{6} All Tickets By Milestone (Including closed) (3320 matches)

A more complex example to show how to make advanced reports.

Results (1501 - 1600 of 3320)

4.8.12 (22 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#3172 ScreenList broken mc-core closed fixed master defect critical andrew_b 02/18/14
#2165 User-friendly skin selector mc-core closed fixed enhancement minor andrew_b 02/11/14
#3151 refresh_screen leftover mc-core closed fixed 4.8.11 defect trivial 02/10/14
#3134 Learn keys UI inconsistencies mc-core closed fixed master defect trivial 02/10/14
#3133 Keypad '*' doesn't work with numlock off mc-tty closed fixed 4.8.11 defect minor 02/10/14
#3132 Request: no exit confirmation by default mc-core closed fixed 4.8.11 enhancement trivial 02/10/14
#3116 fix various segfauls fixed in fedora mc-core closed fixed master defect major 02/10/14
#3073 [urar helper] fix filenames with spaces handling with unrar v5 mc-vfs closed fixed master defect trivial andrew_b 02/10/14
#3123 question mark on its own line mc-core closed fixed master defect trivial andrew_b 02/07/14
#3156 Toggling hidden files doesn't update the other panel mc-core closed fixed 4.8.11 defect minor andrew_b 02/07/14
#3150 Advanced chown: Escape on user list accepts value mc-core closed fixed 4.8.11 defect minor andrew_b 02/07/14
#3131 Incorrect tilde expandion in copy/rename/move dialog mc-core closed fixed 4.8.11 defect minor andrew_b 02/05/14
#3157 Unify sort arrow's direction mc-skin closed fixed 4.8.11 defect minor andrew_b 01/26/14
#2274 adjust to installed permissions mc-core closed fixed master enhancement trivial andrew_b 01/26/14
#3142 file out-of-date-ness check on saving is botched mcedit closed fixed master defect major andrew_b 01/26/14
#2857 MC cannot enter a particular ZIP file mc-core closed fixed 4.8.4 defect minor andrew_b 01/14/14
#3119 format paragraph produce inconsistent wrapping mcedit closed fixed 4.8.11 defect major andrew_b 01/14/14
#3111 Make selection reset on CK_store configurable mcedit closed fixed master enhancement minor andrew_b 01/14/14
#3117 Launching editor with F4 shouldn't pass line number mc-core closed fixed master defect minor andrew_b 01/14/14
#2290 "Find File" is very slow and consumes 100% of CPU mc-core closed fixed master defect major andrew_b 01/14/14
#3093 Keep symlinks in cwd at startup (based on $PWD) mc-core closed fixed 4.8.10 enhancement major andrew_b 01/09/14
#3114 Broken build with ncurses mc-core closed fixed 4.8.11 defect critical andrew_b 12/04/13

4.8.11 (36 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#1508 Single ESC in place of double mc-core closed invalid 4.8.11 enhancement minor 08/19/15
#2978 Fix for Home, End, Shift+Fn problems under screen/tmux mc-tty closed fixed 4.8.7 enhancement major andrew_b 02/22/14
#2661 copy/paste autodetect in the mcedit mcedit closed fixed 4.8.0-pre2 enhancement major andrew_b 12/11/13
#1588 enhance extfs/rpm script mc-vfs closed fixed 4.7.0-pre2 enhancement major andrew_b 12/06/13
#3044 mc.lib typo: linenog mc-core closed fixed 4.8.9 defect minor andrew_b 12/03/13
#3051 Prepare for release mc-4.8.11 adm closed fixed master task major slavazanko 12/02/13
#3103 Folders double, triple in / when press CTRL-R (refresh) mc-core closed fixed master defect minor 11/25/13
#3057 Update for Syntax.in file mcedit closed fixed master enhancement minor 11/25/13
#3096 "Setup saved to ~/.config/mc/ini" is misleading mc-core closed fixed master defect trivial andrew_b 11/23/13
#3105 Crash when moving directories on different file systems mc-core closed fixed master defect critical andrew_b 11/22/13
#3078 MC crashes while copying few directories mc-core closed fixed 4.8.10 defect major 11/22/13
#3101 F3 doesn't work on .so files in FreeBSD 9.x mcview closed fixed master defect minor slavazanko 11/22/13
#3107 Editor question on large file treats escape as Yes mcedit closed invalid 4.8.10 defect major 11/18/13
#1797 Tabs lost when pasting text mcedit closed fixed 4.7.0-pre4 defect major angel_il 11/15/13
#3098 vfs_path_from_str_flags() doesn't support VPF_STRIP_HOME mc-vfs closed fixed master defect major slavazanko 11/13/13
#3059 Segfault while moving files mc-core closed fixed 4.8.10 defect blocker andrew_b 11/13/13
#3018 no subdir path completion in current dir, if stub not starting with './' mc-core closed fixed master defect major andrew_b 11/07/13
#3084 "Configure options" first entry not highlighted mc-core closed fixed 4.8.2 defect minor andrew_b 11/07/13
#3076 num_history_items_recorded=0 causes mc to stop working properly mc-core closed fixed 4.8.10 defect major andrew_b 11/07/13
#3050 Bright colors being used as background colors mc-skin closed fixed 4.8.9 defect minor andrew_b 11/06/13
#3091 iso9660 helper: fix filenames truncating in ISO file listing mc-vfs closed fixed master defect minor 10/04/13
#3089 Uses deprecated "find -perm +xxx" syntax, please switch to "find -perm /+++" mc-core closed fixed 4.8.10 defect minor 10/04/13
#3092 some minor manual formatting errors documentation closed fixed 4.8.10 defect trivial 10/04/13
#3053 statvfs_works_cache incorrect function end mc-core closed fixed master defect major 10/04/13
#3052 man pages "macro `\' not defined" correction [patch] documentation closed fixed 4.8.10 defect minor 10/04/13
#3070 changes to files in nested .zip archives are lost mc-vfs closed fixed 4.8.10 defect major andrew_b 09/23/13
#3069 Broken case-sensitive search in editor/viewer/diffviewer mc-search closed fixed 4.8.9 defect major andrew_b 09/21/13
#3066 Refactoring of dir_list and related code mc-core closed fixed master task major andrew_b 09/19/13
#2075 [4.7.1 regression] "Compute Totals" doesn't work for Move operation mc-core closed fixed master defect major andrew_b 09/19/13
#3064 mc crashes on rpm packages with tar files inside mc-vfs closed fixed master defect major andrew_b 09/14/13
#3047 Cmdline directory handling broken mc-core closed fixed 4.8.10 defect major andrew_b 09/13/13
#2271 bogus string in confirmation config dialog mc-core closed fixed 4.8.7 defect minor andrew_b 09/12/13
#3061 [patch] Fix [en|dis]abling of layout dialog split adjustment buttons mc-core closed fixed master defect major andrew_b 09/09/13
#3029 configure.ac: warn about unknown '--with-' / '--enable-' options mc-core closed fixed master enhancement major andrew_b 09/05/13
#2812 [FR] rpm extfs: REQUIRES += versions mc-vfs closed fixed master enhancement minor andrew_b 09/05/13
#3060 [patch] A few changes to make layout dialog more user friendly mc-core closed fixed master enhancement major andrew_b 09/02/13

4.8.10 (9 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#3035 Prepare for release mc-4.8.10 adm closed fixed master task major slavazanko 08/02/13
#2995 Do not link gmodule in if it's not required mc-core closed fixed master enhancement minor andrew_b 08/02/13
#3045 patch vfs becoming permanently stale mc-core closed fixed 4.8.9 defect major andrew_b 08/01/13
#2713 Paragraph format doesn't respect multibyte characters. mcedit closed fixed master defect major andrew_b 08/01/13
#3041 build failure on cygwin : redefinition of 'statvfs_works' mc-core closed fixed 4.8.9 defect major andrew_b 07/23/13
#3043 build failure: HAVE_NCURSESW_CURSES_H includes the wrong header mc-core closed fixed 4.8.9 defect major andrew_b 07/23/13
#3036 sftp: mc crashes when entering a wrong password mc-vfs closed fixed 4.8.9 defect critical andrew_b 07/22/13
#3040 File descriptor leak in check_file_access() mcedit closed fixed 4.8.9 defect critical andrew_b 07/15/13
#3034 Cannot enter into zip archive in tar one mc-core closed fixed master defect major andrew_b 07/12/13

4.8.1 (27 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#71 savannah: Skip vs. Abort on multi-file/dir operation mc-core closed fixed master defect major andrew_b 01/11/14
#2662 Support extended mouse clicks beyond 223 mc-tty closed fixed 4.8.0 enhancement minor slavazanko 01/27/13
#2646 [patch] A few useful additions to filehighlight.ini mc-core closed fixed 4.8.0 enhancement major slavazanko 01/05/12
#2653 FTP password field now fully masked with asterisks mc-core closed fixed master defect trivial angel_il 12/15/11
#2686 Prepare for release mc-4.8.1 mc-core closed fixed master task blocker slavazanko 12/15/11
#2678 Cmdline cursor misplaced after a resize in viewer mc-core closed fixed 4.8.0 defect minor andrew_b 12/11/11
#2677 mcview: double dialog if search not found mcview closed fixed master defect trivial andrew_b 12/11/11
#2676 mc-4.8.0-56-g16d1abf: save of some learned keys is broken mc-config-ini closed fixed master defect major angel_il 12/11/11
#1730 troubles in Viewer with utf8 and widechars mcview closed fixed master defect major angel_il 12/11/11
#2372 Editor sometimes shows russian UTF-8 chars as two dots mcedit closed fixed master defect minor angel_il 12/06/11
#2675 man page lies about mc.keymap documentation closed fixed 4.8.0 defect minor 12/06/11
#2636 Move MC config files to ~/.mc instead of multiple places in $HOME mc-config-ini closed fixed 4.8.0 task major slavazanko 12/06/11
#2658 Respect traditional placement of user preferences on Mac OS X mc-core closed fixed 4.8.0 enhancement trivial 12/06/11
#2680 Unable to chdir on FTP server (special names) mc-core closed duplicate 4.8.0 defect major 11/29/11
#2399 Mouse behavior on wide screens mc-tty closed fixed 4.7.4 defect trivial 11/29/11
#275 External panelize no have exit point mc-core closed fixed master defect minor angel_il 11/21/11
#2669 Broken FTP/FISH directory refresh by Ctrl+R mc-core closed fixed master defect major andrew_b 11/16/11
#2640 sand256 skin update mc-skin closed fixed 4.8.0 defect minor andrew_b 11/08/11
#278 Change title of panel after panelization mc-core closed fixed master enhancement minor angel_il 11/06/11
#2652 SMB is broken mc-vfs closed fixed 4.8.0 defect major slavazanko 10/31/11
#1647 [PATCH] Yacc/Bison syntax highlighting mcedit closed fixed master enhancement minor zaytsev 10/31/11
#2637 Faster startup for mc-4.8 mc-core closed fixed 4.8.0 enhancement major andrew_b 10/31/11
#2338 Use off_t for free space calculation (free space on filesystems >2TB not properly displayed) mc-core closed fixed 4.8.0 defect major andrew_b 10/28/11
#2614 Editor word completion should ignore the current word mcedit closed fixed 4.8.0-pre2 defect major slavazanko 10/24/11
#2639 doesn't compile with gcc 4.6 when using --disable-nls mc-core closed fixed 4.8.0 defect major andrew_b 10/23/11
#2641 broken url in xoria skin mc-skin closed fixed 4.8.0 defect trivial andrew_b 10/23/11
#2610 Use posix_fallocate64() when copying files/moving to a new mount point mc-core closed fixed 4.8.0-pre2 enhancement major slavazanko 10/20/11

4.8.0-pre2 (6 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#2479 No mouse support under "tmux" terminal multiplexer mc-tty closed fixed 4.8.5 defect major angel_il 03/28/14
#2587 4.8.0-pre1 and don't compile on solaris mc-core closed fixed 4.8.0-pre1 defect minor andrew_b 01/14/14
#2601 Incorrect TTY layer initialization mc-tty closed fixed master defect major andrew_b 01/14/14
#2605 FISH: mc hangs while copy lot of small files mc-vfs closed fixed master defect major slavazanko 09/20/11
#2591 mouse clicks ignored on the bottom line of editor mcedit closed fixed master defect minor andrew_b 09/14/11
#2590 M-o works unexpectedly on symlink shortcuts mc-core closed fixed master defect major andrew_b 09/14/11
Note: See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.