= Set up a local Transifex repository HOWTO = == About this document == This document is intended to all translators and release masters who will be deal with translations for Midnight Commander (also applicable for all other projects who use services of [http://www.transifex.com Transifex] project). == About Transifex == [http://www.transifex.com Transifex] is a modern, open-source localization platform. It’s a web system which automates the translation workflow for complex international projects. Transifex seamlessly integrates with existing content infrastructure, such as a software development repository or content management system, using a rich API. Translation is "crowd-sourced" to a global network of human translators using smart and agile translation techniques adopted from the open source ecosystem. == Getting Transifex client == Check * https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/fedora/ * https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/linux-postinstall/ and use the following: {{{ $ cat >~/bin/tx #!/bin/sh touch ~/.transifexrc export XUID=$(id -u) export XGID=$(id -g) docker run \ --rm -i \ --user $XUID:$XGID \ --volume="/etc/group:/etc/group:ro" \ --volume="/etc/passwd:/etc/passwd:ro" \ --volume="/etc/shadow:/etc/shadow:ro" \ --volume $(pwd):/app \ --volume ~/.transifexrc:/.transifexrc \ --volume /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt:/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt \ transifex/txcli \ --root-config /.transifexrc \ "$@" CTRL+D $ chmod +x ~/bin/tx $ cat >~/.transifexrc [https://www.transifex.com] rest_hostname = https://rest.api.transifex.com token = 1/*** CTRL+D }}} === Old client === As of 2024, Fedora 40 is unfortunately still shipping only the old client. {{{ sudo yum install transifex-client }}} == Using Transifex client == To make sure that transifex-client was installed correctly, try running it with the following command: {{{ tx --help }}} If everything is okay, then you should see a help message and basic instructions. To get more information for each command of tool you can use {{{ tx help }}}