 4.8.14 defect closed 04/30/15
#3532 Find File's line numbers are meaningless for parsed files mc-core master defect closed 10/01/15
#3549 View find results doesn't jump to match line if file is too short to scroll page mcview 4.8.14 defect closed 11/09/15
#3612 fish on large files number mc-vfs master defect closed 03/14/16
#3626 Themes behaves differently with TERM=xterm-256color mc-skin master defect closed 03/28/16
#3651 keypad 5 input freeze mc-tty 4.8.17 defect closed 06/03/16
#3653 Rename a directory does compute totals mc-core master defect closed 06/07/16
#3667 problem in pt_BR translation in copy (F5) options translations master defect closed 07/29/16
#3695 Hex search fails to find binary data mc-search master defect closed 09/26/16
#3732 mcedit syntax highlighting for rc.conf mcedit 4.8.18 defect closed 11/27/16
#3822 -P option does not work mc-core 4.8.19 defect closed 05/09/17
#3832 Please replace "∶" with ":" mc-core 4.8.15 defect closed 06/27/17
#3849 copy qcow2 file as virtual size instead of disk size mc-core master defect closed 08/16/17
#3892 strange displaying folder's size on russian location mc-core master defect closed 12/23/17
#3928 vfs_preallocate return 0 if fallocate not supported mc-vfs master defect closed 08/06/18
#3951 File timestamps are not preserved when copying files into ZIP archives mc-vfs 4.8.21 defect closed 12/01/18
#3998 label widget little possible memory leak mc-core master defect closed 07/08/19
#4001 segfault in vfs_stamp_compare() mc-vfs 4.8.23 defect closed 07/18/19
#4029 This website's registration screen rejects valid email addresses adm version not selected defect closed 11/06/19
#4069 editor synthax highlighting for bash broken again mcedit master defect closed 02/28/20
#4089 can't change directory after ftp timeout mc-vfs 4.8.24 defect closed 06/04/20
#4151 mc frozen after vi-like <ESC> in bash mc-core defect closed 12/03/20
#4211 F1 -> version unknown mc-core 4.8.26 defect closed 02/20/21
#4226 All directories and subdirectories within a Mergerfs pool displayed twice mc-vfs 4.8.26 defect closed 04/08/21
#4234 Sort by version idiosyncrasy mc-core 4.8.26 defect closed 04/14/21
#4237 Files with more than one hard link are not highlighted mc-core 4.8.26 defect closed 04/27/21
#4283 Available Reports, "My Tickets (even closed)" doesn't work adm defect closed 09/03/21
#4366 4.8.28: make check: filevercmp.c:356:12: error: ‘_i’ redeclared as different kind of symbol tests 4.8.28 defect closed 04/05/22
#4371 mc can't start on RedHat8 mc-core 4.8.19 defect closed 05/01/22
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