Changes between Version 25 and Version 26 of Moved/ReleaseGuidelines
- Timestamp:
- 09/14/12 11:43:27 (12 years ago)
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
- Modified
v25 v26 7 7 * for stable: [ search] tickets with 'stable-candidate' keyword and in 'testing' stage, then apply commits to stable branch from all found tickets; 8 8 * download translations from by command [ tx]{{{ pull --all}}} (see before: [wiki:TxRepoSetup how to set up local tx-repository]) 9 * store translations in gi r-repo bycommands:9 * store translations in git repo by following commands: 10 10 {{{ 11 11 cp -f $TX_REPO/<master|stable>/*.po $GIT_REPO/po … … 16 16 git push origin <master|*-stable> 17 17 }}} 18 * Create new NEWS wiki-page for next version with empty template. Template may be copied from current NEWS wiki-page (without listsof tasks and bugreports);19 * Add content of current NEWS wiki-page to the doc/NEWS file in GIT-repo. Save in git bycommands:18 * create new NEWS wiki page for next version with empty template. Template may be copied from current NEWS wiki page (without list of tasks and bugreports); 19 * add content of current NEWS wiki page to the doc/NEWS file in git repo. Save it in git by following commands: 20 20 {{{ 21 21 git add doc/NEWS … … 23 23 git push origin <master|*-stable> 24 24 }}} 25 * create new tag in git by command (see before: [wiki:GpgSetUpForSigningReleases how to set up your gpg -key for signing releases])25 * create new tag in git by command (see before: [wiki:GpgSetUpForSigningReleases how to set up your gpg key for signing releases]) 26 26 {{{ 27 27 git tag -s <version> … … 38 38 * make checksums for archives: 39 39 {{{ 40 sha256sum mc-*tar.* > sha256.sum40 sha256sum mc-*tar.* > sha256.sum 41 41 }}} 42 42 * upload source packages and checksums to the special upload area; … … 51 51 === Notes: === 52 52 * Cleanup branch should be named as XXXX_cleanup; where XXXX it's a number of current release ticket. 53 * The cleanup branch should be created by demand and should be voted and merged to main branch ASAP. Don't keep the cleanup branch in development stage longer that thisneeded.53 * The cleanup branch should be created by demand and should be voted and merged to main branch ASAP. Don't keep the cleanup branch in development stage longer that it needed. 54 54 * Activity around cleanup branch should occur in release ticket. 55 * Cleanup branch should be deleted after merging to main branch. Cleanup branch may be recreated with same name inany count of times.55 * Cleanup branch should be deleted after merging to main branch. Cleanup branch may be recreated with same name with any count of times. 56 56 * Cleanup branch shouldn't be merged to main branch in a week before release