
Version 19 (modified by andrew_b, 3 years ago) (diff)

Revert version 18.

Important: Read This Before Creating a Ticket

Currently we have come problems with our web server. Please DON'T create ticket again and again if you get error from nginx!!! Look at the Timeline instead.

Take the time to search for an already existing ticket please.

The advantage of search pre-existing ticket is that there's often an existing workaround, or a patch waiting for your feedback. In this case, please make the next step and participate at the bug fixing.

Please submit bug reports to your distribution unless you built the very latest version of Midnight Commander yourself.

Yes, I think I've found a new bug

Then, by all means, please let us know!

Please, consult with our 'How to report about bugs' page and as much as possible follow the algorithm of registration ticket:

What version of Midnight Commander is used?

Put output of mc -V command (and all other commands described in 'How to report about bugs') here.

What steps will reproduce the problem?

  1. ...
  1. ...
  1. ...

What is the expected output?

What do you see instead?

Proceed to create a bug report.

Of course, ideas for improvement (preferably with patches!) are welcome and you can create an enhancement request.

And please, please, don't create test tickets. We prefer spending our time improving mc rather than fighting spam.

Thank you for your understanding!