Ticket #2593 (new defect) — at Initial Version

Opened 14 years ago

Last modified 13 years ago

"Hint" line jumps to the top of the window and overwrite title

Reported by: sergem Owned by:
Priority: major Milestone: 4.8.0-pre2
Component: mc-core Version: 4.8.0-pre1
Keywords: Cc:
Blocked By: Blocking:
Branch state: merged Votes for changeset:



"Hint" line jumps to the top of the window and overwrite title

Steps to reproduce

  1. Run mc. See the "Hint" line near the command line as usual. Put the cursor on any file or folder.
  2. Press F8, see a confirmation box.
  3. Press Esc (two times) to avoid file deletion.
  4. That's all. The "Hint" line's jumped up. If it's not - goto 1.

I reproduced it 5 times with no more than 3 tries.

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