Changes between Version 25 and Version 26 of Moved/WorkingGuideLines

09/10/14 09:27:12 (10 years ago)



  • Moved/WorkingGuideLines

    v25 v26  
    3939== Creating branches == 
    41 To publish branch you can use script git-publish-branch 
    4341Simple example to create branch: 
    5856 * Each branch is created on the top of the other one. If this is a bugfix you should use stable branch, if not then master branch or branch where this bug (e.g for a bugfix create a branch on top of mc-4.6). Please create your branches upon a last master/another_parent_branch, it will simplfy future merge process.  
    60  * After creating the branch, you shouldn't forget to set "Severity" field to the "on review" state if it ready for review, since now your ticket will pop up on [ this page] and can be reviewed by other developers. Also don't forget add link to changeset in ticket it should speed up review process.  
     58 * After creating the branch, you shouldn't forget to set "Branch state" field to the "on review" state if it ready for review, since now your ticket will pop up on [ this page] and can be reviewed by other developers. Also don't forget add link to changeset in ticket it should speed up review process.  
    6260Standard format is: 
    9290   * is the patch doing what it should? 
    9391   * the patch mustn't introduce new bugs! 
    94  * If you're fine with this patch, add your login to the "Votes for changeset" field, else if the patch is not okay, remove votes and set the "Severity" field to "on rework" as keyword and describe whats problems with this patch. 
    95  * Currently two votes are needed in order to get a patch into the parent branch. If you are the second one which have successfully reviewed this patch then you also set the "Severity" field to "approved". 
     92 * If you're fine with this patch, add your login to the "Votes for changeset" field, else if the patch is not okay, remove votes and set the "Branch state" field to "on rework" as keyword and describe whats problems with this patch. 
     93 * Currently one vote are needed in order to get a patch into the parent branch. If you are successfully reviewed this patch then you also set the "Branch state" field to "approved". 
    9795== Applying Patch Guidelines == 
    9897The last part is about applying a accepted patch to it's parent one 
    9998 * The owner of the ticket will now merge the fix (located in the XXY_<something_descriptive_here> branch) into the parent branch. For this he eventually has to rebase this branch on the parent one. If the fix was a bugfix, then the fix would be now in the mc-X.Y branch.  
    136135 If you have any problems in merge process you should fix it manually and continue merge process, but try to check merge process before start to push or you can break branch. 
    138  * Now you can close the ticket and the ticket will change into the testing state, and rewrite 'Votes for changeset' to 'committed-master' text. Also, change value of 'Branch state' fileld to 'merged'. In ticket comment you must describe how get summary patch. For example: 
     137 * Now you can close the ticket and the ticket will change into the testing state, and rewrite 'Votes for changeset' to 'committed-master' text. Also, change value of 'Branch state' field to 'merged'. In ticket comment you must describe how get summary patch. For example: 
    140139fixed: 111111111111111^...222222222222222 # for multipatch 
    149  * After some time of testing a ticketadmin will close it finally. 
     148 * Update current NEWS page. Add a one-line short description and ticket number to a proper part of NEWS page 
     149 * Change ticket state from 'testing' to 'close' 
    151151If you are unfamiliar with git, please have a look before working in our GitGuideLines.  
    153 Release process should be described [wiki:ReleaseProcess here]. 
     153Release process is described [wiki:ReleaseProcess here]. 
    155157== Backporting to stable branch == 
    156159Sometimes the change needs to backported to latest stable branch (like '''4.8.1-stable'''). 
    157160Such changes are marked as '''keywords: stable-candidate'''. 
    170173     }}} 
    173177== Code Indentation Guidelines ==