Ticket #358 (closed defect: fixed)

Opened 15 years ago

Last modified 9 years ago

MC freezes when copying from one FTP location to another

Reported by: steelaz Owned by: slavazanko
Priority: major Milestone: 4.8.14
Component: mc-vfs Version: 4.6.2-pre1
Keywords: Cc: x905
Blocked By: Blocking:
Branch state: merged Votes for changeset: committed-master


To recreate, connect to the same FTP server on both panels, copy file from one directory to another.


ftpfs.patch (2.7 KB) - added by boris 10 years ago.

Change History

comment:1 Changed 15 years ago by styx

  • Component changed from mc-core to vfs

comment:2 Changed 15 years ago by slavazanko

  • Cc x905 added
  • severity set to no branch

#1709 marked as duplicate.

comment:3 Changed 14 years ago by slavazanko

  • Milestone changed from 4.7 to VFS Standardization

Changed 10 years ago by boris

comment:4 Changed 10 years ago by boris

  • Cc changed from x905, to x905
  • Branch state set to no branch

The bug is still present. It happens because mc tries to open two FTP data connections at once, one for writing target and second for reading source. The control connection then freezes and mc as well.

Attched simple patch. The copy operation will still be impossible, but you'll get error message instead of hang.

comment:5 Changed 9 years ago by slavazanko

  • Status changed from new to accepted
  • Owner set to slavazanko
  • Milestone changed from 4.8 to 4.8.14

comment:6 Changed 9 years ago by slavazanko

  • Branch state changed from no branch to on review

Created branch 358_ftp_to_ftp

Initial changeset:f45784eabb73489859fb96e171e092e42ab0766e

Review please

comment:7 Changed 9 years ago by slavazanko

  • Votes for changeset set to slavazanko
  • Branch state changed from on review to approved

comment:8 Changed 9 years ago by slavazanko

  • Status changed from accepted to testing
  • Votes for changeset changed from slavazanko to committed-master
  • Resolution set to fixed
  • Branch state changed from approved to merged

Merged to master:

git log --pretty=oneline 57d9455...f45784e

comment:9 Changed 9 years ago by slavazanko

  • Status changed from testing to closed
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