{2} Active Tickets by Version (634 matches)

This report shows how to color results by priority, while grouping results by version.

Last modification time, description and reporter are included as hidden fields for useful RSS export.

Results (601 - 634 of 634)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

master (32 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Version Type Owner Status Created
#4238 uzip doesn't properly handle zip archives with backward slashes mc-vfs master defect new 05/07/21
#4241 MC can't work with a zip file mc-vfs master defect new 05/13/21
#4247 Cannot go up a level when an upper directory has been deleted mc-core master defect new 05/23/21
#4523 Still issues with unit prefixes (related to 3666) mc-core master defect new 01/25/24
#4543 "man 1 mcedit" "Syntax highlighting" section does not contain essential info from the cooledit(1) one documentation master defect new 05/31/24
#2007 key binding to insert the name of the current file prefixed by ./ if it's executable mc-core master enhancement new 02/05/10
#2011 Warning at the entrance to the archive mc-vfs master enhancement new 02/07/10
#2190 Add LFTP-like HTTP filesystem to VFS mc-vfs master enhancement new 05/12/10
#2191 Add some user-friendly way to play music (eg.: using mplayer) mc-core master enhancement new 05/12/10
#2282 force utf option mc-tty master enhancement reopened 07/15/10
#2314 Freedesktop standard .desktop entry for Midnight Commander mc-core master enhancement andrew_b accepted 08/20/10
#2363 Make mc accessible for visually-impaired screen-reader users mc-core master enhancement new 09/25/10
#2414 CmdLink should provide some defaults mc-core master enhancement reopened 11/09/10
#2666 FR: Start detached (has patch inside) mc-core master enhancement new 11/06/11
#2719 Conditional sort mc-core master enhancement reopened 01/24/12
#2721 Hotkey to toggle 'Hide none' mc-core master enhancement new 01/24/12
#2850 SCTP protocol support mc-vfs master enhancement new 07/19/12
#2929 Cooledit enhancements: ldif.syntax and schema.syntax for OpenLDAP files hightlightigs mcedit master enhancement new 11/17/12
#2931 Add the Colorer engine as an alternative to MC's internal highlighting engine mcedit master enhancement new 11/18/12
#3046 listing contents of directory without eXecute permission mc-core master enhancement new 07/23/13
#3290 [patch] Universal unpacking mc-core master enhancement new 10/18/14
#3442 File compression with xz in mc.menu mc-core master enhancement new 04/10/15
#3727 Information that appears on info panel mc-core master enhancement new 11/17/16
#3755 Fix emacs keymap mc-key-bindings master enhancement zaytsev accepted 01/11/17
#4026 Better accessible quick search mc-core master enhancement new 10/25/19
#4028 Change ISO processing to p7zip mc-vfs master enhancement new 11/04/19
#4040 Debian sources.list syntax should apply to all files with .list extension mcedit master enhancement new 12/05/19
#4079 icon for mc mc-core master enhancement new 05/05/20
#4439 Suggestions mc-core master enhancement new 02/09/23
#4538 change Xterm window title with mcdiff/mcedit/mcview mc-core master enhancement new 05/16/24
#2234 Use mc events instead of mc hooks mc-core master task new 06/07/10
#4352 syntax file for bitbake recipe file mcedit master task new 03/22/22

version not selected (2 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Version Type Owner Status Created
#1984 something like syntax.d for highlighting mc-core version not selected defect new 01/29/10
#2030 Feature request: unix pipe as VFS. mc-core version not selected enhancement new 02/15/10
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
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