{8} Active Tickets, Mine first (628 matches)

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Results (201 - 300 of 628)

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Active Tickets (100 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Version Milestone Type Owner Status Created
#39 savannah: viewer position from "find file" dialog vs. parsed files mcview Future Releases enhancement new 12/25/08
#80 savannah: chown editor usability improvement suggestions mc-core Future Releases enhancement new 12/26/08
#1511 User-defined user interface themes mc-skin 4.7.0-pre3 Future Releases enhancement new 08/09/09
#2047 Add an option "Don't traverse mounted file systems" for "File find" mc-core master Future Releases enhancement new 02/21/10
#3139 undo grouping should be more intelligent mcedit master Future Releases enhancement new 01/05/14
#3163 Several improvements in editor saving behavior mcedit master Future Releases enhancement new 01/27/14
#3166 Selection of Multiple Adjacent Files/Directories mc-core master Future Releases enhancement new 02/05/14
#3169 Additional appearance options for skins mc-skin master Future Releases enhancement new 02/11/14
#3186 Base64 and Quoted-Printable decode mcview master Future Releases enhancement new 03/16/14
#3193 mtp plugin mc-vfs master Future Releases enhancement new 04/08/14
#3195 "Goto Line" dialog: goto line:column mcedit master Future Releases enhancement new 04/11/14
#3199 option to show long operation progress in xterm window title mc-core master Future Releases enhancement new 04/20/14
#3227 Quick cd autocomplete change bevavior. mc-core master Future Releases enhancement new 06/22/14
#3331 Added support for list & extract UDF images by 7-zip mc-vfs 4.8.11 Future Releases enhancement new 11/14/14
#3356 More ways to define key sequences mc-tty master Future Releases enhancement new 12/04/14
#3367 Add support .editorconfig in mcedit mcedit master Future Releases enhancement new 12/07/14
#3396 Port help viewer to new viewer engine mc-core master Future Releases enhancement new 02/01/15
#3436 [patch] support multiple programs to view given file mc-core master Future Releases enhancement new 04/03/15
#3450 Quickly tag many adjacent files mc-core master Future Releases enhancement new 04/15/15
#3533 mcedit: Ctrl+E (go to end of line) and Ctrl+A (go to start of line) shortcuts mcedit master Future Releases enhancement new 10/06/15
#3546 mcview: dim wrapped lines mcview master Future Releases enhancement new 11/04/15
#3604 MC menu files enhanced cmdline for entering VFS? mc-core master Future Releases enhancement new 03/11/16
#3628 screen library: ncurses vs ncursesw compilation master Future Releases enhancement new 03/29/16
#3685 Add hotkey support to labels and groupboxes mc-core master Future Releases enhancement new 09/05/16
#3713 Extend info panel with output of external program mc-core master Future Releases enhancement new 11/03/16
#3756 Add a new %macro which expands to full names of tagged files mc-core master Future Releases enhancement new 01/11/17
#3889 Chage base execution behavior mc-core master Future Releases enhancement new 12/14/17
#3909 Enhancement: support includes for user menu mc-config-ini master Future Releases enhancement new 04/09/18
#3925 implement submenus in user menu (f2) mc-core master Future Releases enhancement new 07/07/18
#3939 some simple additions to mc.ext mc-core master Future Releases enhancement new 10/02/18
#3941 Programatically call exit_subshell outside of mc mc-core 4.8.19 Future Releases enhancement new 10/12/18
#3950 Mass create (sym)links mc-core master Future Releases enhancement new 11/11/18
#3959 Display "NNN files and MMM folders selected out of TTT total files and YYY total folders" mc-core master Future Releases enhancement new 01/08/19
#3989 Invoking 'mc' while MC is already running should open the existing instance mc-core master Future Releases enhancement new 05/25/19
#4042 Symlink ownership mc-core master Future Releases enhancement new 12/06/19
#4043 Make MC interruptible mc-vfs master Future Releases enhancement new 12/09/19
#4176 Syntax highlighting for openHAB mcedit master Future Releases enhancement new 01/17/21
#4256 [PATCH] Panel scrollbars + prettier scrollbars in dialogs mc-core master Future Releases enhancement new 06/24/21
#4265 A keyboard shortcut for selecting files AND directories mc-core master Future Releases enhancement new 07/27/21
#4355 Remember selections when exiting a directory mc-core master Future Releases enhancement new 03/22/22
#4477 mcedit temporary files path configuration option mcedit 4.8.27 Future Releases enhancement new 06/21/23
#4514 Open all marked files in a panel in mceditor mc-core master Future Releases enhancement new 12/04/23
#4607 Per-user mc.charsets mc-core master Future Releases enhancement new 11/24/24
#3469 Change listbox's navigtion '0'-'9' to '1'-'9','0' mc-core master Future Releases task new 05/17/15
#3664 Don't hardcode keys (+, -, \, *, X-enter) mc-key-bindings master Future Releases task new 07/18/16
#3871 extfs uace broken with unace-nonfree 2.5-9 on xubuntu 17.10 mc-vfs master Future Releases defect new 10/28/17
#4238 uzip doesn't properly handle zip archives with backward slashes mc-vfs master Future Releases defect new 05/07/21
#4241 MC can't work with a zip file mc-vfs master Future Releases defect new 05/13/21
#4247 Cannot go up a level when an upper directory has been deleted mc-core master Future Releases defect new 05/23/21
#4523 Still issues with unit prefixes (related to 3666) mc-core master Future Releases defect new 01/25/24
#4543 "man 1 mcedit" "Syntax highlighting" section does not contain essential info from the cooledit(1) one documentation master Future Releases defect new 05/31/24
#2392 IMAP FS (MC + IMAP folders) mc-vfs 4.7.4 Future Releases enhancement new 10/15/10
#2436 Add registry files VFS (browse/search/edit/etc) using `reged` mc-vfs 4.7.4 Future Releases enhancement new 12/04/10
#3290 [patch] Universal unpacking mc-core master Future Releases enhancement new 10/18/14
#3442 File compression with xz in mc.menu mc-core master Future Releases enhancement new 04/10/15
#3727 Information that appears on info panel mc-core master Future Releases enhancement new 11/17/16
#4026 Better accessible quick search mc-core master Future Releases enhancement new 10/25/19
#4028 Change ISO processing to p7zip mc-vfs master Future Releases enhancement new 11/04/19
#4040 Debian sources.list syntax should apply to all files with .list extension mcedit master Future Releases enhancement new 12/05/19
#4079 icon for mc mc-core master Future Releases enhancement new 05/05/20
#4271 Patch for man page viewer mcview 4.8.26 Future Releases enhancement new 08/16/21
#4439 When using "Show directory size" a line showing number of files in the directory would be nice mc-core master Future Releases enhancement new 02/09/23
#4538 change Xterm window title with mcdiff/mcedit/mcview mc-core master Future Releases enhancement new 05/16/24
#4352 syntax file for bitbake recipe file mcedit master Future Releases task new 03/22/22
#2323 Syntax hightlighting rule order bogus mcedit master 4.8.34 defect zaytsev accepted 08/26/10
#4631 File transfer hangs upon "Skip all" on I/O errors mc-core master 4.8.34 defect new 01/12/25
#4632 Shift-F2 recognized as F12 mc-tty master 4.8.34 defect zaytsev accepted 01/15/25
#4643 Stop faking current user uid/gid in extfs mc-vfs master 4.8.34 defect zaytsev accepted 01/30/25
#4651 Segfault when dragging mouse in half-empty panel mc-core 4.8.33 4.8.34 defect andrew_b assigned 02/11/25
#3147 Support for SquashFS in extfs mc-vfs master 4.8.34 enhancement zaytsev accepted 01/11/14
#4573 Remove obsolete doxygen and cppcheck infrastructure mc-core master 4.8.34 enhancement new 08/23/24
#4634 Clean up subshell precmd and PS1 handling mc-core master 4.8.34 enhancement new 01/24/25
#4633 Prepare for release mc-4.8.34 adm master 4.8.34 task new 01/18/25
#13 savannah: Moving/copying single files to FTP VFS mc-vfs 4.6.1 Future Releases defect new 12/24/08
#17 savannah: ownership is not preserved when copying symlinks mc-core master Future Releases defect reopened 12/25/08
#47 savannah: Environment variables in a subshell mc-core Future Releases defect new 12/25/08
#62 savannah: MC fail to notice when archive is replaced mc-vfs master Future Releases defect new 12/26/08
#68 savannah: Aborting a FISH file transfer is grossly inefficient mc-vfs master Future Releases defect assigned 12/26/08
#70 savannah: enter vfs with cmdline buffer mc-vfs Future Releases defect new 12/26/08
#73 savannah: ';' separated UNIX commands started from cd mc-vfs Future Releases defect new 12/26/08
#76 savannah: Dangerous unpacking (disk full is not reported, unpacked files become corrupt) mc-vfs Future Releases defect new 12/26/08
#77 savannah: fish copies files to tmp before transfer -> fails with low disk space mc-vfs Future Releases defect new 12/26/08
#79 savannah: Hang on directory change when not run as root mc-vfs Future Releases defect new 12/26/08
#116 savannah: infinite loop reading large directories via fish mc-vfs master Future Releases defect new 01/02/09
#399 Compare directories does not work as expected mc-core master Future Releases defect new 06/10/09
#400 Support for multiline search, and for searching for 0x0A bytes. mc-search master Future Releases defect andrew_b reopened 06/10/09
#1407 FISH: incorrect show file/directory owner mc-vfs master Future Releases defect assigned 07/15/09
#1500 Segmentation fault while background copying mc-core 4.8.7 Future Releases defect slavazanko reopened 08/08/09
#1605 Incorrect parsing FTP-string mc-vfs 4.7.0-pre2 Future Releases defect slavazanko reopened 09/11/09
#1639 "preserve Attributes" option should *not* be automatically disabled mc-core master Future Releases defect new 09/25/09
#1678 po/stamp-po should be removed with make clean mc-core 4.7.0-pre3 Future Releases defect new 10/05/09
#1682 paste into MC applications inserts additional garbage mc-core 4.7.0-pre2 Future Releases defect new 10/07/09
#1685 Missing support for archives with encrypted headers (rar, 7z and probably more) mc-vfs master Future Releases defect zaytsev accepted 10/09/09
#1871 Advanced chown: wrong set files permissions mc-core master Future Releases defect new 12/10/09
#1889 zsh "edit after typo" feature screws mc up mc-core 4.7.0-pre4 Future Releases defect new 12/22/09
#1978 case insensitive sort puts entries in panel in unexpected order mc-core Future Releases defect new 01/26/10
#1984 something like syntax.d for highlighting mc-core version not selected Future Releases defect new 01/29/10
#1988 Working in diff filesystem doesn't allow copy operation mc-vfs Future Releases defect assigned 02/01/10
#1989 Improper creation of the file archive from the directory containing the "\" in the name mc-core master Future Releases defect new 02/01/10
#2072 high cpu usage during directory navigation and UTF-8 locale mc-core 4.8.2 Future Releases defect new 03/02/10
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
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