Ticket #2097 (closed enhancement: wontfix) — at Version 1

Opened 15 years ago

Last modified 15 years ago


Reported by: vit_r Owned by:
Priority: trivial Milestone: 4.7.2
Component: mc-core Version: 4.7.1
Keywords: code cleanup Cc: zaytsev
Blocked By: Blocking:
Branch state: Votes for changeset:

Description (last modified by andrew_b) (diff)

Clean-up-of-4.7.1-assignments-02.diff is not git patch
List of touched files:

 intl/localcharset.c       |    3 +
 intl/plural.c             |    3 +
 lib/logging.c             |    3 +
 lib/util.c                |   12 ++++---
 lib/utilunix.c            |   12 ++++---
 lib/vfs/mc-vfs/cpio.c     |   23 ++++++++-----
 lib/vfs/mc-vfs/direntry.c |   25 ++++++++++----
 lib/vfs/mc-vfs/fish.c     |   38 +++++++++++++++-------
 lib/vfs/mc-vfs/ftpfs.c    |   71 ++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------
 lib/vfs/mc-vfs/mcfs.c     |   77 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
 lib/vfs/mc-vfs/mcserv.c   |   41 ++++++++++++++++--------
 lib/vfs/mc-vfs/sfs.c      |    7 ++--
 lib/vfs/mc-vfs/tar.c      |    7 ++--
 lib/vfs/mc-vfs/undelfs.c  |   10 +++--
 lib/vfs/mc-vfs/utilvfs.c  |   15 +++++---
 lib/vfs/mc-vfs/vfs.c      |    7 ++--
 src/background.c          |   10 ++---
 src/charsets.c            |    6 ++-
 src/complete.c            |   34 ++++++++++++--------
 src/editor/choosesyntax.c |    3 +
 src/editor/edit.c         |    9 +++--
 src/editor/editcmd.c      |   27 ++++++++++------
 src/editor/editlock.c     |    3 +
 src/editor/syntax.c       |   38 ++++++++++++++++------
 src/ext.c                 |   18 ++++++----
 src/file.c                |    3 +
 src/filenot.c             |    3 +
 src/hotlist.c             |   18 +++++++---
 src/main.c                |   13 +++++--
 src/mountlist.c           |    7 ++--
 src/subshell.c            |   16 ++++-----
 src/treestore.c           |    3 +
 src/user.c                |    7 ++--
 src/viewer/datasource.c   |    3 +
 src/viewer/mcviewer.c     |    3 +
 35 files changed, 368 insertions(+), 210 deletions(-)

Change History

Changed 15 years ago by vit_r


comment:1 Changed 15 years ago by andrew_b

  • Status changed from new to closed
  • Resolution set to wontfix
  • Description modified (diff)

No need special ticket for this. This clean up will make with lowest priority simultaneously with other work.

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