{23} All Tickets (Including closed) (3413 matches)

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Results (2901 - 3000 of 3413)

Ticket Summary Component Version Milestone Type Owner Status Created
#280 Fast switch between recently used files mcedit master enhancement angel_il closed 02/21/09
#373 git master: support for SHELL=/bin/sh in subshell mc-core 4.6.2 enhancement closed 05/25/09
#396 editor: add scrolled percentage in status bar (like in viewer) mc-core enhancement closed 06/08/09
#1567 Press F3 on a directory to count directory sizes of current/tagged dirs mc-core enhancement closed 08/26/09
#1721 [PATCH] Update audio and video associations for Midnight Commander mc-core 4.7.0-pre3 enhancement closed 10/13/09
#1775 9P via libmvfs mc-vfs enhancement metux closed 10/31/09
#1813 Statifc buffer version of name_quote() mc-core 4.7.0-pre4 enhancement metux closed 11/09/09
#1951 Simplify mc-core master enhancement closed 01/10/10
#1968 mcview: need view blockdevice mcview enhancement closed 01/19/10
#1997 search in directory hotlist menu mc-core enhancement closed 02/03/10
#2051 extfs performs absolutely poorly on solid archives mc-vfs enhancement closed 02/21/10
#2059 'Case insensitive' option for syntax highlihting mcedit enhancement styx closed 02/25/10
#2070 hu.po update translations enhancement closed 02/28/10
#2202 tree view mc-core master enhancement Janek Kozicki closed 05/18/10
#2470 data loss in editor when disk is full mcedit 4.7.4 enhancement closed 01/10/11
#2558 New layout also for move dialog? mc-core enhancement closed 05/20/11
#2563 PHP Syntax Highlight mcedit enhancement closed 05/31/11
#2656 view torrent files using dumptrorrent.pl mc-core 4.8.0 enhancement closed 10/28/11
#2718 select files by modification date mc-core master enhancement closed 01/19/12
#2819 auto-refresh directory on change mc-core master enhancement closed 05/31/12
#2855 Syntax highlighting to the JAL and the LKR files. mcedit master enhancement andrew_b closed 07/25/12
#2866 publish win32 native build details documentation master enhancement closed 08/13/12
#2902 Please add dar archive support mc-vfs enhancement closed 09/25/12
#2905 Windows CE vfs mc-vfs master enhancement closed 09/26/12
#2932 Paste from clipfile leaves cursor before output... How to change? mc-core master enhancement closed 11/19/12
#2949 [ Optimization ]: replace pipe() by pipe2() mc-core master enhancement closed 01/10/13
#2993 Copy/Move hot key to paste source filename into destination path mc-core master enhancement closed 04/05/13
#3006 Unescape, reencode and insert string mcedit master enhancement closed 05/20/13
#3031 Implement natural sort order for files listings mc-core master enhancement closed 07/04/13
#3081 mcedit command to copy to X11 clipboard mcedit master enhancement closed 09/26/13
#3127 statically Compiled MC on AIX 6.1 Powerpc platform mc-core master enhancement closed 12/17/13
#3185 calculating size of catalog when move inside file system. mc-core 4.8.11 enhancement closed 03/16/14
#3211 Editor - lock text mcedit 4.8.12 enhancement closed 05/12/14
#3226 HHVM Syntax is missing mcedit 4.8.12 enhancement closed 06/19/14
#3268 tmux screen list mc-core master enhancement closed 09/10/14
#3388 Environment Variables free memory size available to child process and from perent process(Shell) mc-core master enhancement closed 01/15/15
#3580 Slow start because the subshell starts slow mc-core master enhancement closed 01/02/16
#3597 WInput widget: notify owner about changes mc-core master enhancement andrew_b closed 02/10/16
#3636 Develop tests for embedded scripts, e.g. VFS tests enhancement mooffie closed 04/21/16
#3689 mc doesn't recognize shell (e.g., /bin/sh) as bash when it is a link to bash binary mc-core master enhancement closed 09/18/16
#3745 Integration mc with mc2(Lua) mc-core master enhancement closed 12/20/16
#3791 Slow mc and mcedit launch when using X11 forwading mc-core master enhancement closed 03/13/17
#3812 to add mcedit.desktop mc-core master enhancement closed 04/20/17
#3854 Typing on keyboard filters the file list mc-core master enhancement closed 09/21/17
#3895 Use relative path for search path first to access files of mc mc-core master enhancement closed 01/24/18
#3931 Remove the checkbox "preserve attribute" by default mc-core 4.8.12 enhancement closed 08/16/18
#3957 Confirm before opening file mc-core master enhancement closed 12/30/18
#4125 add configure option to omit git sha1 from version string mc-core master enhancement andrew_b closed 10/08/20
#4135 Add an internal terminal capability to MCEdit mcedit master enhancement closed 10/19/20
#4136 Python scripting for MCEdit – does it have a chance of merge? mcedit master enhancement closed 10/19/20
#4139 Make McEdit recognize the alt-ctrl-… keys mc-tty master enhancement closed 10/28/20
#4163 mcdiff - Merge from left to right with F6 mcdiff master enhancement closed 12/27/20
#4169 [patch] Selection of objects from TAGS file mcedit master enhancement closed 01/10/21
#4187 S-Lang scripting for MC mc-core master enhancement closed 01/25/21
#4193 Other file concept mcedit master enhancement closed 02/02/21
#4196 CLI window for MCEdit mcedit master enhancement closed 02/10/21
#4197 mc-4.8.26: shell link makes fish eat up all disk space mc-vfs master enhancement closed 02/10/21
#4202 [patch] Move MC_SID setting to main.c mc-core master enhancement closed 02/16/21
#4210 A new feature: periodic background command mcedit master enhancement closed 02/19/21
#4227 copy(move) via ssh [fish] - prevent usage of tmp mc-vfs master enhancement closed 04/12/21
#4240 Add AES-256/GCM encryption support mcedit master enhancement closed 05/09/21
#4293 Missing a clock mc-core master enhancement closed 10/07/21
#4296 Any interest in alternate window list implementation in mcedit? mcedit master enhancement closed 10/14/21
#4336 Any interest in soft wraps? mcedit master enhancement closed 03/08/22
#4411 7z password protected archives mc-vfs master enhancement closed 11/21/22
#4435 New functionality: search for broken symlinks mc-core master enhancement closed 01/28/23
#4448 A keyboard shortcut to select a bunch of files mc-core master enhancement reopened 02/27/23
#4476 option to copy files in the background mc-core master enhancement closed 06/21/23
#4478 Add an option to create links instead of copying mc-core master enhancement closed 06/22/23
#4483 open mcedit in just one pane mc-core master enhancement closed 07/13/23
#4489 What you've lost because of malice mcedit master enhancement closed 08/13/23
#4492 Implementation of screen-only division of long lines mcedit master enhancement closed 08/17/23
#4594 add 'auto cd new terminal' config option mc-core master enhancement closed 10/07/24
#1534 mcedit: option "Cursor beyond end of line" mc-core master 4.7.0-pre2 enhancement angel_il closed 08/14/09
#4167 Multimedia and e-books external files chenging in distributions mc-core master 4.8.27 enhancement andrew_b closed 01/05/21
#4194 Add .c++ and .h++ extensions for highlight mc-core master 4.8.27 enhancement andrew_b closed 02/07/21
#408 Editor menu must be simple mcedit master 4.7.0-pre4 enhancement angel_il closed 06/15/09
#1593 Syntax highlighting of Java .properties mcedit 4.7.0-pre2 4.7.0-pre4 enhancement iNode closed 09/09/09
#1630 [patch] please add ico files support mc-core 4.7.0-pre2 4.7.0-pre4 enhancement slavazanko closed 09/20/09
#1654 Shortcuts to first/last entry in pulldown menus mc-core 4.7.0-pre3 4.7.0-pre4 enhancement andrew_b closed 10/02/09
#4248 Recognize Alacritty as an xterm-compatible terminal emulator mc-tty master 4.8.27 enhancement andrew_b closed 05/25/21
#1377 pacman PKGBUILD syntax file mcedit 4.6.2 4.7.0-pre3 enhancement slavazanko closed 06/24/09
#1589 verilog syntax file mcedit 4.7.0-pre2 4.7.0-pre3 enhancement andrew_b closed 09/06/09
#4251 Recognize foot as an xterm-compatible terminal emulator mc-tty master 4.8.27 enhancement andrew_b closed 05/29/21
#1945 New editor action (Select all / Mark all) mcedit master 4.7.1 enhancement angel_il closed 01/08/10
#4450 preliminary pcre2 support mc-search master 4.8.30 enhancement andrew_b closed 03/12/23
#4469 Jenkinsfiles have no syntax highlighting mcedit master 4.8.30 enhancement andrew_b closed 05/25/23
#4485 patchfs: add details to error message mc-vfs master 4.8.30 enhancement andrew_b closed 07/22/23
#2486 Move cursor to newly copied/moved single file after activating inactive panel mc-core 4.7.5 Future Releases enhancement new 01/28/11
#4320 Syntax file should say where syntax files are located mcedit master 4.8.29 enhancement andrew_b closed 12/07/21
#2492 select by grep mc-core 4.7.5 Future Releases enhancement new 02/01/11
#50 savannah: localized headers in .mc/history mc-core 4.6.2 enhancement slavazanko closed 12/25/08
#142 Syntax highlighting for debian specific files mc-core 4.6.1 4.6.2 enhancement winnie closed 01/05/09
#143 Updated sh syntax file mc-core 4.6.1 4.6.2 enhancement winnie closed 01/05/09
#208 add support for building out-of-sources builds mc-core 4.6.1 4.6.2 enhancement metux closed 01/23/09
#311 [debian] try to use antiword also to open a .doc file mc-core 4.6.2 4.6.2 enhancement winnie closed 03/20/09
#2506 udisks support mc-core Future Releases enhancement new 02/18/11
#2526 mcedit: use Office/Word-style tab markers mcedit 4.7.5 Future Releases enhancement assigned 03/31/11
#119 savannah: Persistent global configuration option for "Preserve attributes" wanted mc-core master 4.7.0-pre4 enhancement slavazanko closed 01/02/09
#1625 [PATCH] added new syntax file 'filehighlight.syntax' mc-core master 4.7.0-pre4 enhancement iNode closed 09/17/09
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