{23} All Tickets (Including closed) (3414 matches)

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Results (2801 - 2900 of 3414)

Ticket Summary Component Version Milestone Type Owner Status Created
#1424 [RPMLint] conffile-without-noreplace-flag warnings mc-core master 4.7.5 defect andrew_b closed 07/25/09
#1651 user menu: filetype-specific items don't show in 'mc -e' standalone mc-core master 4.7.5 defect andrew_b closed 10/01/09
#1800 Minor enhancement/fix for mc.ext mc-core 4.7.0-pre4 4.7.5 defect andrew_b closed 11/07/09
#2171 Hotkey color used for complete entries mc-skin 4.7.2 4.7.5 defect andrew_b closed 05/05/10
#2333 Mc hangs after exit mc-core 4.7.4 4.7.5 defect andrew_b closed 08/28/10
#2344 Fix line jump when started as editor mcedit master 4.7.5 defect zaytsev closed 09/09/10
#2429 mc got its counters overflown on a large amounts of data mc-core 4.7.4 4.7.5 defect andrew_b closed 11/23/10
#2435 Viewer: cannot go to the specified offset mcview master 4.7.5 defect andrew_b closed 12/04/10
#2437 mcedit text selection length doesn't change when text is deleted mcedit 4.7.4 4.7.5 defect angel_il closed 12/07/10
#2449 editor: search position reset after file opened in viewer mcedit 4.7.4 4.7.5 defect angel_il closed 12/13/10
#27 savannah: undo grouping wanted mcedit master 4.7.5 enhancement angel_il closed 12/25/08
#1894 Panel Sort order "not Case Sensitive" should not mix dotfiles with others mc-core master 4.7.5 enhancement andrew_b closed 12/24/09
#2177 mcdiff shortcut mc-core master 4.7.5 enhancement slavazanko closed 05/06/10
#2197 The different color pair is needed for editor/viewer/diffviewer status bar mc-core master 4.7.5 enhancement andrew_b closed 05/14/10
#2287 internal editor bookmarks should be persistent (saved in filepos) mcedit 4.7.3 4.7.5 enhancement angel_il closed 07/16/10
#2365 Repeat previous quicksearch on C-s C-s mc-core 4.7.4 4.7.5 enhancement slavazanko closed 09/26/10
#2375 go up dir hot key mc-core master 4.7.5 enhancement angel_il closed 10/01/10
#2427 cython syntax file mcedit 4.7.4 4.7.5 enhancement angel_il closed 11/22/10
#1953 some cppcheck cleanups mc-core master 4.7.5 task slyfox closed 01/10/10
#2474 [patch] fix 4.7.5 build with --disable-charset mcedit master 4.8 defect closed 01/21/11
#2539 On 64-bit struct vfs_s_super not aligned mc-vfs master 4.8 defect closed 04/11/11
#2568 bash syntax color error when using nested command substitution mcedit 4.8 defect closed 07/04/11
#1890 shift+f5 and shift+f6 doesn't work in konsole mc-tty 4.8.11 4.8 enhancement closed 12/22/09
#2847 use unrar instead of rar for viewing rar archives mc-core 4.8 enhancement andrew_b closed 07/16/12
#2543 Hex viewer mode does not restore cursor position mcview master 4.8.0 defect andrew_b closed 04/27/11
#2120 cd to ~ processed incorrectly mc-core 4.7.4 4.8.0-pre1 defect angel_il closed 03/23/10
#2170 Color collisions mc-core 4.7.5 4.8.0-pre1 defect andrew_b closed 05/05/10
#2294 mcview: incorrect starting offset for 'search again' mcview 4.7.3 4.8.0-pre1 defect slavazanko closed 07/23/10
#2305 permission_mode setting from 4.7.2 config ignored mc-core master 4.8.0-pre1 defect andrew_b closed 08/08/10
#2368 Panel sorting swaps with panels - for a while mc-core 4.7.5 4.8.0-pre1 defect andrew_b closed 09/29/10
#2459 mc switches to left panel before calling command history mc-core master 4.8.0-pre1 defect andrew_b closed 12/29/10
#2471 isoinfo adds ";1" to the end of file name when Joliet without Rock Ridge is used mc-vfs 4.7.5 4.8.0-pre1 defect andrew_b closed 01/11/11
#2489 MC_COLOR_TABLE doesn't honor the 'header' color keyword mc-skin 4.7.5 4.8.0-pre1 defect andrew_b closed 01/29/11
#2504 Verical block is unmarked after copy/move mcedit master 4.8.0-pre1 defect angel_il closed 02/18/11
#2514 Skip localized hints files installation when built with --disable-nls mc-core 4.7.5 4.8.0-pre1 defect andrew_b closed 03/21/11
#2515 Unused variable if without WITH_BACKGROUND mc-core master 4.8.0-pre1 defect zaytsev closed 03/23/11
#2556 incorrect files mark by mouse mc-core master 4.8.0-pre1 defect angel_il closed 05/11/11
#2560 Use AS_HELP_STRING instead of obsolete AC_HELP_STRING mc-core master 4.8.0-pre1 defect andrew_b closed 05/25/11
#25 savannah: redo wanted mcedit master 4.8.0-pre1 enhancement angel_il closed 12/25/08
#1882 PCRE search: escape sequence support in replacements, UTF8 support (just a flag for libPCRE) mc-search master 4.8.0-pre1 enhancement slavazanko closed 12/18/09
#2173 Warn if 256 colors are used but not available mc-tty master 4.8.0-pre1 enhancement closed 05/06/10
#2275 Find file: ignore_dir should allow to specify relative, not only absolute paths mc-core master 4.8.0-pre1 enhancement andrew_b closed 07/11/10
#2463 don't reset selection after call user menu (F11) mc-core 4.7.5 4.8.0-pre1 enhancement angel_il closed 01/04/11
#2469 New 256 colors skin -- Xoria256 mc-skin 4.7.5 4.8.0-pre1 enhancement closed 01/09/11
#2499 hotkey to select current word mcedit master 4.8.0-pre1 enhancement angel_il closed 02/12/11
#2562 view torrent file mc-core 4.7.5 4.8.0-pre1 enhancement andrew_b closed 05/28/11
#265 Search finds bold/underlined strings twice mcview 4.8.0-pre1 4.8.0-pre2 defect slavazanko closed 02/06/09
#1872 Build fixups (unused variables, etc) mc-core 4.7.0-pre4 defect metux closed 12/12/09
#2522 PanelSmartGotoParentDir action should not trigger while PanelStartSearch is active mc-core 4.8.0-pre2 defect andrew_b closed 03/28/11
#2587 4.8.0-pre1 and don't compile on solaris mc-core 4.8.0-pre1 4.8.0-pre2 defect andrew_b closed 08/03/11
#2589 [PATCH] fix autoconf warnings mc-core master 4.8.0-pre2 defect andrew_b closed 08/09/11
#2591 mouse clicks ignored on the bottom line of editor mcedit master 4.8.0-pre2 defect andrew_b closed 08/11/11
#275 External panelize no have exit point mc-core master 4.8.1 defect angel_il closed 02/18/09
#2372 Editor sometimes shows russian UTF-8 chars as two dots mcedit master 4.8.1 defect angel_il closed 10/01/10
#2640 sand256 skin update mc-skin 4.8.0 4.8.1 defect andrew_b closed 10/22/11
#2675 man page lies about mc.keymap documentation 4.8.0 4.8.1 defect closed 11/21/11
#2678 Cmdline cursor misplaced after a resize in viewer mc-core 4.8.0 4.8.1 defect andrew_b closed 11/28/11
#278 Change title of panel after panelization mc-core master 4.8.1 enhancement angel_il closed 02/20/09
#1889 zsh "edit after typo" feature screws mc up mc-core 4.7.0-pre4 Future Releases defect new 12/22/09
#2548 Modify time, Access time, CHange time - ALL The Same On A Remote System mc-vfs Future Releases defect new 05/02/11
#2561 FISH: file names corrupt while copying mc-vfs 4.7.5 Future Releases defect new 05/27/11
#2581 When an archive file grows to a certain size, some text files cannot be opened by MC mc-vfs 4.8.0-pre1 Future Releases defect new 07/22/11
#2682 Mouse: Can't use panel scrolling with trackball mc-core 4.8.0 Future Releases defect new 12/02/11
#2690 wrapping up: unfinished part of ticket #1730 mcview 4.8.1 Future Releases defect new 12/15/11
#2691 Error (cross)compiling mc 4.8.1 cross-compilation master Future Releases defect new 12/16/11
#2735 Cannot open some jar files in VFS mc-vfs Future Releases defect new 02/20/12
#2842 2261_multiedit vs. 1490_dlgswitch mc-core master Future Releases defect new 07/08/12
#2015 Create destination directory when moving file to non-existent directory mc-core master Future Releases enhancement new 02/10/10
#2047 Add an option "Don't traverse mounted file systems" for "File find" mc-core master Future Releases enhancement new 02/21/10
#2089 diff via "File exists" dialog mc-core master Future Releases enhancement new 03/06/10
#2109 Vertical lines on the mc panels do not properly stick into the bottom line mc-core master Future Releases enhancement new 03/17/10
#2130 mcedit default indentation settings cause mixture of tabs and spaces mcedit master Future Releases enhancement new 04/04/10
#2148 Support for --with-slang-static option mc-core 4.7.1 Future Releases enhancement new 04/19/10
#79 savannah: Hang on directory change when not run as root mc-vfs Future Releases defect new 12/26/08
#2176 Safe delete improvement mc-core master Future Releases enhancement new 05/06/10
#77 savannah: fish copies files to tmp before transfer -> fails with low disk space mc-vfs Future Releases defect new 12/26/08
#76 savannah: Dangerous unpacking (disk full is not reported, unpacked files become corrupt) mc-vfs Future Releases defect new 12/26/08
#73 savannah: ';' separated UNIX commands started from cd mc-vfs Future Releases defect new 12/26/08
#70 savannah: enter vfs with cmdline buffer mc-vfs Future Releases defect new 12/26/08
#62 savannah: MC fail to notice when archive is replaced mc-vfs master Future Releases defect new 12/26/08
#47 savannah: Environment variables in a subshell mc-core Future Releases defect new 12/25/08
#37 savannah: external editor does not write changes on remote file systems mc-vfs master Future Releases defect new 12/25/08
#13 savannah: Moving/copying single files to FTP VFS mc-vfs 4.6.1 Future Releases defect new 12/24/08
#2240 Background jobs queue (aka: file copy queue) mc-core master Future Releases enhancement new 06/14/10
#4573 Remove obsolete doxygen and cppcheck infrastructure mc-core master 4.8.34 enhancement new 08/23/24
#2308 Consolidate regular expressions in Syntax file and rewrite introductory comments mcedit master Future Releases enhancement zaytsev new 08/11/10
#2310 When moving mc queues delete operations and performs them only if copy is completed sucesfully mc-core Future Releases enhancement new 08/15/10
#2329 Whitespace-only sequences not remembered mc-core 4.7.3 Future Releases enhancement new 08/26/10
#2334 QuickView panel is not using extention file rules mc-core 4.7.3 Future Releases enhancement new 08/28/10
#4571 Modernize user menu mc-core master 4.8.34 enhancement new 08/23/24
#2352 [feature request] display most unique part of filename, if panel width is too short mc-core master Future Releases enhancement new 09/15/10
#2370 Allow mcview to display from stdin mcview 4.7.4 Future Releases enhancement new 09/30/10
#4631 File transfer hangs upon "Skip all" on I/O errors mc-core master 4.8.34 defect new 01/12/25
#2373 Panelize: follow to highlighted file location (Alt + O/I doesn't work for files in the "Find Files" results panel) mc-core 4.7.4 Future Releases enhancement new 10/01/10
#2387 Persistent file mark mc-core 4.7.4 Future Releases enhancement new 10/14/10
#2388 Postpone file operation dialogs that require user decision mc-core 4.7.4 Future Releases enhancement new 10/14/10
#4630 mc doesn't fully resize itself if reading directory while terminal's resized mc-tty 4.8.30 4.8.34 defect new 01/12/25
#2468 Preserve extended attributes while copy mc-core master Future Releases enhancement new 01/09/11
#2505 EditShiftBlockLeft/EditShiftBlockRight should operate with vertical blocks mcedit master Future Releases enhancement new 02/18/11
#2878 unable to save changes in "Safe save" mode to recoded directory mcedit master Future Releases defect new 09/05/12
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