{23} All Tickets (Including closed) (3431 matches)

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Results (1601 - 1700 of 3431)

Ticket Summary Component Version Milestone Type Owner Status Created
#2157 ncurses vs. slang: oversized dialog backgrounds not painted in curses mc-tty 4.7.3 defect andrew_b closed 04/28/10
#2115 Incorrect dialog displayed on CreateDirectory, Edit Symlink, View file mc-core 4.7.3 defect andrew_b closed 03/19/10
#1911 Use system realpath() instead of own implementation mc-core master 4.7.3 defect andrew_b closed 12/28/09
#4287 Quadratic(?) slowdown on file moves across filesystems mc-core master 4.8.28 defect andrew_b closed 09/04/21
#1838 source_codepage autodetect with enca program. mc-core master 4.7.3 defect andrew_b closed 11/20/09
#4323 mc sometimes crash when left panel switched to Info mode from File listing mc-core 4.8.27 4.8.28 defect andrew_b closed 12/20/21
#1375 New design of 'Find File' dialog mc-core master 4.7.0-pre1 enhancement andrew_b closed 06/22/09
#2093 Mouse wheel shouldn't change sorting preferences in panels mc-core 4.7.1 4.7.2 enhancement andrew_b closed 03/09/10
#2535 ftp segmentation fault mc-vfs master 4.8.0-pre1 defect andrew_b closed 04/11/11
#2853 mc-4.8.4 - mcedit no longer remembers line number the user left the previous edit mc-core 4.8.4 4.8.5 defect andrew_b closed 07/23/12
#2149 Patches adding a single line are not shown correctly by patchfs mc-vfs master 4.7.2 defect andrew_b closed 04/21/10
#1430 Toggle "show hidden files" by "Alt+." mc-core master 4.7.0-pre2 enhancement andrew_b closed 07/30/09
#2108 lib-vfs-mc-vfs-fish.c-src-editor-edit.c-miss-g_free mc-vfs master 4.7.2 defect andrew_b closed 03/16/10
#4364 "Remote I/O error (121)" trying to delete a remote directory containg files. mc-vfs 4.8.27 4.8.29 defect andrew_b closed 04/01/22
#2087 mcedit standalone mode SIGSEGVS on ctrl-o/ctrl-o mc-core 4.7.1 4.7.2 defect andrew_b closed 03/06/10
#2084 CMake syntax mcedit master 4.8.5 enhancement andrew_b closed 03/03/10
#2082 If dialog was canceled, input line content is saved in history mc-core 4.7.1 4.7.2 defect andrew_b closed 03/03/10
#2068 Segfault in panelization of file find results mc-core 4.7.1 4.7.2 defect andrew_b closed 02/28/10
#2069 Memory leaks mc-core master 4.7.2 defect andrew_b closed 02/28/10
#2516 mc fails to build on DragonFlyBSD mc-vfs master 4.8.0-pre1 defect andrew_b closed 03/27/11
#2941 i18n label sizes in learn key dialog mc-core master 4.8.7 defect andrew_b closed 12/01/12
#4401 Segmentation fault in mc viewer (growbuf.c) mcview 4.8.26 4.8.29 defect andrew_b closed 08/19/22
#2050 [PATCH] Disable RAR/UNRAR user/system configuration for archive list and copyout operations in extfs/urar mc-vfs master 4.7.2 defect andrew_b closed 02/21/10
#4420 MC fail to build with only SFTP network VFS future enabled compilation master 4.8.29 defect andrew_b closed 12/13/22
#2049 [PATCH] extfs/urar doesn't correctly shows localized filenames in RAR archives mc-vfs master 4.7.2 defect andrew_b closed 02/21/10
#4425 (lib.c) fix heap buffer overflow mc-search master 4.8.29 defect andrew_b closed 01/14/23
#1909 Plugable EXTFS VFS mc-vfs master 4.7.2 defect andrew_b closed 12/27/09
#2797 .gem extension support for 'mc.ext' mc-core 4.8.3 4.8.4 enhancement andrew_b closed 04/30/12
#2798 .xz archive support for 'mc.ext' mc-core 4.8.3 4.8.4 enhancement andrew_b closed 04/30/12
#2037 Minor changes in source tree mc-core master 4.7.1 task andrew_b closed 02/19/10
#2475 mc segfaults on start mc-skin master 4.8.0-pre1 defect andrew_b closed 01/22/11
#424 Viewer doesn't restore file position mc-core 4.6.2 4.7.0-pre1 defect andrew_b closed 06/20/09
#4650 Segfault after pressing Shift+F4 mcedit 4.8.33 4.8.34 defect andrew_b closed 02/08/25
#2843 in search/replace dialog M-n does not work mc-search master 4.8.4 defect andrew_b closed 07/08/12
#1874 search dialog settings mc-core 4.7.0-pre4 4.7.1 enhancement andrew_b closed 12/15/09
#4409 Continue copy after interrupt mc-core master 4.8.29 enhancement andrew_b closed 10/15/22
#4412 Add TOML syntax highlighting mcedit master 4.8.29 enhancement andrew_b closed 11/25/22
#4413 Syntax definitions in user location don't work. mcedit master 4.8.29 enhancement andrew_b closed 11/27/22
#4651 Segfault when dragging mouse in half-empty panel mc-core 4.8.33 4.8.34 defect andrew_b assigned 02/11/25
#2261 several files opened in one editor window mcedit master 4.8.4 enhancement andrew_b closed 07/06/10
#2053 Memory leak in mc_symlink() function mc-vfs master 4.7.1 defect andrew_b closed 02/22/10
#2386 Interpretation of LANG variable needs to be case insensitive. mc-core 4.7.4 4.8.3 defect andrew_b closed 10/14/10
#2028 in-hexC-missing-check-and-g_free mc-search master 4.7.1 defect andrew_b closed 02/14/10
#2827 Tweak and cleanup of code in case of build with --disable-charset option mc-core master 4.8.4 task andrew_b closed 06/07/12
#2018 FTPFS: strcpy() is used for overlaping strings mc-vfs master 4.7.1 defect andrew_b closed 02/11/10
#2754 mc-4.8.2 can't run mceedit without file name as parameter mcedit 4.8.2 4.8.3 defect andrew_b closed 03/21/12
#2017 [patch] fix build with --disable-charset mc-core 4.7.1 defect andrew_b closed 02/10/10
#4630 mc doesn't fully resize itself if reading directory while terminal's resized mc-tty 4.8.30 4.8.34 defect andrew_b closed 01/12/25
#2008 [patch] mc coredumps on exit mc-core 4.7.1 defect andrew_b closed 02/06/10
#2898 ESC+TAB completion on ~ mc-core 4.8.6 4.8.7 defect andrew_b closed 09/22/12
#2458 command autocompletion is broken in 4.7.5 mc-core 4.7.5 4.8.0-pre1 defect andrew_b closed 12/29/10
#1992 Mc crashes when running with ftp link mc-core 4.7.1 defect andrew_b closed 02/03/10
#3212 Allow for more than 2 columns on a panel mc-core master 4.8.15 enhancement andrew_b closed 05/13/14
#1972 Selections not visible on monochrome terminals mc-tty 4.7.1 defect andrew_b closed 01/20/10
#1967 Incorrect create subdirectory to extract archive mc-core master 4.7.1 defect andrew_b closed 01/17/10
#2783 directories opening in the wrong panel mc-core 4.8.3 4.8.4 defect andrew_b closed 04/22/12
#425 Viewer doesn't restore file position mc-core 4.6.2 4.7.0-pre1 defect andrew_b closed 06/20/09
#2455 alt-backspace doesn't work mc-core 4.7.5 4.8.0-pre1 defect andrew_b closed 12/29/10
#1944 Viewer: there is an empty line between two line-wrapped lines mcview master 4.7.1 defect andrew_b closed 01/07/10
#2776 file selection reset after exit from the archive mc-core master 4.8.3 defect andrew_b closed 04/11/12
#1943 mc won't compile on Solaris due to undefined constant NAME_MAX mc-vfs 4.7.1 defect andrew_b closed 01/06/10
#2608 Widget enhancement mc-core 4.8.2 4.8.3 enhancement andrew_b closed 09/14/11
#1942 mc crashes on exit when using C locale mc-core 4.7.1 defect andrew_b closed 01/06/10
#1940 "Verbose operation" option don't switch off mc-core master 4.7.1 defect andrew_b closed 01/06/10
#1936 Segfault in History mc-core 4.7.0 4.7.1 defect andrew_b closed 01/05/10
#4235 file search with relativ ignore_dir working weird mc-core master 4.8.30 defect andrew_b closed 04/18/21
#4617 Pagedn skipping lines if editing-window resized mcedit master 4.8.33 defect andrew_b closed 12/17/24
#4432 Sorting of panels after Ctrl+u is broken after 4.8.27 mc-core 4.8.28 4.8.30 defect andrew_b closed 01/16/23
#4620 [PATCH] (config_parser.c) fix use-after-free mc-vfs 4.8.32 4.8.33 defect andrew_b closed 12/18/24
#4459 Usage of 'sed' in build system/makefiles is not portable compilation master 4.8.30 defect andrew_b closed 05/19/23
#2786 Fails to build from source with --enable-tests tests 4.8.3 4.8.4 defect andrew_b closed 04/23/12
#2313 PanelDirectoryHistoryList removes PanelDirectoryHistoryNext entries mc-core 4.7.3 4.8.4 defect andrew_b closed 08/18/10
#1926 cntrl-\ hotlist request results in immediate quit/exit of mc if slang is not used mc-tty 4.7.0 4.7.1 defect andrew_b closed 12/31/09
#4464 FTBFS without ext2fs attributes support compilation master 4.8.30 defect andrew_b closed 05/21/23
#4465 libs are duplicated in MCLIBS (again) compilation master 4.8.30 defect andrew_b closed 05/21/23
#4466 "make dist" failed with error in "po" dir compilation master 4.8.30 defect andrew_b closed 05/21/23
#4472 FTP listing incomplete mc-vfs 4.8.29 4.8.30 defect andrew_b closed 06/03/23
#4486 Diffviewer: options are not applied on second run mcdiff master 4.8.30 defect andrew_b closed 07/23/23
#4616 [PATCH] (tar.c) fix double free mc-vfs master 4.8.33 defect andrew_b closed 12/16/24
#4598 Midnight Commander Git (Today) Tar component segfaults mc-vfs master 4.8.33 defect andrew_b closed 10/10/24
#4485 patchfs: add details to error message mc-vfs master 4.8.30 enhancement andrew_b closed 07/22/23
#4627 F3 on help screen causes segmentation fault mc-core 4.8.31 4.8.33 defect andrew_b closed 01/06/25
#4072 mcedit anchored regex line matching inconsistencies mcedit 4.8.24 4.8.34 defect andrew_b accepted 03/28/20
#1905 Rework the versioning scheme mc-core 4.7.1 defect andrew_b closed 12/25/09
#4493 mc-4.8.30 fails to build on FreeBSD with ext2fs attribute support compilation 4.8.30 4.8.31 defect andrew_b closed 08/19/23
#4494 tar VFS problem in 4.8.30 mc-vfs 4.8.30 4.8.31 defect andrew_b closed 08/20/23
#4600 Filter Segmentation fault mc-core 4.8.32 4.8.33 defect andrew_b closed 10/15/24
#4499 reget: wrong timestamp when resuming copy operation mc-core master 4.8.31 defect andrew_b closed 08/24/23
#1437 [RPMLint] script-related warnings mc-core master 4.8.4 defect andrew_b closed 08/01/09
#4506 sftp: failure establishing SSH session (-5) due hashed host names in ~/.ssh/known_hosts mc-vfs master 4.8.31 defect andrew_b closed 10/01/23
#4507 Shell link shows incorrect file names with cyrillic or diacritic symbols mc-vfs master 4.8.31 defect andrew_b closed 10/14/23
#4324 update for uc1541 and s3+ for python3 mc-vfs 4.8.27 4.8.31 enhancement andrew_b closed 12/21/21
#4629 Changing file attributes inside extfs (e.g. zip archive) silently fails mc-vfs 4.8.32 4.8.33 defect andrew_b closed 01/09/25
#4232 FISH: drop compatibility with FISH protocol mc-vfs master 4.8.31 task andrew_b closed 04/13/21
#4590 Extended attributes - Cannot get attributes of source directory - Invalid argument (22) mc-core master 4.8.33 defect andrew_b closed 09/21/24
#1572 Editor's search parameters are not retained across editing session mc-core master 4.7.1 defect andrew_b closed 08/30/09
#4593 Midnight Commander Git (Today) possible Regression compilation master 4.8.33 defect andrew_b closed 10/07/24
#4563 Why no reget option in interrupted FTP move operations? mc-core master 4.8.32 enhancement andrew_b closed 07/25/24
#4502 File bindings don't work with GLib 2.77.3 mc-config-ini 4.8.31 4.8.32 defect andrew_b closed 09/02/23
#1668 [patch] Screen and input corruption under xterm [non-UTF] mcview master 4.8.0-pre1 defect andrew_b closed 10/04/09
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