{6} All Tickets By Milestone (Including closed) (3320 matches)

A more complex example to show how to make advanced reports.

Results (1601 - 1700 of 3320)

4.8.0-pre2 (17 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#2602 Prepare for release mc-4.8.0-pre2 mc-core closed fixed master task major slavazanko 09/12/11
#2594 ftp failures - leading white space in file name mc-vfs closed fixed 4.8.0-pre1 defect critical slavazanko 09/08/11
#2580 File size column is bogus for widths above 9 mc-core closed fixed master defect major andrew_b 09/08/11
#2593 "Hint" line jumps to the top of the screen and overwrites main menu mc-core closed fixed 4.8.0-pre1 defect major andrew_b 09/08/11
#2595 Broken panels recode in current master mc-core closed fixed 4.8.0-pre1 defect major slavazanko 09/08/11
#2586 Extended keybingings are broken mcedit closed fixed 4.8.0-pre1 defect major andrew_b 09/08/11
#2175 Panelize doesn't honour current sorting mc-core closed fixed master defect minor andrew_b 09/08/11
#2582 Crash in 4.8.0-pre1 when copying symlink over ssh mc-vfs closed fixed 4.8.0-pre1 defect major slavazanko 09/07/11
#2576 Duplicate symbols (Linking) problem under Mac OS X mc-core closed fixed 4.8.0-pre1 defect major slavazanko 08/30/11
#2589 [PATCH] fix autoconf warnings mc-core closed fixed master defect minor andrew_b 08/11/11
#2583 mc.ext entry for .3gp mc-core closed fixed 4.8.0-pre1 defect major andrew_b 07/28/11
#2579 hexadecimal search is broken in viewer mc-search closed fixed master defect critical andrew_b 07/19/11
#2531 pascal syntax highlighting bug mcedit closed fixed 4.7.5 defect major styx 07/19/11
#2522 PanelSmartGotoParentDir action should not trigger while PanelStartSearch is active mc-core closed fixed defect minor andrew_b 07/19/11
#265 Search finds bold/underlined strings twice mcview closed fixed 4.8.0-pre1 defect minor slavazanko 07/19/11
#2467 new extfs plugin: gitfs mc-vfs closed fixed master enhancement trivial angel_il 07/18/11
#1689 Use "Include" for $EDITOR entries mc-core closed fixed 4.7.0-pre3 enhancement trivial andrew_b 07/17/11

4.8.0-pre1 (69 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#2368 Panel sorting swaps with panels - for a while mc-core closed fixed 4.7.5 defect minor andrew_b 12/06/21
#1634 DEL & END keys dialog binding mc-tty closed fixed master defect major angel_il 12/05/20
#2471 isoinfo adds ";1" to the end of file name when Joliet without Rock Ridge is used mc-vfs closed fixed 4.7.5 defect minor andrew_b 11/02/17
#25 savannah: redo wanted mcedit closed fixed master enhancement minor angel_il 01/12/14
#81 savannah: can't access files on ftp starting with space mc-vfs closed fixed master defect major slavazanko 01/11/14
#2544 search string with leading space mc-config-ini closed fixed 4.7.5 defect major slavazanko 01/18/12
#1882 PCRE search: escape sequence support in replacements, UTF8 support (just a flag for libPCRE) mc-search closed fixed master enhancement minor slavazanko 10/11/11
#2545 [PATCH] Save input line content in history only if has changed mc-core closed fixed master defect major andrew_b 09/14/11
#2491 "Find File" should display relative paths for relative search mc-core closed fixed 4.7.5 defect major andrew_b 07/25/11
#2534 mark files in the panel by shift-left/shift-right mc-core closed fixed master enhancement major angel_il 07/25/11
#2541 mc quits with excessive audible I/O loads mc-core closed fixed 4.7.5 defect major andrew_b 07/22/11
#2557 "Chmod" dialog: Use screenspace better (with patch) mc-core closed fixed 4.7.5 defect major andrew_b 07/19/11
#2562 view torrent file mc-core closed fixed 4.7.5 enhancement minor andrew_b 07/19/11
#2566 Video entry addition in mc.ext mc-core closed fixed master enhancement trivial andrew_b 07/19/11
#2572 Patchfs with filenames containing whitespaces mc-vfs closed fixed 4.7.5 defect major slavazanko 07/19/11
#2569 [PATCH] fix more bashisms in extfs mc-vfs closed fixed 4.7.5 defect major slavazanko 07/19/11
#2294 mcview: incorrect starting offset for 'search again' mcview closed fixed 4.7.3 defect minor slavazanko 07/19/11
#1629 [Patch] Problems displaying UTF-8 manual pages mcview closed fixed 4.7.0-pre3 defect major slavazanko 07/19/11
#323 mcedit - Record and playback macro works first few times only mcedit closed fixed master defect major angel_il 07/14/11
#2220 FTP directories containing @ result severe security risks (eg. deletion of homedir) mc-vfs closed fixed defect critical 07/12/11
#2570 Prepare for release mc-4.8.0-pre1 mc-core closed fixed master task blocker slavazanko 07/11/11
#2560 Use AS_HELP_STRING instead of obsolete AC_HELP_STRING mc-core closed fixed master defect minor andrew_b 07/07/11
#2361 VFS URI reimplementation mc-vfs closed fixed master task major slavazanko 07/05/11
#2251 builtin ftp client can't download files with apostrophe in a file name mc-vfs closed fixed defect major 06/24/11
#2360 unable to show FTP listing if password contains # mc-vfs closed fixed defect major 06/24/11
#2556 incorrect files mark by mouse mc-core closed fixed master defect minor angel_il 05/30/11
#2312 Panelize contents are lost mc-core closed fixed 4.7.3 defect major andrew_b 05/30/11
#2552 Browsing *.deb files is broken with latest Perl mc-vfs closed fixed master defect major zaytsev 05/17/11
#2459 mc switches to left panel before calling command history mc-core closed fixed master defect minor andrew_b 05/17/11
#2536 Once used the function, only if the TIOCGWINSZ mc-core closed fixed master defect trivial andrew_b 04/13/11
#2501 sources in 'lib' directory should be independ to sources in 'src' directory mc-vfs closed fixed master task major andrew_b 04/12/11
#2535 ftp segmentation fault mc-vfs closed fixed master defect critical andrew_b 04/12/11
#2537 Too many variables mc-vfs closed wontfix master enhancement trivial 04/11/11
#2483 not intuitive behavior EditWordLeft, EditWordRight mcedit closed fixed 4.7.5 enhancement trivial angel_il 04/09/11
#2524 mc: add a mc-4.6 skin mc-skin closed fixed 4.7.5 enhancement trivial andrew_b 04/09/11
#2504 Verical block is unmarked after copy/move mcedit closed fixed master defect minor angel_il 04/08/11
#2500 EditDeleteWordLeft/EditDeleteWordRight detele {/} respectively mcedit closed fixed master defect major angel_il 04/08/11
#2499 hotkey to select current word mcedit closed fixed master enhancement minor angel_il 04/08/11
#2514 Skip localized hints files installation when built with --disable-nls mc-core closed fixed 4.7.5 defect minor andrew_b 04/08/11
#1668 [patch] Screen and input corruption under xterm [non-UTF] mcview closed fixed master defect critical andrew_b 04/08/11
#2520 File panels should not be closed by SIGINT (CTRL-G) mc-core closed fixed 4.7.3 defect major andrew_b 04/08/11
#2305 permission_mode setting from 4.7.2 config ignored mc-core closed fixed master defect minor andrew_b 04/08/11
#2516 mc fails to build on DragonFlyBSD mc-vfs closed fixed master defect critical andrew_b 04/07/11
#2528 'ls -Qlan' command parse error in FISH connection mc-vfs closed invalid defect major 04/04/11
#2511 Unification of keybinding names and simplification of key rebinding mc-key-bindings closed fixed master defect major andrew_b 03/31/11
#2120 cd to ~ processed incorrectly mc-core closed fixed 4.7.4 defect minor angel_il 03/30/11
#2515 Unused variable if without WITH_BACKGROUND mc-core closed fixed master defect minor zaytsev 03/25/11
#2512 user menu command execution broken mc-core closed fixed master defect major angel_il 03/17/11
#2509 DiffQuickLeft/Right don't work mcdiff closed fixed 4.7.5 defect trivial andrew_b 03/02/11
#2489 MC_COLOR_TABLE doesn't honor the 'header' color keyword mc-skin closed fixed 4.7.5 defect minor andrew_b 02/28/11
#2462 [4.7.5] "Find file" dialogue: Input line for "content" unusable mc-core closed fixed 4.7.5 defect major andrew_b 02/24/11
#2478 HARDLINK file type mc-skin closed fixed 4.7.5 enhancement trivial slavazanko 02/18/11
#2275 Find file: ignore_dir should allow to specify relative, not only absolute paths mc-core closed fixed master enhancement minor andrew_b 02/16/11
#2456 Incorrect restore selection after UNDO mcedit closed fixed 4.7.5 defect major angel_il 02/05/11
#2484 segv after codepage change mcedit closed fixed 4.7.5 defect critical angel_il 02/03/11
#2401 Problems with ftp on NAS synology devices based on Marvell mv5281 ARM processor mc-vfs closed fixed master defect major zaytsev 02/01/11
#2173 Warn if 256 colors are used but not available mc-tty closed fixed master enhancement minor 01/24/11
#2169 [Patch] I can has 256 colorz mc-tty closed fixed master defect critical slavazanko 01/24/11
#2475 mc segfaults on start mc-skin closed fixed master defect critical andrew_b 01/24/11
#2390 \0s in left panel after CmdInfo mc-core closed fixed 4.7.4 defect trivial andrew_b 01/19/11
#2472 Wrong parameter --with-vfs-smb documentation closed fixed 4.7.5 defect trivial 01/17/11
#2469 New 256 colors skin -- Xoria256 mc-skin closed fixed 4.7.5 enhancement minor 01/12/11
#2466 Main menu is not drawn correctly after change of it visibility and activity mc-core closed fixed 4.7.5 defect major andrew_b 01/12/11
#2463 don't reset selection after call user menu (F11) mc-core closed fixed 4.7.5 enhancement minor angel_il 01/06/11
#2464 [Find file] content patterns are evaluated despite disabling entire function mc-core closed fixed 4.7.5 defect trivial andrew_b 01/06/11
#2266 filtered view default text mc-core closed fixed master enhancement trivial slavazanko 01/06/11
#2458 command autocompletion is broken in 4.7.5 mc-core closed fixed 4.7.5 defect critical andrew_b 01/05/11
#2455 alt-backspace doesn't work mc-core closed fixed 4.7.5 defect critical andrew_b 01/04/11
#2170 Color collisions mc-core closed fixed 4.7.5 defect minor andrew_b 12/29/10

4.8.0 (7 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#2598 vfs/extfs/helpers/u7z: improve handling of missing p7zip installation mc-vfs closed fixed master defect major andrew_b 05/15/12
#2620 Prepare for release mc-4.8.0 mc-core closed fixed master task major slavazanko 10/19/11
#2632 fish and ftpfs have bug mc-vfs closed fixed master defect major andrew_b 10/19/11
#1551 Update GPL version adm closed fixed master task blocker slavazanko 10/18/11
#2621 VFS extfs: broken navigation in archives if current path is encoded mc-vfs closed fixed master defect critical slavazanko 09/30/11
#2543 Hex viewer mode does not restore cursor position mcview closed fixed master defect minor andrew_b 09/28/11
#2611 FISH: broken panels drawing after entering password mc-vfs closed fixed 4.8.0-pre2 defect major slavazanko 09/21/11

4.8 (7 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#1890 shift+f5 and shift+f6 doesn't work in konsole mc-tty closed invalid 4.8.11 enhancement minor 01/05/22
#2625 [patch ready] mc does not preserve file mtime when copying over ssh mc-vfs closed fixed defect major slavazanko 10/27/16
#41 savannah: MC incorrectly completes directories with spaces mc-vfs closed duplicate defect major 01/11/14
#33 savannah: Error copying/moving files with particular names mc-vfs closed wontfix defect major 01/11/14
#3077 MC падает при копировании нескольких папок mc-core closed invalid 4.8.10 defect major 09/24/13
#2889 Prepare for stable release mc- adm closed fixed task major slavazanko 12/28/12
#2887 Prepare for stable release mc- adm closed fixed task major slavazanko 09/14/12
Note: See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.