Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #4601, comment 4

10/21/24 12:11:01 (4 days ago)


  • Ticket #4601, comment 4

    initial v1  
    33You're referring to #3264. As far as I recall, this idea of mine was pretty much frowned upon. But I'd also like to reinforce my opinion which I expressed there at the beginning: having two libraries is bad, IMO the project should pick one and use that. With this in mind, offering support for three libraries is IMO even worse. 
    5 I haven't heard of ''termbox2'', but seeing on its homepage that it's part of the ''suckless'' project gives me bad feelings about it. I truly hate suckless's approach to software development (through the example of one of their projects): absolutely minimal codebase (wrt. functionality), by design additional functionalities are available as patches that you can choose whether to apply or not (there goes packageability by distros), lack of bugtracker, also bugreports without patches aren't welcome, once I reported one I got a truly hostile response from one of their devs (but at least others stood up with me on the mailing list). 
     5I haven't heard of ''termbox2'', but seeing on its homepage that it's part of the ''suckless'' project gives me bad feelings about it. I truly hate suckless's approach to software development (through the example of one of their projects): absolutely minimal codebase (wrt. functionality), by design additional functionalities are available as patches that you can choose whether to apply or not (there goes packageability by distros), lack of bugtracker, also bugreports without patches aren't welcome, once I reported one I got a truly hostile response from one of their devs (but at least others stood up for me on the mailing list). 
    77These experiences are by no means necessarily representative, and also termbox2 might do things somewhat differently (for starter, it does have a bugtracker), but still, even if it's prejudice only, I'd be cautious with anything related to suckless. They're not my cup of tea, to say the least.