Ticket #4332 (closed defect: invalid)

Opened 3 years ago

Last modified 3 years ago

Does not work hotkey ctrl-backspace, ctrl-h

Reported by: KLex Owned by:
Priority: major Milestone:
Component: mc-key-bindings Version: 4.8.24
Keywords: hotkey Cc:
Blocked By: Blocking:
Branch state: no branch Votes for changeset:


  1. In mc.keymap I set:

DeleteToWordBegin? = ctrl-backspace

  1. Save and restart mc
  2. Type some words in command line
  3. Press ctrl-backspace
  4. I want delete word to the left, but nothing happens.

hotkey "DeleteToWordBegin? = ctrl-delete" work correct
the same error is in "History = ctrl-h"


1.txt (509 bytes) - added by KLex 3 years ago.
mc -V
2.txt (774 bytes) - added by KLex 3 years ago.
mc -F
3.txt (809 bytes) - added by KLex 3 years ago.

Change History

Changed 3 years ago by KLex

mc -V

Changed 3 years ago by KLex

mc -F

Changed 3 years ago by KLex


comment:1 Changed 3 years ago by andrew_b

Run cat.
Press backspace.
Press ctrl-backspace.
Press ctrl-h.
What do you see?

Last edited 3 years ago by andrew_b (previous) (diff)

comment:2 Changed 3 years ago by andrew_b

  • Version set to 4.8.24
  • Milestone changed from 4.8.28 to Future Releases

comment:3 Changed 3 years ago by KLex

in both cases:

Last edited 3 years ago by KLex (previous) (diff)

comment:4 Changed 3 years ago by andrew_b

So you can't distinguish between ctrl-h and ctrl-backspace in your terminal.

comment:5 follow-up: ↓ 6 Changed 3 years ago by KLex

I not use ctrl-h in mc.keymap, ctrl-backspace only.
When I press ctrl-backspace, ctrl-h, backspace - delete symbol left.
When I press backspace after cat - delete symbol left.

comment:6 in reply to: ↑ 5 Changed 3 years ago by andrew_b

Replying to KLex:

I not use ctrl-h in mc.keymap, ctrl-backspace only.

It doesn't matter. mc receives same char sequences for different keys from terminal. mc is unable to do anything in such case.


comment:7 Changed 3 years ago by andrew_b

  • Status changed from new to closed
  • Resolution set to invalid
  • Milestone Future Releases deleted
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