Version 23 (modified by slavazanko, 12 years ago) (diff) |
Release Guidelines
All next steps described at this page should be mirrored in release tickets step-by-step
Search previously created ticket with task about next version release (create if ticket not found) and follow by steps while preparing for the release:
- for stable: search tickets by 'stable-candidate' keyword and apply commits to stable branch from all found tickets;
- download translations from by command tx pull --all (see before: how to set up local tx-repository)
- store translations in gir-repo by commands:
cp -f $TX_REPO/<master|stable>/*.po $GIT_REPO/po cd $GIT_REPO/po ./ *.po git add *.po git commit -s -m 'Updated translations from Transifex' git push origin <master|*-stable>
- Create new NEWS wiki-page for next version with empty template. Template may be copied from current NEWS wiki-page (without lists of tasks and bugreports);
- Add content of current NEWS wiki-page to the doc/NEWS file in GIT-repo. Save in git by commands:
git add doc/NEWS git ci -s -m 'Updated doc/NEWS file' git push origin <master|*-stable>
- create new tag in git by command (see before: how to set up your gpg-key for signing releases?)
git tag -s <version> # for master branch keep 'Release' comment; for stable keep 'Stable release' comment git push origin <version>
- new version in Trac;
- new milestone in Trac (no needed for stable branch);
- create tar.(bz2|xz) package files:
./ stop mkdir dist; cd dist; ../configure && make dist-bzip2 && make dist-xz
- make checksums for archives:
sha256sum mc-*tar.* >sha256.sum
- upload source packages and checksums to the special upload area;
- developers should download tarballs, verify checksums, compile and locally install. If everything is ok than developers keep votes in ticket;
- upload source packages and checksums to;
- update Wiki start page with latest release number;
- write an announcement: list user visible changes (bugs and features);
- close current milestone (no needed for stable branch);
- create new ticket (type=task, component=adm) for the next release;
- close ticket for release.
- Cleanup branch should be named as XXXX_cleanup; where XXXX it's a number of current release ticket.
- The cleanup branch should be created by demand and should be voted and merged to main branch ASAP. Don't keep the cleanup branch in development stage longer that this needed.
- Activity around cleanup branch should occur in release ticket.
- Cleanup branch should be deleted after merging to main branch. Cleanup branch may be recreated with same name in any count of times.
- Cleanup branch shouldn't be merged to main branch in a week before release