{8} Active Tickets, Mine first (629 matches)

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Results (101 - 200 of 629)

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Active Tickets (100 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Version Milestone Type Owner Status Created
#3264 Use own screen drawing method rather than slang/ncurses mc-tty master Future Releases enhancement new 08/31/14
#3295 Find file dialog improvements: support ignore mask instead of directories, improve help page mc-core master Future Releases enhancement new 10/30/14
#3343 Add a support for FTPS connection mc-vfs master Future Releases enhancement new 11/21/14
#3423 How to change default shell used to run user menu scripts mc-core master Future Releases enhancement new 03/27/15
#3485 change in src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c mc-vfs master Future Releases enhancement new 06/23/15
#3497 auto turn off sorting mc-core master Future Releases enhancement new 07/07/15
#3513 Liquidsoap syntax mcedit master Future Releases enhancement new 08/10/15
#3514 It would be good to have an option to skip multiple "is the same file" when copying directories containing hardlinks mc-core master Future Releases enhancement new 08/12/15
#3591 Usability/Joy of Use: Switching Panels Via Backslash Key (= Right-Hand Tab-Key on US-keyboards) mc-core master Future Releases enhancement new 01/31/16
#3600 Make it possible to drag dialogs. mc-core master Future Releases enhancement new 02/26/16
#3650 Set local file copy stat data mc-vfs master Future Releases enhancement new 05/31/16
#3657 t64 VFS support (C64 tapes) mc-vfs master Future Releases enhancement new 06/25/16
#3674 Add new panel option for display_total_marked_size() to apply three different styles mc-core master Future Releases enhancement new 08/17/16
#3675 Update/rework panel option "Use SI size units" mc-core master Future Releases enhancement new 08/17/16
#3676 Reconsider wether the info panel should show a scaled or raw value for file size mc-core master Future Releases enhancement new 08/17/16
#3692 [PATCH] More sophisticated shell type detection method mc-core master Future Releases enhancement new 09/24/16
#3699 patch to fix restoring of the directory contents of the active panel on startup when "Auto Save Panel Setup" option is enabled. mc-core master Future Releases enhancement new 10/09/16
#3712 Don't hardcode color-names in syntax-highlighting files mcedit master Future Releases enhancement new 11/03/16
#3741 PTP external filesystem (download files from photocameras) mc-vfs master Future Releases enhancement new 12/07/16
#3770 Feature request: allow user to disable % macros on command line only mc-core master Future Releases enhancement new 02/08/17
#3818 Customize shortcut to return from subshell to other than Ctrl-O mc-core master Future Releases enhancement new 04/30/17
#3885 Ability to exclude files from search results when using shell patterns mc-search master Future Releases enhancement new 12/07/17
#3886 Allow to view directory content list with mcview mcview master Future Releases enhancement new 12/08/17
#3902 "Natural" mouse scroll direction mc-core master Future Releases enhancement new 02/25/18
#3949 Add support for some popular hot keys in mc to mcedit too mcedit master Future Releases enhancement new 11/07/18
#3995 custom endpoint_url for s3 mc-vfs master Future Releases enhancement new 06/17/19
#4014 External diff viewer? mc-core master Future Releases enhancement new 09/10/19
#4049 MC doesn't let me modify contents of archive mc-vfs master Future Releases enhancement new 01/18/20
#4065 VolkovCommander-like chain menu mc-core 4.8.24 Future Releases enhancement new 02/25/20
#4078 Give a confirmation for 'skip' while copying. mc-core master Future Releases enhancement new 05/03/20
#4161 Add quick search for listboxes mc-core master Future Releases enhancement new 12/22/20
#4165 [patch] MultiSearch – an AND-conjugated dynamic filtering of any listbox mc-core master Future Releases enhancement new 01/02/21
#4175 [patch] CenterView action mcedit master Future Releases enhancement new 01/15/21
#4184 [patch] WindowCascade action mcedit master Future Releases enhancement new 01/23/21
#4185 [patch] WindowTile action mcedit master Future Releases enhancement new 01/23/21
#4186 [patch] Options for windowed startup mcedit master Future Releases enhancement new 01/24/21
#4195 Makefile utility targets for tags mc-core master Future Releases enhancement new 02/08/21
#4204 [patch] Support for globs in open file dialog mcedit master Future Releases enhancement new 02/17/21
#4206 [patch] Stable WindowList in mcedit mcedit master Future Releases enhancement new 02/18/21
#4220 A new feature – completing from tags mcedit master Future Releases enhancement new 03/18/21
#4294 Start a subshell in background mc-core master Future Releases enhancement new 10/09/21
#4311 Why not bind alt-home, alt-insert, etc? mc-tty master Future Releases enhancement new 11/12/21
#4315 slow copy performance when using LTFS as a destination mc-core master Future Releases enhancement new 11/28/21
#4318 [feature request] Show hash of file in "File exists" window of "Copy/Move" dialog mc-core master Future Releases enhancement new 12/03/21
#4402 mcedit - open file at specific line and column position mcedit master Future Releases enhancement new 08/22/22
#4453 16-column HEX view in wide monitor mcview master Future Releases enhancement new 04/03/23
#4455 MC could really use FTP's MLSD command mc-vfs master Future Releases enhancement new 05/10/23
#4458 Support clipboard via OSC 52 mc-core master Future Releases enhancement new 05/18/23
#4512 mc should use kPRV5 from terminfo for Ctrl+PageUp mc-tty master Future Releases enhancement new 11/21/23
#4516 Combining characters in mcedit not merged with letters mcedit master Future Releases enhancement new 01/03/24
#4553 Allow styling of borders separately from default files mc-core master Future Releases enhancement new 06/22/24
#4570 Use HTTPS for OSU OSL mirrors adm Future Releases enhancement new 08/20/24
#3673 Deprecate size_trunc_sep() in favor of locale-dependent printf support mc-core master Future Releases task new 08/17/16
#3136 Numpad 5 ("Begin") freezes mc for a while mc-tty 4.8.11 defect new 01/04/14
#4480 MC hungs for 1-2 second when open folder plus side-effects mc-core 4.8.29 defect reopened 07/05/23
#4619 [PATCH] (autogen.sh) improve POTFILES.in creating compilation master 4.8.34 enhancement new 12/17/24
#20 savannah: superflous copying instead of moving mc-core master Future Releases defect new 12/25/08
#1687 Tries to edit local menus in VFS mc-vfs 4.7.0-pre3 Future Releases defect reopened 10/09/09
#2145 JavaScript highlighting bug in regexp. mcedit master Future Releases defect new 04/17/10
#2224 PHP syntax highlighting bug mcedit 4.7.0 Future Releases defect new 05/27/10
#2406 FTP: incorrect permissions of subdirectory mc-vfs 4.7.4 Future Releases defect new 11/01/10
#3158 No double lines with ncurses mc-tty 4.8.11 Future Releases defect new 01/14/14
#3160 Dialog hotfocus color misused in listbox mc-skin 4.8.11 Future Releases defect new 01/15/14
#3168 Learn keypad keys vs. numlock mc-tty master Future Releases defect new 02/11/14
#3203 [patch] mcedit: replace dialog doesn't remember last entered replacement string mcedit 4.8.12 Future Releases defect new 04/29/14
#3215 Mcedit cursor takes more space on russian letters mcedit master Future Releases defect new 05/14/14
#3222 Shell Link to minimal Centos 6 doesn't work mc-core Future Releases defect new 06/16/14
#3229 copying wrapped line from mcview adds EOL when pasting mcview 4.8.19 Future Releases defect new 06/26/14
#3255 Inconsistent Unicode normalization mc-core master Future Releases defect new 08/26/14
#3278 Info panel should follow symlinks mc-core master Future Releases defect new 09/29/14
#3280 [patch] mcview: search off-by-one between plain and hex modes mcview master Future Releases defect new 10/04/14
#3413 Info panel: contents overflow to the border mc-core master Future Releases defect new 03/07/15
#3482 Editor ignore tabs filed with spaces mcedit 4.8.14 Future Releases defect new 06/13/15
#3531 roff underline+bold not recognized mcview master Future Releases defect new 10/01/15
#3627 sharp is not escaping on M-Enter mc-core master Future Releases defect new 03/29/16
#3656 incorrect handling of ftp symlinks mc-vfs Future Releases defect new 06/19/16
#3679 proper forking of xdg-open mc-core master Future Releases defect new 08/21/16
#3688 Midnight Commander - SFTP - Raspberry Pi 2/3 mc-vfs 4.8.17 Future Releases defect new 09/15/16
#3809 Configured codepage ignored mc-core master Future Releases defect new 04/17/17
#3823 Delay when browsing through the command history mc-core 4.8.19 Future Releases defect new 05/09/17
#3845 replace brightblue in syntax files mcedit master Future Releases defect new 08/01/17
#3851 update patch extfs for diffutils 3.3 change mc-vfs 4.8.19 Future Releases defect new 09/01/17
#3866 building as root breaks the tests tests master Future Releases defect new 10/01/17
#3891 When nothing is typed for macro %{some text} in a user menu entry, the rest of the script is not run mc-core master Future Releases defect new 12/21/17
#3912 Update xls2csv usage since it's called with invalid parameters mc-core master Future Releases defect new 04/10/18
#3932 [Perl syntax] Symbol "#" parsed as comment in regular expressions mcedit 4.8.21 Future Releases defect new 08/17/18
#3934 extfs.d/uzip should ignore unzip exit code mc-vfs master Future Releases defect new 08/22/18
#3968 Version sort does not respect case sensitivity mc-core 4.8.22 Future Releases defect new 02/06/19
#3978 Spaces depended behavior of syntax highlight mcedit 4.8.21 Future Releases defect new 04/08/19
#4021 mc term title not restored after subshell or external editor mc-core master Future Releases defect new 09/29/19
#4059 YAML syntax highlight is broken on multiline blocks mcedit 4.8.24 Future Releases defect new 02/01/20
#4164 Cannot bind Alt-/ nor Shift-Tab for [listbox] mc-core master Future Releases defect new 12/31/20
#4172 Input line history doesn't keep space-only items mc-core master Future Releases defect new 01/11/21
#4190 mc-wrapper.sh.in should not (test "$MC_PWD" != "$PWD") mc-core master Future Releases defect new 01/28/21
#4301 help page broken with "-a" on a restricted shell mc-core 4.8.19 Future Releases defect new 11/12/21
#4447 F10/exit leaves 2 orphaned processes behind mc-core 4.8.28 Future Releases defect new 02/21/23
#4451 extended ACLs are not copied (copy, move) mc-core master Future Releases defect reopened 03/17/23
#4475 MC cannot view .docx files mc-core master Future Releases defect new 06/19/23
#4528 Can't recursively delete a mode 000 directory mc-core master Future Releases defect new 02/03/24
#28 savannah: syntax highlighting in viewer wanted mcview master Future Releases enhancement new 12/25/08
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