Changes between Version 3 and Version 4 of doc/editor/hotkeys

07/08/09 09:27:04 (16 years ago)

fix alt to meta


  • doc/editor/hotkeys

    v3 v4  
    1010== Hotkeys == 
     12Ctrl and Shift mean the same keyboard keys, Meta is metakey, on PC it's Alt or single Esc press. 
    1214||F3||Begin of text selection. Second press - end of text selection|| 
    1315||Shift+F3||Begin of block text selection|| 
    1517||F6||Move text selection|| 
    1618||F8||Delete text selection|| 
    17 ||''Alt+i''||toggle 'Return does autoindent' option.|| 
    18 ||''Alt+l''||Go to line by number.|| 
    19 ||''Alt+q''||Insert literal.See table at bottom of this page.|| 
    20 ||''Alt+t''||Sort of text in selection.|| 
    21 ||''Alt+u''||Execute external command and insert output into cursor position|| 
     19||''Meta+i''||toggle 'Return does autoindent' option.|| 
     20||''Meta+l''||Go to line by number.|| 
     21||''Meta+q''||Insert literal.See table at bottom of this page.|| 
     22||''Meta+t''||Sort of text in selection.|| 
     23||''Meta+u''||Execute external command and insert output into cursor position|| 
    2224||''Ctrl+f''||Save selection into external file|| 
    2325||''Ctrl+k''||Delete chars to end of line|| 
    3032||''Ctrl+z''||Go to start of previous word|| 
    3133||''Shift+F5''||Insert external file content into cursor position|| 
    32 ||''Alt+Enter''||Codejump dialog || 
    33 ||''Alt+-''||Move back into codejump (go to from function definition to function call)|| 
    34 ||''Alt++''||Move forvard into codejump (go to from function call to function definition)|| 
    35 ||''Alt+n''||Toggle number of lines|| 
     34||''Meta+Enter''||Codejump dialog || 
     35||''Meta+-''||Move back into codejump (go to from function definition to function call)|| 
     36||''Meta++''||Move forvard into codejump (go to from function call to function definition)|| 
     37||''Meta+n''||Toggle number of lines|| 
    3638||''tab''||If 'persistent blocks' option is on, then move selected text to right|| 
    3739||''M-tab''||If 'persistent blocks' option is on, then move selected text to left|| 
    3840||''Shift+Arrows''||Text selection|| 
    39 ||''Alt+Arrows''||Block text selection|| 
    40 ||''Alt+Shift+-''||Toggle show visible tabs and trailing spaces|| 
     41||''Meta+Arrows''||Block text selection|| 
     42||''Meta+Shift+-''||Toggle show visible tabs and trailing spaces|| 
    4244== Table of literals == 
    4345|| '''HEX''' || '''Dec''' || '''Клавиша''' || '''Описание''' || 
    44 ||01||1||Alt+q,a|| || 
    45 ||02||2||Alt+q,n|| || 
    46 ||03||3||Alt+q,v|| || 
    47 ||04||4||Alt+q,d|| || 
    48 ||05||5||Alt+q,e|| || 
    49 ||06||6||Alt+q,f|| || 
    50 ||07||7||Alt+q,g|| || 
    51 ||08||8||Alt+q,h|| || 
    52 ||09||9||Alt+q,i||TAB|| 
    53 ||0A||10||Alt+q,j|| || 
    54 ||0B||11||Alt+q,k|| || 
    55 ||0C||12||Alt+q,l|| || 
    56 ||0E||14||Alt+q,m|| || 
    57 ||0F||15||Alt+q,o|| || 
    58 ||10||16||Alt+q,p|| || 
    59 ||11||17||Alt+q,q|| || 
    60 ||12||18||Alt+q,r|| || 
    61 ||13||19||Alt+q,s|| || 
    62 ||14||20||Alt+q,t|| || 
    63 ||15||21||Alt+q,u|| || 
    64 ||16||22||Alt+q,b|| || 
    65 ||17||23||Alt+q,w|| || 
    66 ||18||24||Alt+q,c|| || 
    67 ||19||25||Alt+q,y|| || 
    68 ||1A||26||Alt+q,x|| || 
    69 ||1B||27||Alt+q,z[[BR]]Alt+q,Esc,Esc|| || 
     46||01||1||Meta+q,a|| || 
     47||02||2||Meta+q,n|| || 
     48||03||3||Meta+q,v|| || 
     49||04||4||Meta+q,d|| || 
     50||05||5||Meta+q,e|| || 
     51||06||6||Meta+q,f|| || 
     52||07||7||Meta+q,g|| || 
     53||08||8||Meta+q,h|| || 
     55||0A||10||Meta+q,j|| || 
     56||0B||11||Meta+q,k|| || 
     57||0C||12||Meta+q,l|| || 
     58||0E||14||Meta+q,m|| || 
     59||0F||15||Meta+q,o|| || 
     60||10||16||Meta+q,p|| || 
     61||11||17||Meta+q,q|| || 
     62||12||18||Meta+q,r|| || 
     63||13||19||Meta+q,s|| || 
     64||14||20||Meta+q,t|| || 
     65||15||21||Meta+q,u|| || 
     66||16||22||Meta+q,b|| || 
     67||17||23||Meta+q,w|| || 
     68||18||24||Meta+q,c|| || 
     69||19||25||Meta+q,y|| || 
     70||1A||26||Meta+q,x|| || 
     71||1B||27||Meta+q,z[[BR]]Meta+q,Esc,Esc|| || 