Changes between Version 26 and Version 27 of Moved/WorkingGuideLines

01/03/16 13:20:41 (9 years ago)



  • Moved/WorkingGuideLines

    v26 v27  
    3434 * documentation (doc/*) 
    3535 * skins (misc/skins/*); except defailt.ini skin 
    36  * keymaps (misc/mc.keymap.*); except mc.keymap.default and mc.keymap.emacs 
     36 * keymaps (misc/mc.keymap.*); except mc.default.keymap and mc.emacs.keymap 
    3737 * editor's syntax color highlight files 
    5050  $ git add file.1 file.2 file.3          // add files to commit  
    5151  $ git commit -s                         // commit changes 
    52   $ git-push -u origin 123_branch_name    // pub branch 
     52  $ git push -u origin 123_branch_name    // pub branch 
    55  * Each branch should follow some easy naming rules: XYZ_<something_descriptive_here>. XYZ is here the ID of the ticket. (The patch is not directly applied to the parent branch as we would like to review it beforehand. 
    56  * Each branch is created on the top of the other one. If this is a bugfix you should use stable branch, if not then master branch or branch where this bug (e.g for a bugfix create a branch on top of mc-4.6). Please create your branches upon a last master/another_parent_branch, it will simplfy future merge process.  
     55 * Each branch should follow some easy naming rules: XYZ_<something_descriptive_here>. XYZ is here the ID of the ticket. The patch is not directly applied to the parent branch as we would like to review it beforehand. 
     56 * Each branch is created on the top of the other one. If this is a bugfix you should use stable branch, if not then master branch or branch where this bug (e.g for a bugfix create a branch on top of mc-4.6). Please create your branches upon a last master/another_parent_branch, it will simplify future merge process.  
    5858 * After creating the branch, you shouldn't forget to set "Branch state" field to the "on review" state if it ready for review, since now your ticket will pop up on [ this page] and can be reviewed by other developers. Also don't forget add link to changeset in ticket it should speed up review process.  
    6868As there are some guidelines for creating tickets, there are of course also some guidelines for reviewing tickets. 
    6969 * Tickets which needs a review are located here: 
    70  * You can directly test the patch in git, simply checkout this branch and test and review it (or test merge with 
    71  current local master branch or another branch which should be merged for check to conflicts). 
     70 * You can directly test the patch in git, simply checkout this branch and test and review it (or test merge with current local master branch or another branch which should be merged for check to conflicts). 
    8180 $ git reset --hard origin/master 
    8281 $ git pull 
    83  $ git merge --log --no-ff origin/123_branch_name 
     82 $ git merge --log --no-ff --no-edit origin/123_branch_name 
    8483 $ <build and test> 
    8786 * This should be reviewed when looking at a patch: 
    8887   * is the patch straightforward or a somehow hackish fix for an issue? 
    89    * is the patch looking well? (see CodingGuideLines) 
     88   * is the patch looking well? (see [wiki:Hacking Coding Guidelines]) 
    9089   * is the patch doing what it should? 
    9190   * the patch mustn't introduce new bugs! 
    122121  Merge process: 
    124  $ git merge --log --no-ff 123_branch_name  // merge "123_branch_name" to "master" 
     123 $ git merge --log --no-ff --no-edit 123_branch_name  // merge "123_branch_name" to "master" 
    126    --log option adds the merged patches list to the commit. --no-ff option allows create the merge commit in case where branch isn't child branch for current head, it should simplify understanding commit relation (use --no-ff option even you have one commit in branch).  
     125   --log option adds the merged patches list to the commit. --no-ff option allows create the merge commit in case where branch isn't child branch for current head, it should simplify understanding commit relation (use --no-ff option even you have one commit in branch). --no-edit option is used to accept the auto-generated message. 
    128127 Now you ready to update master branch on server:  
    151150If you are unfamiliar with git, please have a look before working in our GitGuideLines.  
    153 Release process is described [wiki:ReleaseProcess here]. 
     152Release process is described [wiki:ReleaseGuidelines here]. 