| 54 | ||'''Action'''||'''Default shortcut'''||'''Description'''|| |
| 55 | ||'''Up'''||Up, C-p||move the selection bar to the previous entry in the panel|| |
| 56 | ||'''Down'''||Down, C-n||move the selection bar to the next entry in the panel|| |
| 57 | ||'''Left'''||Left||move the selection bar to the left|| |
| 58 | ||'''Right'''||Right||move the selection bar to the right|| |
| 59 | ||'''!PageUp'''||!PgUp, Alt-v||move the selection bar one page up|| |
| 60 | ||'''!PageDown'''||!PgDn, Alt-p||move the selection bar one page down|| |
| 61 | ||'''Top'''||Home, a1, Alt-<||move the selection bar to the first entry in the panel|| |
| 62 | ||'''Bottom'''||End, c1, Alt->||move the selection bar to the last entry in the panel|| |
| 63 | ||'''!TopOnScreen'''||Alt-g||move the selection bar to the first visible entry in the panel|| |
| 64 | ||'''!MiddleOnScreen'''||Alt-r||move the selection bar to the middle visible entry in the panel|| |
| 65 | ||'''!BottomOnScreen'''||Alt-j||move the selection bar to the last visible entry in the panel|| |
| 66 | ||'''!CopySingle'''||Shift-F5|||| |
| 67 | ||'''!MoveSingle'''||Shift-F6|||| |
| 68 | ||'''!DeleteSingle'''||Shift-F8|||| |
| 69 | ||'''Search'''||Ctrl-s, Alt-s||start a quick filename search in the directory listing|| |
| 70 | ||'''!SelectCodepage'''||Alt-e||change charset of current panel|| |
| 71 | ||'''History'''||Alt-H||show the directory history|| |
| 72 | ||'''!HistoryNext'''||Alt-u||move to the next directory in the history|| |
| 73 | ||'''!HistoryPrev'''||Alt-y||move to the previous directory in the history|| |
| 74 | ||'''!EditNew'''||Shift-F4, F14|||| |
| 75 | ||'''!ViewRaw'''||Shift-F3, F13|||| |
| 76 | ||'''Select'''||key plus '+'||select (tag) a group of files|| |
| 77 | ||'''Unselect'''||key back slash '\'||unselect a group of files|| |
| 78 | ||'''!SelectInvert'''||Alt-*||invert selection on the current panel|| |
| 79 | ||'''!PanelOtherSync'''||Alt-i||make the current directory of the current panel also the current directory of the other panel|| |
| 80 | ||'''!PanelOtherCd'''||Alt-o||If the currently selected file is a directory, load that directory on the other panel and moves the selection to the next file. [[BR]] If the currently selected file is not a directory, load the parent directory on the other panel and moves the selection to the next file.|| |
| 81 | ||'''!PanelOtherCdLink'''||Alt-l||If the currently selected file is a link to the directory, load that directory on the other panel and moves the selection to the next file.|| |
| 82 | ||'''!CdChild'''||Ctrl-!PgDn||move to the child directory|| |
| 83 | ||'''!CdParent'''||Ctrl-!PgUp||move to the parent directory|| |
| 84 | ||'''!CdParentSmart'''||||move to the parent directory only if command line is empty, else erase the previous character in the command line|| |
| 85 | ||'''Mark'''||Ins, Ctrl-t||tag or untag files. To untag files, just retag a tagged file.|| |
| 86 | ||'''!MarkDown'''||Shift-Down||tag file and move the selection bar to the next entry|| |
| 87 | ||'''!MarkUp'''||Shift-Up||tag file and move the selection bar to the previous entry|| |
| 88 | ||'''Enter'''||enter|||| |
| 89 | ||'''Sort'''|||||| |
| 90 | ||'''!SortReverse'''|||||| |
| 91 | ||'''!SortPrev'''|||||| |
| 92 | ||'''!SortNext'''|||||| |
| 93 | ||'''!SortByName'''|||||| |
| 94 | ||'''!SortByExt'''|||||| |
| 95 | ||'''!SortBySize'''|||||| |
| 96 | ||'''!ScrollLeft'''||||scroll long file names in panel to the left|| |
| 97 | ||'''!ScrollRight'''||||scroll long file names in panel to the right|| |