12 | | If you don't see it immediately, the left part of the line above reads MC in the usual direction. While the right part reads MC in the opposite direction. And there is a question if the computer should display it in the correct direction? And if so, how? How the computer would be able to keep such strings in its memory, and still have the terminal, or while making a hard copy of it, display it the way the user expects it. How the computer would know what is the left most letter? If you like, this is a more complex version of the question how the computer marks to itself the end of string, NULL character, while still keep it distinct from the other part of a string. Or how can the compuer tell that some byte sequences are sometime English letters, sometimes Russion letters, and some times something else. Neither English. Nor Russion. |
| 12 | If you don't see it immediately, the left part of the line above reads MC in the usual direction. While the right part reads MC in the opposite direction. And there is a question if the computer should display it in the correct direction? And if so, how? How the computer would be able to keep such strings in its memory, and still have the terminal, or while making a hard copy of it, display it the way the user expects it. How the computer would know what is the left most letter? If you like, this is a more complex version of the question how the computer marks to itself the end of string, NULL character, while still keep it distinct from the other part of the string. Or how can the computer tell that some byte sequences are sometime English letters, sometimes Russian letters, and some times something else. Neither English. Nor Russian. |