Changes between Version 4 and Version 5 of Ticket #3121, comment 22

08/24/22 20:40:45 (2 years ago)


  • Ticket #3121, comment 22

    v4 v5  
    3030'''UPDATE 2: The comment no.17-workaround does not work on my system''' 
    32 I just tried applying the patch described at and it made a difference: Now I got colors instead of black/white and furthermore I don't get any annoying "Error. Unable to load 'default' skin"-startup error. So my expectations were high, but unfortunately this patch does not fix my CTRL+O (subshell) issue... hmm. I understand this issue is difficult to track down as many people cannot reproduce it. If you have any ideas for what I could try, to get a better understanding, please write, I would be happy to help as I'm a long-time user of "mc" and with it should be bugfree... I tried a bit of gdb to see if I could understand things better, but couldn't make it work with break common.c:1607, break common.c:727, break common.c:887 (after applying no17-patch) - I tried placing breakpoints first, when I ran ./mc but it seems it does start a subshell and then I tried to attach to that PID and hit CTRL+O, but that didn't seem to hit any of my breakpoints... Anyway, if I should test anything or if you have ideas, please write and I'll try it out so this weird zsh-issue can be fixed... 
     32I just tried applying the patch described at and it made a difference: Now I got colors instead of black/white and furthermore I don't get any annoying "Error. Unable to load 'default' skin"-startup error. So my expectations were high, but unfortunately this patch does not fix my CTRL+O (subshell) issue... hmm. I understand this issue is difficult to track down as many people cannot reproduce it. If you have any ideas for what I could try, to get a better understanding, please write, I would be happy to help as I'm a long-time user of "mc" and with it should be bugfree... 
     34'''UPDATE 3: Preliminary learnings with GDB''' 
     36I've currently applied the comment no17-patch and just learned from searching a bit that init_subshell()-should be a breakpoint-place but also execute.c:491 and 501. I attached to the PID of the compiled mc (incl patch-17) and hit CTRL+O and now I can see what happens: 
     38* In line 491 of execute.c, it skips the if-block because mc_global.tty.use_subshell=0. 
     39* Next it goes to line 501 of execute.c, where the variable "outputs_starts_shell" is 0, so it ends up in the "else"-case where it just runs "get_key_code(0)", instead of running the fputs and my_system-stuff (lines 503-506).  
     40* The minute I step on line 509 gdb waits for me to press a key. 
     41* As soon as I press any key, we're at line 512 (this is exactly the issue I'm seeing and others have reported, CTRL+O subshell doesn't work, as soon as we press a key "mc" goes back to it's dual-split-view). 
     42* At this time things are just wrong so debugging further from here will not help me. 
     44I would need to understand better why the situation above has happened, this will not be today, I'm a bit tired now. Anyway, if I should test anything or if you have ideas, please write (I hope I'll receive an email notification?) and I'll try it out so this weird zsh-issue can be fixed, I hope this helps...