Ticket #2026 (new task)

Opened 15 years ago

inconsistent .mc /usr/share searchpath

Reported by: s01ja Owned by:
Priority: major Milestone: Future Releases
Component: mc-core Version: master
Keywords: Cc:
Blocked By: Blocking:
Branch state: Votes for changeset:


as you maybe already know to test mc i set up a makefile that allows me to run mc from the build-directory, which is useful for debugging.

the first thing that occured to me is that mc cannot load its skins and presents with a black and white-default theme.
it's not hard to fix as mc warns me (on the console) that /usr/local/.. is missing and that the file /home/$me/.mc/cedit/Syntax is missing when the first file is edited.
so i had to setup a .mc directory for testing and symlinked all the files that the new mc uses - i use a script to switch between the system-mc and the development version

long story short: that works well with the syntax/skin/panel inis, but wont work with the mc.menu and cedit.menu

they are searched in the /usr/local/share/mc/ path, not like the ini's in the home directory.

therefore the user is not able to alter the mc.menu from the system default.

the inconsistency is complete when one tries to use 'mc/misc' as '.mc' because 'mc/misc/syntax' has to be renamed to 'misc/mc/cedit'


backup&remove /usr/local/share/mc,/usr/local/etc/mc and ~/.mc (or use a clean system image)

git checkout
cd mc
cd src
hit F2

the acctual workarround is to do a make install with the build mc, as this copies the necessary files (but that messes with my packet manager).

it would be really nice (eg for mc-environments: development, management, multimedia) to provide the 'mc-home' with a commandline parameter.

should this be fixed?
should we document (for developers) which src/misc files get live?
and how they should be tested?

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