= Midnight Commander 4.8.23 = [http://www.midnight-commander.org/query?status=closed&group=resolution&order=priority&col=id&col=summary&col=owner&col=type&col=priority&col=component&col=version&col=severity&milestone=4.8.23 View all closed tickets for this release] == Major changes since 4.8.22 == === Core === === VFS === === Editor === === Viewer === === Diff viewer === === Misc === * Code cleanup (#3955) * Use Geeqie (a fork of GQview) as main image viewer, fallback to GQview (#3962) * File highlighting updates (#3966) * .go, .s: highlight as source * .m4v: highlighting as media === Fixes === * Compilation fail on AIX (#3960) * Cannot shell, or FTP, or SFTP link when the file panel is tree, or info, or quick view (#3948) * ~~Improper use of IEC and SI prefixes for size (#3666)~~ * Incorrect include/editor order in mc.ext (#3965) * mcedit: incorrect C/C++ syntax highlighting in some cases (#3487)