{3} Active Tickets by Milestone (651 matches)

This report shows how to color results by priority, while grouping results by milestone.

Last modification time, description and reporter are included as hidden fields for useful RSS export.

Results (501 - 600 of 651)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Milestone Future Releases (100 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Version Type Owner Status Created
#2215 tree view: unfold recursively mc-core master enhancement assigned 05/22/10
#2217 tree view: to consider - making clickable hot spots in tree view mc-core master enhancement assigned 05/22/10
#2218 tree view: add mouse scroll support mc-core master enhancement assigned 05/22/10
#2240 Background jobs queue (aka: file copy queue) mc-core master enhancement new 06/14/10
#2268 Output to stderr should be captured on run and displayed as pop-up (configurable) mc-core master enhancement assigned 07/10/10
#2308 Consolidate regular expressions in Syntax file and rewrite introductory comments mcedit master enhancement zaytsev new 08/11/10
#2310 When moving mc queues delete operations and performs them only if copy is completed sucesfully mc-core enhancement new 08/15/10
#2329 Whitespace-only sequences not remembered mc-core 4.7.3 enhancement new 08/26/10
#2334 QuickView panel is not using extention file rules mc-core 4.7.3 enhancement new 08/28/10
#2346 Sync PHP syntax highlighting with up do date language keywords mcedit master enhancement zaytsev accepted 09/11/10
#2352 [feature request] display most unique part of filename, if panel width is too short mc-core master enhancement new 09/15/10
#2370 Allow mcview to display from stdin mcview 4.7.4 enhancement new 09/30/10
#2371 show current lines in viewer mcview master enhancement slavazanko accepted 10/01/10
#2373 Panelize: follow to highlighted file location (Alt + O/I doesn't work for files in the "Find Files" results panel) mc-core 4.7.4 enhancement new 10/01/10
#2387 Persistent file mark mc-core 4.7.4 enhancement new 10/14/10
#2388 Postpone file operation dialogs that require user decision mc-core 4.7.4 enhancement new 10/14/10
#2403 Make it possible to define disabled field background color in skins mc-skin master enhancement assigned 10/28/10
#2468 Preserve extended attributes while copy mc-core master enhancement new 01/09/11
#2505 EditShiftBlockLeft/EditShiftBlockRight should operate with vertical blocks mcedit master enhancement new 02/18/11
#2525 editor: add option to show EOL mcedit 4.7.5 enhancement assigned 03/30/11
#2644 [PATCH] editor enhancements mcedit master enhancement slavazanko accepted 10/23/11
#2654 It is possible to get 'history-search-backward' like behavior in MC prompt? mc-core enhancement new 10/27/11
#2672 [PATCH] Numbered listboxes and directory hotlist mc-core 4.8.0 enhancement assigned 11/16/11
#2699 select only name without extension when renaming mc-core master enhancement new 12/21/11
#2700 Default extract method of compressed files mc-core master enhancement new 12/21/11
#2717 Sort order mc-core 4.8.1 enhancement new 01/17/12
#2727 Mark files to begin/end mc-core master enhancement new 02/05/12
#2809 ftpfs should respect home user directory mc-vfs master enhancement new 05/17/12
#2837 Home and End key definitions mc-tty master enhancement new 06/29/12
#2928 Indicate read only mode for directories mc-core master enhancement new 11/16/12
#2982 better support for matroska/webm files mc-core master enhancement new 03/16/13
#3042 Bottom bar labels should adapt to width change better mc-core master enhancement new 07/15/13
#3087 User friendly representation of shortcut keys mc-core 4.8.10 enhancement new 09/27/13
#3139 undo grouping should be more intelligent mcedit master enhancement new 01/05/14
#3159 Skin files: fix badly chosen keywords mc-skin 4.8.11 enhancement andrew_b assigned 01/15/14
#3163 Several improvements in editor saving behavior mcedit master enhancement new 01/27/14
#3166 Selection of Multiple Adjacent Files/Directories mc-core master enhancement new 02/05/14
#3169 Additional Appearance options mc-skin master enhancement new 02/11/14
#3186 Base64 and Quoted-Printable decode mcview master enhancement new 03/16/14
#3193 mtp plugin mc-vfs master enhancement new 04/08/14
#3195 "Goto Line" dialog: goto line:column mcedit master enhancement new 04/11/14
#3199 option to show long operation progress in xterm window title mc-core master enhancement new 04/20/14
#3227 Quick cd autocomplete change bevavior. mc-core master enhancement new 06/22/14
#3331 Added support for list & extract UDF images by 7-zip mc-vfs 4.8.11 enhancement new 11/14/14
#3356 More ways to define key sequences mc-tty master enhancement new 12/04/14
#3367 Add support .editorconfig in mcedit mcedit master enhancement new 12/07/14
#3396 Port help viewer to new viewer engine mc-core master enhancement new 02/01/15
#3436 [patch] support multiple programs to view given file mc-core master enhancement new 04/03/15
#3450 Quickly tag many adjacent files mc-core master enhancement new 04/15/15
#3488 Extend PanelOtherSync action in Panelize mode to show selected filename in other panel mc-core master enhancement new 06/25/15
#3533 mcedit: Ctrl+E (go to end of line) and Ctrl+A (go to start of line) shortcuts mcedit master enhancement new 10/06/15
#3546 mcview: dim wrapped lines mcview master enhancement new 11/04/15
#3602 Make it possible to localize of user menus mc-core master enhancement new 03/06/16
#3604 MC menu files enhanced cmdline for entering VFS? mc-core master enhancement new 03/11/16
#3628 screen library: ncurses vs ncursesw compilation master enhancement new 03/29/16
#3685 Add hotkey support to labels and groupboxes mc-core master enhancement new 09/05/16
#3713 Extend info panel with output of external program mc-core master enhancement new 11/03/16
#3719 Options: Weird keyboard navigation over radiobuttons mc-core master enhancement new 11/05/16
#3733 Add the 'ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES' section to the manual page documentation master enhancement new 11/29/16
#3748 mksh as a subshell mc-core master enhancement new 12/28/16
#3756 Add a new %macro which expands to full names of tagged files mc-core master enhancement new 01/11/17
#3759 mcdiff color weirdnesses mcdiff master enhancement new 01/21/17
#3889 Chage base execution behavior mc-core master enhancement new 12/14/17
#3909 Enhancement: support includes for user menu mc-config-ini master enhancement new 04/09/18
#3925 implement submenus in user menu (f2) mc-core master enhancement new 07/07/18
#3939 some simple additions to mc.ext mc-core master enhancement new 10/02/18
#3941 Programatically call exit_subshell outside of mc mc-core 4.8.19 enhancement new 10/12/18
#3950 Mass create (sym)links mc-core master enhancement new 11/11/18
#3959 Display "NNN files and MMM folders selected out of TTT total files and YYY total folders" mc-core master enhancement new 01/08/19
#3981 [PATCH] sh.syntax: Allow for indented 'function' highlighting mcedit master enhancement andrew_b reopened 04/25/19
#3989 Invoking 'mc' while MC is already running should open the existing instance mc-core master enhancement new 05/25/19
#4042 Symlink ownership mc-core master enhancement new 12/06/19
#4043 Make MC interruptible mc-vfs master enhancement new 12/09/19
#4176 Syntax highlighting for openHAB mcedit master enhancement new 01/17/21
#4256 [PATCH] Panel scrollbars + prettier scrollbars in dialogs mc-core master enhancement new 06/24/21
#4265 A keyboard shortcut for selecting files AND directories mc-core master enhancement new 07/27/21
#4355 Remember selections when exiting a directory mc-core master enhancement new 03/22/22
#4477 mcedit temporary files path configuration option mcedit 4.8.27 enhancement new 06/21/23
#4514 Open all marked files in a panel in mceditor mc-core master enhancement new 12/04/23
#24 savannah: session management wanted mc-core task new 12/25/08
#1516 Make all options in mc.ini older than august 2009 available from configuring dialogs mc-core 4.7.0-pre3 task new 08/09/09
#1561 Help for editor dialogs documentation master task andrew_b reopened 08/23/09
#1645 Avoid static char arrays in functions mc-core master task new 09/28/09
#3469 Change listbox's navigtion '0'-'9' to '1'-'9','0' mc-core master task new 05/17/15
#3664 Don't hardcode keys (+, -, \, *, X-enter) mc-key-bindings master task new 07/18/16
#417 Mailfs Bugs/Patches mc-vfs master defect new 06/18/09
#1976 unifying some declarations in src dir mc-core master defect new 01/24/10
#2325 "Cannot change to" directory\n warning mc-core 4.8.15 defect new 08/26/10
#2326 Newline characters not retained upon rename mc-core 4.7.3 defect new 08/26/10
#2945 MC does not update $PS1 after internal file operations mc-core 4.8.7 defect new 01/01/13
#2999 mcedit doesn't handle ZWNJ correctly. mcedit master defect new 04/08/13
#3726 Fix doc about 'default' fg/bg color documentation master defect new 11/14/16
#3778 No help for "History-query" documentation master defect new 02/27/17
#3871 extfs uace broken with unace-nonfree 2.5-9 on xubuntu 17.10 mc-vfs master defect new 10/28/17
#4146 "Quick cd" doesn't follow window resizes mc-core master defect new 11/17/20
#4238 uzip doesn't properly handle zip archives with backward slashes mc-vfs master defect new 05/07/21
#4241 MC can't work with a zip file mc-vfs master defect new 05/13/21
#4247 Cannot go up a level when an upper directory has been deleted mc-core master defect new 05/23/21
#4523 Still issues with unit prefixes (related to 3666) mc-core master defect new 01/25/24
#4543 "man 1 mcedit" "Syntax highlighting" section does not contain essential info from the cooledit(1) one documentation master defect new 05/31/24
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
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