{23} All Tickets (Includind closed) (3368 matches)

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Results (1 - 100 of 3368)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Ticket Summary Component Version Milestone Type Owner Status Created
#2390 \0s in left panel after CmdInfo mc-core 4.7.4 4.8.0-pre1 defect andrew_b closed 10/14/10
#2340 100% CPU and growing memory usage when enters directory "foo [bar]", hangs when exits mc-core 4.7 defect closed 09/05/10
#4453 16-column HEX view in wide monitor mcview master Future Releases enhancement new 04/03/23
#1666 1st line shifted after paragraph format mcedit master 4.8.12 defect andrew_b reopened 10/03/09
#2842 2261_multiedit vs. 1490_dlgswitch mc-core master Future Releases defect new 07/08/12
#3406 -31: SFTP Protocol Error when transferring file via SFTP Link mc-vfs master 4.8.21 defect andrew_b reopened 02/17/15
#2425 segfaults on NetBSD>=3.0 on startup mc-core 4.7.5 defect andrew_b closed 11/20/10
#2360 unable to show FTP listing if password contains # mc-vfs 4.8.0-pre1 defect closed 09/22/10
#1910 4.7.0 does't build with --disable-vfs option mc-core 4.7.0 defect closed 12/28/09
#1864 4.7.0-pre4 editor crashes in color terminals mcedit master defect slavazanko closed 12/05/09
#2075 [4.7.1 regression] "Compute Totals" doesn't work for Move operation mc-core master 4.8.11 defect andrew_b closed 03/02/10
#2076 [4.7.1 regression] Copy/Move dialogs are way too narrow mc-core 4.7.1 4.8.8 enhancement andrew_b closed 03/02/10
#2321 4.7.3: "copy directory to another pane which already has same-named directory" behavior has changed mc-core defect closed 08/24/10
#2462 [4.7.5] "Find file" dialogue: Input line for "content" unusable mc-core 4.7.5 4.8.0-pre1 defect andrew_b closed 01/01/11
#2643 4.8.0 can't compile on OpenIndiana (Solaris) mc-core 4.7 defect andrew_b closed 10/23/11
#2587 4.8.0-pre1 and don't compile on solaris mc-core 4.8.0-pre1 4.8.0-pre2 defect andrew_b closed 08/03/11
#2613 4.8.0-pre2 VFS mc-vfs 4.8.0-pre2 defect closed 09/21/11
#3071 [4.8.10]: FTBFS on GNU Hurd mc-core 4.8.10 defect closed 09/09/13
#4023 4,8.23: core dumping mc-core 4.8.23 4.8.24 defect closed 10/05/19
#4024 4.8.23: core dumping mc-core 4.8.23 defect closed 10/05/19
#4055 4.8.24: browsing .DEB is broken (regression) mc-vfs 4.8.24 4.8.25 defect andrew_b closed 01/22/20
#4053 4.8.24: build fails mc-core 4.8.24 4.8.25 defect andrew_b closed 01/21/20
#4223 4.8.26: unable to browse JAR files [regression] mc-core 4.8.26 4.8.27 defect andrew_b closed 03/28/21
#4201 4.8.26: unable to browse JAR files [regression] mc-core 4.8.26 defect closed 02/16/21
#4191 4.8.26: unable to browse tar.xz mc-core 4.8.26 4.8.27 defect andrew_b closed 02/01/21
#4366 4.8.28: make check: filevercmp.c:356:12: error: ‘_i’ redeclared as different kind of symbol tests 4.8.28 defect closed 04/05/22
#4359 4.8.28: test suite build fails tests 4.8.28 defect closed 03/27/22
#4429 4.8.29: editor serch/replace regex no longer working mc-search master 4.8.29 defect andrew_b closed 01/15/23
#4427 4.8.29: rpmfs "EXTFS virtual file system Inconsistent archive" mc-vfs master 4.8.29 defect andrew_b closed 01/15/23
#4517 4.8.30: upgrade to glib 2.79.0 causes that mc is no longer is able enter into archive mc-core 4.8.30 defect closed 01/12/24
#2848 4.8.3 mcedit mc.keymap not read ? mc-config-ini 4.8.3 4.8.5 defect andrew_b closed 07/18/12
#2907 4.8.x subshell input line is limited to 80 characters, and is overwritten when filled instead of continuing on the next line mc-tty master Future Releases defect new 09/29/12
#2906 64-bit versions of 4.8.x crash on Solaris while trying to copy a file mc-core 4.8.4 4.8.7 defect andrew_b closed 09/26/12
#4411 7z password protected archives mc-vfs master enhancement closed 11/21/22
#4530 8 new skins (modarcon16 x4 and modarin256 x4) and 2 new variants of xoria mc-skin master 4.8.32 enhancement andrew_b closed 03/18/24
#1775 9P via libmvfs mc-vfs enhancement metux closed 10/31/09
#4317 a1, c1, etc. keys not recognized mc-tty master Future Releases defect new 12/02/21
#3885 Ability to exclude files from search results when using shell patterns mc-search master Future Releases enhancement new 12/07/17
#3490 Ability to switch to background jobs to view their status mc-core master Future Releases enhancement new 06/25/15
#380 About colors schemes (skins) mc-skin master 4.7.0-pre3 enhancement slavazanko closed 05/28/09
#381 A bug with (un)selecting by mask mc-core master 4.7.0-pre1 defect slavazanko closed 05/29/09
#2184 accelerators hard to see in default theme mc-skin master Future Releases defect new 05/07/10
#2975 Accents in .html file are badly showned with internal viewer mc-core master defect closed 03/03/13
#2708 ActionScript file syntax highlighting mcedit master 4.8 enhancement closed 12/28/11
#2216 Active + mouse clicks doesn't refresh view mc-core master Future Releases task assigned 05/22/10
#2779 Active VFS directories list contain incorrect current path mc-vfs master 4.8.3 defect slavazanko closed 04/18/12
#1959 AC_TRY_RUN crosscompile break mc-core master 4.7.3 defect slavazanko closed 01/13/10
#4240 Add AES-256/GCM encryption support mcedit master enhancement closed 05/09/21
#3867 Add a format specifier for editor macro to return cursor position from BOF mcedit master 4.8.20 enhancement andrew_b closed 10/04/17
#3756 Add a new %macro which expands to full names of tagged files mc-core master Future Releases enhancement new 01/11/17
#4135 Add an internal terminal capability to MCEdit mcedit master enhancement closed 10/19/20
#2047 Add an option "Don't traverse mounted file systems" for "File find" mc-core master Future Releases enhancement new 02/21/10
#2048 Add an option "Follow symbolic links" for the "File find" dialog mc-core enhancement closed 02/21/10
#4478 Add an option to create links instead of copying mc-core master enhancement closed 06/22/23
#3343 Add a support for FTPS connection mc-vfs master Future Releases enhancement new 11/21/14
#3751 Add a test for extfs's rpm helper mc-vfs master 4.8.19 task mooffie closed 01/03/17
#4322 Add basic DOT/Graphviz syntax highlighting mcedit master 4.8.28 enhancement andrew_b closed 12/18/21
#4316 Add basic Ngspice syntax highlighting mcedit master 4.8.28 enhancement andrew_b closed 12/01/21
#1983 Add btrfs' file clone operation mc-vfs master 4.8.22 enhancement andrew_b closed 01/28/10
#4194 Add .c++ and .h++ extensions for highlight mc-core master 4.8.27 enhancement andrew_b closed 02/07/21
#4125 add configure option to omit git sha1 from version string mc-core master enhancement andrew_b closed 10/08/20
#3793 Add EcmaScript 2015 support for JavaScript syntax highlighter mcedit master 4.8.20 enhancement zaytsev closed 03/16/17
#1745 Add editor options also to main Options menu mc-core master Future Releases enhancement new 10/27/09
#3331 Added support for list & extract UDF images by 7-zip mc-vfs 4.8.11 Future Releases enhancement new 11/14/14
#251 Add feature '--with-glib' mc-core 4.6.2 4.7 enhancement slavazanko closed 02/05/09
#4384 Add file: privoxy.syntax mcedit master 4.8.29 enhancement andrew_b closed 07/02/22
#3966 Add go, s, m4v to filehighlight.ini mc-core 4.8.22 4.8.23 enhancement andrew_b closed 01/30/19
#1523 Add hotkey for forced using internal mc editor mc-core 4.7.0-pre1 4.7.4 enhancement andrew_b closed 08/11/09
#3685 Add hotkey support to labels and groupboxes mc-core master Future Releases enhancement new 09/05/16
#392 add "ignore further errors" tick for error dialog mc-core master 4.8 enhancement closed 06/05/09
#1716 Adding of fully featured skin mc-skin 4.7.0-pre3 4.7.0-pre4 defect slavazanko closed 10/12/09
#4010 add inlined data block highlighting for YAML syntax highlighting mcedit master 4.8.24 enhancement andrew_b closed 08/26/19
#3169 Additional Appearance options mc-skin master Future Releases enhancement new 02/11/14
#2869 Additions for mc.ext: M4A is audio, OGV is not audio mc-vfs master 4.8.5 defect slavazanko closed 08/28/12
#2206 Add jump support to target line in some external editors mc-core master 4.8.8 enhancement slavazanko closed 05/20/10
#2190 Add LFTP-like HTTP filesystem to VFS mc-vfs master Future Releases enhancement new 05/12/10
#3210 Add "libarchive/bsdtar" and "The Unarchiver/unar" support for (rar and others) files support mc-vfs master Future Releases enhancement new 05/08/14
#2702 add .m4v and .ts to mc.ext mc-core master 4.8.2 enhancement andrew_b closed 12/24/11
#4224 add mcdiff manpage documentation master 4.8.32 enhancement andrew_b closed 03/29/21
#2980 Add missing doc/hints french translation documentation master 4.8.8 enhancement slavazanko closed 03/15/13
#3890 Add "mjs" to the JavaScript syntax line mcedit master 4.8.21 enhancement zaytsev closed 12/18/17
#3674 Add new panel option for display_total_marked_size() to apply three different styles mc-core master Future Releases enhancement new 08/17/16
#4160 Add option to complete words from all open files mcedit master 4.8.27 enhancement andrew_b closed 12/17/20
#144 Add procmail syntax highlighting mcedit 4.6.1 4.7 enhancement winnie closed 01/05/09
#2912 Add psgi extension to perl file type mcedit master 4.8.7 enhancement andrew_b closed 10/03/12
#4161 Add quick search for listboxes mc-core master Future Releases enhancement new 12/22/20
#2436 Add registry files VFS (browse/search/edit/etc) using `reged` mc-vfs 4.7.4 Future Releases enhancement new 12/04/10
#4536 Add root variant of julia256 skin and fix typo in modarin256-thin mc-skin master 4.8.32 enhancement andrew_b closed 05/08/24
#3238 Add RSA key based authentication for SFTP mc-vfs enhancement closed 08/05/14
#92 Adds 7zip extfs descriptor mc-vfs 4.6.1 4.6.2 enhancement slavazanko closed 12/28/08
#2191 Add some user-friendly way to play music (eg.: using mplayer) mc-core master Future Releases enhancement new 05/12/10
#202 add 'state' and 'votes' fields to bug report form adm enhancement winnie closed 01/20/09
#2981 add suport for removable media (udev) mc-core master enhancement closed 03/16/13
#3367 Add support .editorconfig in mcedit mcedit master Future Releases enhancement new 12/07/14
#208 add support for building out-of-sources builds mc-core 4.6.1 4.6.2 enhancement metux closed 01/23/09
#4399 Add support for cross-compilation with PERL path different between --build and --host mc-core master 4.8.29 defect andrew_b closed 08/18/22
#3944 Add support for current version of Fish subshell with any prompt mc-core master 4.8.22 enhancement andrew_b closed 10/19/18
#4005 Add Support for editing files of the yabasic-language mcedit master 4.8.24 enhancement andrew_b closed 08/12/19
#3232 Add support for fish subshell prompt (with patch) mc-core master 4.8.13 enhancement andrew_b closed 07/12/14
#4157 add support for OpenDocument flat xml formats to mc.ext mc-core master 4.8.26 enhancement andrew_b closed 12/14/20
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