Ticket #4096 (new defect) — at Initial Version

Opened 5 years ago

Last modified 16 months ago

mc with ncurses after #3954

Reported by: kloczek Owned by:
Priority: major Milestone: Future Releases
Component: mc-tty Version: master
Keywords: Cc:
Blocked By: Blocking:
Branch state: no branch Votes for changeset:


After fixing handling mouse by mc compiled with ncurses under http://midnight-commander.org/ticket/3954 I've started using on one of my computer such binary to observe current behaviour.

Looks like mc with ncurses is generally OK however it is some number of some minor issues.
Here is summary list of the effects which I found so far:

1) Under windows putty all ascii frames gone and instead frames are displayed "x" characters. Under gnome-terminal it is OK. Both terminals are using xterm-256color so I'm assuming that this must be result of some terminal settings.

2) keys like home or key combinations like alt-N, alt-P or alt-H are handled with some delay. With alt-N/alt-P in input line is displayed first cleaned and after the delay is displayed correct text of line from history list.
That delay and input line updating in two stages is possible to observe under windows putty and gnome-terminal. That effect is a bit annoying because it causes slowing down interaction with mc. IMO that effect is kind of critical.

I'm not sure what is causing that palette of the colours on the same terminal when mc is compiled with SLang and ncurses but probably it is caused by a bit different internal colours mapping by those two libraries. Probably that could be accepted as known issue and to provide the same colours ncurses code should be changed.

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