{23} All Tickets (Including closed) (3392 matches)

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Results (1301 - 1400 of 3392)

Ticket Summary Component Version Milestone Type Owner Status Created
#3634 Unicode filenames are borken when connected with Fish (sftp is ok) mc-vfs 4.8.16 defect closed 04/20/16
#3631 shell link shows mangled utf-8 names mc-vfs 4.8.16 defect closed 04/12/16
#3625 mc 4.8.16 incorrect work with MacOS SSH mc-vfs 4.8.16 defect closed 03/28/16
#3620 syntax error in patchfs.in mc-vfs 4.8.16 4.8.17 defect andrew_b closed 03/16/16
#2742 [Subshell] Support for ash + bugfixes for bash, fish mc-core 4.8.16 4.8.17 enhancement zaytsev closed 03/08/12
#3622 Unzip stopped working in 4.8.16 mc-vfs 4.8.16 4.8.17 defect zaytsev closed 03/17/16
#3613 FISH: I see non-existent dirs and files on the remote server mc-vfs 4.8.16 4.8.17 defect closed 03/14/16
#3617 mc crash when copying files between panels (F5) under FreeBSD 9.3 mc-core 4.8.16 4.8.17 defect zaytsev closed 03/15/16
#3606 [BUG] segfault on SHELL=bash mc-core 4.8.16 4.8.17 defect andrew_b closed 03/12/16
#3619 can't print text when i press ctrl+o in gui mode via ssh connection. mc-core 4.8.16 4.8.17 defect closed 03/16/16
#3670 bug after FTP disconnect - stray slash copied to beginning of URL mc-vfs 4.8.16 4.8.29 defect andrew_b closed 08/07/16
#2969 Incorrect GLIB version detected by "configure" mc-core defect closed 02/20/13
#2985 mc command line does not allow alias defines mc-core Future Releases defect new 03/18/13
#3642 --with-subshell=optional does not work mc-core 4.8.17 4.8.18 defect andrew_b closed 05/09/16
#3645 breaks paste in vte-based terminals mc-tty 4.8.17 defect closed 05/15/16
#3651 keypad 5 input freeze mc-tty 4.8.17 defect closed 06/03/16
#3663 Panelize resets marks on marked files in many cases when it should not mc-core 4.8.17 4.8.18 defect andrew_b closed 07/12/16
#3661 wrong handling of mouse clicks in long listing mode mc-core 4.8.17 4.8.18 defect andrew_b closed 06/27/16
#3643 mc-4.8.17 failing to build on FreeBSD mc-core 4.8.17 4.8.18 defect zaytsev closed 05/11/16
#3639 Subshell output lost on window resize under tmux, GNU screen mc-core 4.8.17 4.8.18 defect andrew_b closed 05/03/16
#3715 Midnight Commander 4.8.17/4.8.18 - strange behaviour on sorting file-/folder lists (race condition?) mc-core 4.8.17 4.8.19 defect andrew_b closed 11/05/16
#3688 Midnight Commander - SFTP - Raspberry Pi 2/3 mc-vfs 4.8.17 Future Releases defect new 09/15/16
#3783 mcview: file interpreted as latin1 instead of utf8 mcview 4.8.17 4.8.20 defect andrew_b closed 03/07/17
#3758 fubar right pane at startup with saved long file listing mc-core 4.8.18 defect closed 01/20/17
#3702 MC incorrectly lists tar archive entries when entering it. mc-vfs 4.8.18 defect closed 10/11/16
#3732 mcedit syntax highlighting for rc.conf mcedit 4.8.18 defect closed 11/27/16
#3768 Cannot redefine ctrl-g mc-key-bindings 4.8.18 Future Releases defect new 02/01/17
#3835 Cannot ssh to Android when running sshd mc-vfs 4.8.18 Future Releases defect new 07/07/17
#2529 Convenient renaming of files in mc mc-core 4.8.18 4.7.5 enhancement closed 04/04/11
#3817 [mcview] Library/executable symbols not fully viewable mcview 4.8.18 4.8.20 defect andrew_b closed 04/26/17
#3709 Wrong directories owner for tar --numeric-owner -g mc-vfs 4.8.18 4.8.20 defect closed 11/02/16
#3705 Reproducible segfault in Find File dialog mc-search 4.8.18 4.8.19 defect closed 10/20/16
#3700 Segfault on switching left panel to Info mc-core 4.8.18 4.8.19 defect andrew_b closed 10/10/16
#3698 [patch] mcedit: codejump dialog jumps wrong. mcedit 4.8.18 4.8.19 defect zaytsev closed 10/08/16
#3229 copying wrapped line from mcview adds EOL when pasting mcview 4.8.19 Future Releases defect new 06/26/14
#3839 spelling error in man page documentation 4.8.19 4.8.20 defect zaytsev closed 07/09/17
#3929 Files .docx/.xlsx/.pptx created/edited in LibreOffice are not detected as MS Office files mc-core 4.8.19 4.8.22 defect andrew_b closed 08/14/18
#4309 no refresh of panels when saving mc UI config mc-core 4.8.19 defect closed 11/12/21
#3782 highlight txz extension mc-config-ini 4.8.19 4.8.20 enhancement zaytsev closed 03/06/17
#4301 help page broken with "-a" on a restricted shell mc-core 4.8.19 Future Releases defect new 11/12/21
#4074 Midnight Commander loses content of the current directory mc-vfs 4.8.19 defect closed 04/19/20
#4034 File exists dialog fields do not line up in non English locale mc-core 4.8.19 defect closed 11/21/19
#3933 Missed useful checkbox "Search for content" in "Find File" dialog mc-search 4.8.19 defect closed 08/19/18
#3881 broken syntax highlighting of bash mcedit 4.8.19 defect closed 11/27/17
#3860 after centos 7 update, I cannot copy and move files, cannot go inside archive files mc-core 4.8.19 defect closed 09/27/17
#3844 Viewer displays invalid UTF-8 characters >127 <256 as corresponding Unicode codepoints mcview 4.8.19 defect zaytsev closed 07/25/17
#3841 FTP connection breaks mc-core 4.8.19 defect closed 07/15/17
#3827 macOS Sierra 10.12.6 non-ascii characters issue mc-core 4.8.19 defect closed 05/30/17
#4371 mc can't start on RedHat8 mc-core 4.8.19 defect closed 05/01/22
#3822 -P option does not work mc-core 4.8.19 defect closed 05/09/17
#3851 update patch extfs for diffutils 3.3 change mc-vfs 4.8.19 Future Releases defect new 09/01/17
#3792 mc clear prompt for subshell when shell is tcsh and uses their own mc-core 4.8.19 Future Releases defect new 03/13/17
#3798 MC is leaking a pipe to executed programs mc-core 4.8.19 Future Releases defect new 03/24/17
#3833 MC flickers when viewing or opening images in external viewer mc-core 4.8.19 Future Releases defect new 07/03/17
#3853 mcedit undo and warning mcedit 4.8.19 Future Releases defect new 09/10/17
#3941 Programatically call exit_subshell outside of mc mc-core 4.8.19 Future Releases enhancement new 10/12/18
#3823 Delay when browsing through the command history mc-core 4.8.19 Future Releases defect new 05/09/17
#3838 spelling error in man page documentation 4.8.19 defect closed 07/09/17
#4107 Ctrl + I doesn't work any more mc-key-bindings 4.8.19 4.8.26 defect andrew_b closed 07/24/20
#3958 Deleting large directory structures is very slow mc-core 4.8.19 4.8.23 defect andrew_b closed 01/06/19
#3916 File timestamps are not preserved when copying files from ZIP archives mc-vfs 4.8.19 4.8.22 defect closed 05/28/18
#3855 [mcview] Search doesn't ask about starting over mcview 4.8.19 4.8.20 defect andrew_b closed 09/22/17
#3781 extfs: Some tests fail on Gentoo. Reason(s) yet unknown. tests 4.8.19 4.8.20 defect mooffie closed 03/06/17
#3084 "Configure options" first entry not highlighted mc-core 4.8.2 4.8.11 defect andrew_b closed 09/27/13
#2780 Prepare for release mc-4.8.3 mc-core 4.8.2 4.8.3 task slavazanko closed 04/19/12
#2758 cd command not working in shell link mc-vfs 4.8.2 4.8.3 defect slavazanko closed 03/22/12
#2770 garbled entries to directory hotlist mc-core 4.8.2 defect closed 04/02/12
#2072 high cpu usage during directory navigation and UTF-8 locale mc-core 4.8.2 Future Releases defect new 03/02/10
#2608 Widget enhancement mc-core 4.8.2 4.8.3 enhancement andrew_b closed 09/14/11
#2761 save file on top of existing directory changes dir's permissions mc-core 4.8.2 4.8.3 defect slavazanko closed 03/22/12
#2760 The password for session ftp remains mc-config-ini 4.8.2 4.8.3 defect slavazanko closed 03/22/12
#2762 mc not recognising 2nd directory argument mc-core 4.8.2 4.8.3 defect andrew_b closed 03/23/12
#2754 mc-4.8.2 can't run mceedit without file name as parameter mcedit 4.8.2 4.8.3 defect andrew_b closed 03/21/12
#2756 please revert to normal menu alignment mc-core 4.8.2 4.8.3 defect andrew_b closed 03/21/12
#2759 Unable to edit gzipped files mcedit 4.8.2 4.8.3 defect slavazanko closed 03/22/12
#1851 Home config directory [xdg-user-dirs] mc-core 4.8.2 4.8.3 defect andrew_b closed 11/28/09
#2753 hotlist: broken newly added entries if old-style path is present mc-core 4.8.2 4.8.3 defect slavazanko closed 03/20/12
#2765 [ftp] Show directory sizes broken mc-vfs 4.8.2 4.8.3 defect slavazanko closed 03/28/12
#2777 Stale symlinks in vfs mc-vfs 4.8.2 4.8.3 defect slavazanko closed 04/14/12
#3927 mc on IBM i PASE building 4.8.20 change mc-vfs 4.8.20 4.8.22 enhancement andrew_b closed 08/05/18
#4012 Replace does not work correctly with mark columns mcedit 4.8.20 Future Releases defect new 09/02/19
#3907 fix for ticket #2626 breaks completion in some cases mc-core 4.8.20 Future Releases defect new 03/27/18
#3883 size_trunc_sep() breaks on non-ASCII locales mc-core 4.8.20 4.8.21 defect andrew_b closed 12/01/17
#4025 How to solve "inconsistent extfs archive" for opening all zip files using mc 4.8.21 for OS win 10 mc-vfs 4.8.21 defect closed 10/17/19
#3945 ssh vfs: network problems during move operation resulted in deleted local file and partial remote file mc-core 4.8.21 defect closed 11/02/18
#3951 File timestamps are not preserved when copying files into ZIP archives mc-vfs 4.8.21 defect closed 12/01/18
#3978 Spaces depended behavior of syntax highlight mcedit 4.8.21 Future Releases defect new 04/08/19
#4084 Need help to learn keys: Home, End mc-tty 4.8.21 task closed 05/17/20
#3952 No move dialog shown, mc unresponsive mc-core 4.8.21 Future Releases defect new 12/21/18
#3954 mc compiled with ncurses support does not handle mouse mc-tty 4.8.21 4.8.25 defect andrew_b closed 12/25/18
#3990 English language set, an unrecognizable option appears mc-core 4.8.21 4.8.23 defect andrew_b closed 05/29/19
#3956 Version sort doesn't always work correctly mc-core 4.8.21 4.8.23 defect andrew_b closed 12/29/18
#3932 [Perl syntax] Symbol "#" parsed as comment in regular expressions mcedit 4.8.21 Future Releases defect new 08/17/18
#3943 crash when returning to panels by pressing Ctrl-O mc-core 4.8.21 4.8.22 defect andrew_b closed 10/14/18
#3923 "Cannot create target file" when target has backslash space in the name mc-core 4.8.21 4.8.22 defect andrew_b closed 06/26/18
#3937 mc crashes right after it tries to open an SFTP link mc-vfs 4.8.21 4.8.22 defect andrew_b closed 10/01/18
#3996 Dynamic paragraphing no longer usable mcedit 4.8.22 4.8.24 defect andrew_b closed 06/23/19
#3966 Add go, s, m4v to filehighlight.ini mc-core 4.8.22 4.8.23 enhancement andrew_b closed 01/30/19
#3980 Support for large terminal windows with a tiny font mc-tty 4.8.22 defect closed 04/24/19
#3977 Previous panel's path is show in copy/delete window when working with ftp/ssh mc-core 4.8.22 defect closed 03/17/19
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