Version 4 (modified by zaytsev, 5 years ago) (diff) |
Color schemes
Midnight Commander supports color schemes. This allows to change the look of all elements of the program interface. If you not need for colors, you may run Midnight Commander with -b or --nocolor option.
Colors in Midnight Commander
Color of any interface element described by color pair:
Color for text and background | Colors just for text |
black | gray |
red | brightred |
green | brightgreen |
brown | yellow |
blue | brightblue |
magenta | brightmagenta |
cyan | brightcyan |
lightgray | white |
Definition of color scheme
Default color scheme now hardcoded and noo able to change without recompile of project. At start of program first initialized default color scheme. Then analyzes the user-defined color schemes. User has four opportunities to redefine the colors of interface elements Midnight Commander:
- in section [Colors] in ~/.mc/ini configuration file;
- in section describing the terminal in ~/.mc/ini configuration file.You can define your color scheme for each type of terminal;
- in environment variable MC_COLOR_TABLE;
- through the command-line -C option (or --colors option).
Each of these settings supplements or replace previous settings
Default color scheme
Parameter | Value | Description |
normal | lightgray,blue | Main color |
reverse | black,lightgray | Inverse color |
gauge | white,black | Progressbar indicator |
input | black,cyan | Input string |
selected | black,cyan | Panel: current file |
marked | yellow,blue | Panel: marked file |
markselect | yellow,cyan | Panel: current marked file |
directory | white,blue | Panel: directory |
executable | brightgreen,blue | Panet: executable file |
link | lightgray,blue | Panel: symlink |
stalelink | brightred,blue | Panel: stale symlink |
device | brightmagenta,blue | Panel: file of device |
core | red,blue | Panel: core-file |
special | black,blue | Panel: special file |
dnormal | black,lightgray | Dialog window: main color |
dfocus | black,cyan | Dialog window: color of focused element |
dhotnormal | blue,lightgray | Dialog window: Color of character for hotkey |
dhotfocus | blue,cyan | Dialog window: Color of character for hotkey in focused element |
errors | white,red | Error message: main color |
errdhotnormal | yellow,red | Error message: Color of character for hotkey |
errdhotfocus | yellow,lightgray | Error message: Color of character for hotkey in focused element |
menu | white,cyan | Menu: main color |
menusel | white,black | Menu: selected item |
menuhot | yellow,cyan | Menu: Color of character for hotkey |
menuhotsel | yellow,black | Меню: Color of character for hotkey in selected item |
helpnormal | black,lightgray | Help: main color |
helpitalic | red,lightgray | Help: italic text |
helpbold | blue,lightgray | Help: bold text |
helplink | black,cyan | Help: unselected text link |
helpslink | yellow,blue | Help: selected text link |
viewunderline | brightred,blue | Viewer and editor: underlined text |
editnormal | lightgray,blue | Editor: main color |
editbold | yellow,blue | Editor: color of highlighted search results |
editmarked | black,cyan | Editor: marked text |
editwhitespace | brightblue,blue | Editor: tabs and trailing spaces |
editlinestate | white,cyan | Editor: color of status field for lines |
Description of format user-defined color scheme
Use short help by calling:
$ mc --help-color