{23} All Tickets (Including closed) (3391 matches)

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Results (901 - 1000 of 3391)

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Ticket Summary Component Version Milestone Type Owner Status Created
#2107 Turning on wrap mode does not scroll left the file view mcview 4.7.1 4.7.2 defect andrew_b closed 03/15/10
#2073 ftp segfault on rename mc-vfs 4.7.1 4.7 defect closed 03/02/10
#2148 Support for --with-slang-static option mc-core 4.7.1 Future Releases enhancement new 04/19/10
#2065 mc crashes when entering a deb file created from mc mc-vfs 4.7.1 4.7 defect closed 02/26/10
#2091 Superfluous "Search done, Continue from begining?" dialog mcview 4.7.1 4.7.2 defect slavazanko closed 03/08/10
#2097 Cleanup for current master mc-core 4.7.1 4.7.2 task andrew_b closed 03/10/10
#2155 When editor_persistent_selections=0 pasting from clipboad deletes currently selected block (paste over current selection). mcedit 4.7.1 4.7.2 enhancement angel_il closed 04/25/10
#2166 Prepare for release mc-4.7.2 mc-core 4.7.1 4.7.2 task slavazanko closed 05/04/10
#2135 End button in MC viewer jumps too far mcview 4.7.1 4.7.5 defect slavazanko closed 04/07/10
#2123 crash while copying into directory named "????" mc-core 4.7.1 4.7.4 defect slavazanko closed 03/24/10
#2099 Delete dialog broken when verbose mode is switched off mc-core 4.7.1 4.7.2 defect slavazanko closed 03/11/10
#2093 Mouse wheel shouldn't change sorting preferences in panels mc-core 4.7.1 4.7.2 enhancement andrew_b closed 03/09/10
#2068 Segfault in panelization of file find results mc-core 4.7.1 4.7.2 defect andrew_b closed 02/28/10
#2082 If dialog was canceled, input line content is saved in history mc-core 4.7.1 4.7.2 defect andrew_b closed 03/03/10
#2086 view with wrap bug mcview 4.7.1 4.7.2 defect angel_il closed 03/05/10
#2087 mcedit standalone mode SIGSEGVS on ctrl-o/ctrl-o mc-core 4.7.1 4.7.2 defect andrew_b closed 03/06/10
#2095 tar vfs instability mc-vfs 4.7.1 defect closed 03/10/10
#2187 mc -e and mc -v don't work mc-core 4.7.2 4.7.3 defect andrew_b closed 05/07/10
#2183 mcedit crash after open empty gz file mcedit 4.7.2 4.7.3 defect andrew_b closed 05/07/10
#2198 Terminal settings not changed when window resize mc-tty 4.7.2 4.8.7 defect andrew_b closed 05/14/10
#2172 Skins to override editor syntax highlight colors mc-core 4.7.2 Future Releases defect new 05/05/10
#2227 Unable to use Process Substitution in User Menu scripts mc-core 4.7.2 Future Releases defect reopened 05/29/10
#2171 Hotkey color used for complete entries mc-skin 4.7.2 4.7.5 defect andrew_b closed 05/05/10
#2295 file missing in distribution: maint/version.sh mc-core 4.7.2 4.7 defect closed 07/23/10
#2181 часть информации становится невидимой mc-core 4.7.2 4.7 defect closed 05/06/10
#2185 Viewer and editor make 100% CPU last mcview 4.7.2 4.7 defect closed 05/07/10
#2179 gotar.ini update mc-skin 4.7.2 4.7.4 enhancement zaytsev closed 05/06/10
#2259 Prepare for release mc-4.7.3 mc-core 4.7.2 4.7.3 task slavazanko closed 07/05/10
#2195 Crash on search in viewed file after Parsed/Raw switching mcview 4.7.2 4.7.3 defect slavazanko closed 05/13/10
#2203 CP866/CP437/CP850 encodings are unusable in MC 4.7.2 mc-vfs 4.7.2 4.7.3 defect andrew_b closed 05/18/10
#2178 mcedit crash after ctrl-z mc-core 4.7.2 4.7.3 defect andrew_b closed 05/06/10
#2192 autocompletion word of command line mc-core 4.7.2 4.7.3 defect andrew_b closed 05/12/10
#2204 mc hangs when run on a linux console with framebuffer mc-core 4.7.2 defect closed 05/19/10
#2186 The outputs from commands under panels are unvisible mc-core 4.7.2 defect closed 05/07/10
#2307 Modified cursor keys not recognised in Cygwin xterm mc-tty 4.7.3 Future Releases defect new 08/10/10
#2264 "Advanced Chown" Segmentation fault mc-core 4.7.3 4.7.4 defect andrew_b closed 07/08/10
#2281 Invalid handling of large files (>4GB) on samba (different filesize, cannot copy) mc-vfs 4.7.3 defect closed 07/15/10
#2287 internal editor bookmarks should be persistent (saved in filepos) mcedit 4.7.3 4.7.5 enhancement angel_il closed 07/16/10
#2291 mcview: Half of a CJK character: Inconsistent replacement symbol used mcview 4.7.3 4.8.14 enhancement closed 07/19/10
#2326 Newline characters not retained upon rename mc-core 4.7.3 Future Releases defect new 08/26/10
#2335 MC isn't GNU project anymore, is it? adm 4.7.3 Future Releases task new 08/29/10
#2269 mc locked up after pressing Tab in subshell mc-core 4.7.3 4.8.26 defect closed 07/11/10
#212 User defined Hotkeys like a VIM mc-core 4.7.3 4.8.23 defect andrew_b closed 01/26/09
#2297 incremental tar archives doesn't contain empty directories mc-vfs 4.7.3 4.8.20 defect andrew_b closed 07/26/10
#2285 command to select all files with the same extension as the current file mc-core 4.7.3 4.8.14 enhancement closed 07/15/10
#2289 MC hangs with "fish: Getting host info..." while opening new ShellVFS, after entering remote password. mc-vfs 4.7.3 4.7 defect angel_il closed 07/18/10
#2294 mcview: incorrect starting offset for 'search again' mcview 4.7.3 4.8.0-pre1 defect slavazanko closed 07/23/10
#2265 mcedit quit dialog mcedit 4.7.3 4.7.4 enhancement andrew_b closed 07/08/10
#2309 "Shell patterns" broken beyond repair mc-search 4.7.3 4.8.14 defect slavazanko closed 08/13/10
#2313 PanelDirectoryHistoryList removes PanelDirectoryHistoryNext entries mc-core 4.7.3 4.8.4 defect andrew_b closed 08/18/10
#2283 mcview scrolling issues with heavy utf-8 files mcview 4.7.3 4.8.14 defect closed 07/15/10
#2329 Whitespace-only sequences not remembered mc-core 4.7.3 Future Releases enhancement new 08/26/10
#2292 mcview: CJK character dropped at linewrap mcview 4.7.3 4.8.14 defect angel_il closed 07/19/10
#2334 QuickView panel is not using extention file rules mc-core 4.7.3 Future Releases enhancement new 08/28/10
#2520 File panels should not be closed by SIGINT (CTRL-G) mc-core 4.7.3 4.8.0-pre1 defect andrew_b closed 03/28/11
#2341 Prepare for release mc-4.7.4 mc-core 4.7.3 4.7.4 task slavazanko closed 09/06/10
#2312 Panelize contents are lost mc-core 4.7.3 4.8.0-pre1 defect andrew_b closed 08/17/10
#2320 regexp replace only transforms the first occurence correctly mcedit 4.7.3 4.7.4 defect andrew_b closed 08/23/10
#2337 Check for inode count instead of block count mc-core 4.7.3 4.7.4 defect andrew_b closed 09/01/10
#2284 segfault on path autocompletion mc-core 4.7.3 4.7.4 defect andrew_b closed 07/15/10
#2316 Code cleanup before 4.7.4 release mc-core 4.7.3 4.7.4 task andrew_b closed 08/22/10
#2272 mcedit: replace confirmation - segfault on Skip/Cancel mcedit 4.7.3 4.7.4 defect andrew_b closed 07/11/10
#2376 extfs support for ACE and ARC broken mc-vfs 4.7.4 Future Releases defect new 10/01/10
#2423 MC doesn't jump to a destination directory upon pressing Enter on files in panelization mc-core 4.7.4 Future Releases defect new 11/18/10
#2278 Problem in the Copy operation mc-core 4.7.4 Future Releases defect slavazanko reopened 07/12/10
#2244 MC consumes 100% cpu after wake up from suspend mc-tty 4.7.4 Future Releases defect assigned 06/21/10
#2453 Screen corruption after viewing UTF-8 file mc-core 4.7.4 Future Releases defect andrew_b reopened 12/20/10
#2388 Postpone file operation dialogs that require user decision mc-core 4.7.4 Future Releases enhancement new 10/14/10
#2449 editor: search position reset after file opened in viewer mcedit 4.7.4 4.7.5 defect angel_il closed 12/13/10
#2437 mcedit text selection length doesn't change when text is deleted mcedit 4.7.4 4.7.5 defect angel_il closed 12/07/10
#2454 Make reloading extfs contents possible mc-vfs 4.7.4 Future Releases enhancement new 12/24/10
#2402 In Dialog Find File add skiping mc-core 4.7.4 Future Releases enhancement new 10/28/10
#2413 Support backups in cp/mv operations mc-core 4.7.4 Future Releases enhancement new 11/09/10
#2386 Interpretation of LANG variable needs to be case insensitive. mc-core 4.7.4 4.8.3 defect andrew_b closed 10/14/10
#2384 MC doesn't rebind F1-F10 keys mc-core 4.7.4 4.8.3 defect andrew_b closed 10/10/10
#2399 Mouse behavior on wide screens mc-tty 4.7.4 4.8.1 defect closed 10/21/10
#2451 "Cannot chdir to" "/foo/$bar" if directory hotlist contains dollar sign mc-core 4.7.4 4.8.2 defect andrew_b closed 12/18/10
#2333 Mc hangs after exit mc-core 4.7.4 4.7.5 defect andrew_b closed 08/28/10
#2365 Repeat previous quicksearch on C-s C-s mc-core 4.7.4 4.7.5 enhancement slavazanko closed 09/26/10
#2357 Readd lynx-syle motion to mc mc-core 4.7.4 4.7 defect closed 09/19/10
#2429 mc got its counters overflown on a large amounts of data mc-core 4.7.4 4.7.5 defect andrew_b closed 11/23/10
#2239 MC crash on copy into <dirname_with_LT_or_GT_signs> mc-core 4.7.4 4.7 defect slavazanko closed 06/14/10
#2120 cd to ~ processed incorrectly mc-core 4.7.4 4.8.0-pre1 defect angel_il closed 03/23/10
#1939 If panels.ini exists, it will be used by not saved. If not, a 1 byte file is created mc-core 4.7.4 4.7 defect andrew_b closed 01/05/10
#2427 cython syntax file mcedit 4.7.4 4.7.5 enhancement angel_il closed 11/22/10
#2406 FTP: incorrect permissions of subdirectory mc-vfs 4.7.4 Future Releases defect new 11/01/10
#2370 Allow mcview to display from stdin mcview 4.7.4 Future Releases enhancement new 09/30/10
#2373 Panelize: follow to highlighted file location (Alt + O/I doesn't work for files in the "Find Files" results panel) mc-core 4.7.4 Future Releases enhancement new 10/01/10
#2390 \0s in left panel after CmdInfo mc-core 4.7.4 4.8.0-pre1 defect andrew_b closed 10/14/10
#2410 Position calculation is byte-related not character-related mcview 4.7.4 defect closed 11/04/10
#2383 MC doesn't put rebinded keys into the search(Ctrl-S, Alt-S) mc-core 4.7.4 4.8 defect closed 10/10/10
#2387 Persistent file mark mc-core 4.7.4 Future Releases enhancement new 10/14/10
#2409 Prepare for release mc-4.7.5-pre1 mc-core 4.7.4 4.7.5 task slavazanko closed 11/04/10
#2417 String in the editor's search field turns into garbage after reopening editor mcedit 4.7.4 4.7.5 defect andrew_b closed 11/12/10
#2419 configure script for mc-4.7.4 fails to set samba configdir mc-vfs 4.7.4 4.7.5 defect andrew_b closed 11/15/10
#2411 MC doesn't allow to scroll a bzip'ped file past 16384 bytes mcview 4.7.4 4.7.5 defect slavazanko closed 11/05/10
#2434 Find File, Panelize & Delete fails mc-core 4.7.4 4.7.5 defect andrew_b closed 12/03/10
#2356 mc viewer: segmentation fault mcview 4.7.4 4.7.5 defect slavazanko closed 09/17/10
#2366 ignore_dirs not working mc-core 4.7.4 4.7.5 defect andrew_b closed 09/27/10
#2394 Persistent selection backspace issues mcedit 4.7.4 4.7 defect closed 10/17/10
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