Ticket #3046 (new enhancement)

Opened 12 years ago

listing contents of directory without eXecute permission

Reported by: gotar Owned by:
Priority: trivial Milestone: Future Releases
Component: mc-core Version: master
Keywords: Cc:
Blocked By: Blocking:
Branch state: no branch Votes for changeset:


As you are aware, using a directory requires at least rx. Without r (-?x) one cannot read directory contents (must type file names) and this case is supported currently, but having r without x (r?-) allows to read it contents, while mc throws 'Cannot change directory' error only (which is true). It could be slightly enhanced to:

  1. keep 'Cannot change directory' warning (like 'Cannot read directory contents' for -r scenario),
  2. don't change directory internally, behave like for VFS (e.g. archives),
  3. enumerate contents (only file names, attributes are not available except bit indicating directory).
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