Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of doc/filePanels/hotkeys

07/08/09 10:16:42 (16 years ago)

add english version of panels hotkeys table


  • doc/filePanels/hotkeys

    v1 v1  
     1= File panels hotkeys = 
     3Please start from [wiki:doc/common/hotkeys base manual] for hotkeys. 
     5== Similar pages == 
     7 * [wiki:doc/editor/hotkeys Editor hotkeys] 
     8 * [wiki:doc/viewer/hotkeys Viewer hotkeys] 
     10== Hotkeys == 
     12Ctrl and Shift mean the same keyboard keys, Meta is metakey, on PC it's Alt or single press of Esc key.  
     14||''F3''||View file.|| 
     15||''F4''||Edit file.|| 
     16||''Insert''||Select 'current object'^1^|| 
     17||''+''||select a group of files. (regular expression can be used)|| 
     18||''\''||Unselect a group of files. This is the opposite of the Plus key. || 
     19||''Meta+Enter''||Insert 'current object'^1^ to command line.|| 
     20||''Meta+.''||Show/hidde hidden files and directories (that starts with '.').|| 
     21||''Meta+,''||Change panel split view mode to vertical/horizontal.|| 
     22||''Meta+a''[[BR]]''Ctrl+x,p''||Insert in command line path of active panel.|| 
     23||''Meta+c''||Displays change directory dialog for active panel.|| 
     24||''Meta+h''||Displays command history.|| 
     25||''Meta+i''||Make the current directory of the current panel also the current directory of the other panel. Put the other panel to the listing mode if needed. If the current panel is panelized, the other panel doesn't become panelized.|| 
     26||''Meta+n''[[BR]]''Meta+p''||Use these keys to browse through the command history. Meta-p takes you to the last entry, Meta-n takes you to the next one.|| 
     27||''Meta+o''||If the currently selected file is a directory, load that directory on the other panel and moves the selection to the next file.|| 
     28||''Meta+g''[[BR]]''Meta+r''[[BR]]''Meta+j''||Used to select the top/middle/bottom file in a panel repectively|| 
     29||''Meta+t''||Change panel view ('Full','Brief','Long')|| 
     30||''Meta+Shift+?''||Find file.|| 
     31||''Meta+Shift+A''[[BR]]''Ctrl+x,Ctrl+p''||Insert to command line inactive panel path.|| 
     32||''Meta+Shift+H''||Display directory history.|| 
     33||''Ctrl+\''||Display directory hotlist.|| 
     34||''Ctrl+l''||Repaint all information in midnight commander.|| 
     35||''Ctrl+o''||Show/hida panell.|| 
     36||''Ctrl+r''||Reread content of current directory.|| 
     37||''Ctrl+s''||Quick search.|| 
     38||''Ctrl+Space''||Show directory size.|| 
     39||''Ctrl+x,a''||Show active VFS list.|| 
     40||''Ctrl+x,c''||Chmod (Change file Mode) for file or directory.|| 
     41||''Ctrl+x,i''||Set the other panel display mode to information.|| 
     42||''Ctrl+x,j''||Show background jobs.|| 
     43||''Ctrl+x,l''||Create hardlink for active file or directory.|| 
     44||''Ctrl+x,o''||Chown (Change Owner) for file or directory.|| 
     45||''Ctrl+x,q''||Set the other panel display mode to quick view.|| 
     46||''Ctrl+x,s''||Create symlink for active file or directory.|| 
     47||''Ctrl+x,t''||Insert selected names to command line.|| 
     48||''Ctrl+x,Ctrl+s''||Edit symlink.|| 
     49||''Shift+F1''||Change directory to mount point for left panell (should work in further release).|| 
     50||''Shift+F2''||Change directory to mount point for right panell (should work in further release).|| 
     51||''Shift+F3''||View raw file without extension specific.|| 
     52||''Shift+F4''||Create new file.|| 
     56''1 Current object - active file or directory on the current panel.''