{23} All Tickets (Including closed) (3428 matches)

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Results (3401 - 3428 of 3428)

Ticket Summary Component Version Milestone Type Owner Status Created
#4620 [PATCH] (config_parser.c) fix use-after-free mc-vfs 4.8.32 4.8.33 defect andrew_b closed 12/18/24
#4621 [PATCH] (hotlist.c) fix Use-after-free mc-core master 4.8.33 defect closed 12/19/24
#4622 Use parallel zstd by default mc-vfs master enhancement closed 12/22/24
#4623 Typos in the man page mc.1.in documentation master 4.8.33 defect andrew_b closed 12/28/24
#4624 Unzip via MC of tar.xz file didn't working correctly mc-vfs 4.8.29 defect closed 01/04/25
#4625 mc 4.8.32 slow start on MacOS mc-core 4.8.32 Future Releases defect new 01/06/25
#4626 mc.ext.ini: support OpenEmbedded ipk archives mc-core master 4.8.33 enhancement andrew_b closed 01/06/25
#4627 F3 on help screen causes segmentation fault mc-core 4.8.31 4.8.33 defect andrew_b closed 01/06/25
#4628 Adding an executable file to a zip archive with F5 forgets the executable bit mc-vfs 4.8.32 defect closed 01/09/25
#4629 Changing file attributes inside extfs (e.g. zip archive) silently fails mc-vfs 4.8.32 4.8.33 defect andrew_b closed 01/09/25
#4630 mc doesn't fully resize itself if reading directory while terminal's resized mc-tty 4.8.30 4.8.34 defect andrew_b closed 01/12/25
#4631 File transfer hangs upon "Skip all" on I/O errors mc-core master 4.8.34 defect new 01/12/25
#4632 Shift-F2 recognized as F12 mc-tty master 4.8.34 defect zaytsev accepted 01/15/25
#4633 Prepare for release mc-4.8.34 adm master 4.8.34 task new 01/18/25
#4634 Clean up subshell precmd and PS1 handling mc-core master 4.8.34 enhancement new 01/24/25
#4635 Fuse mounted directory under kopia does not show contents in mc mc-vfs master defect closed 01/25/25
#4636 Fails to read directory if resized while external editor was running mc-core 4.8.33 Future Releases defect new 01/27/25
#4637 Add APKBUILD (Alpine package build script) syntax support mcedit master 4.8.34 enhancement zaytsev closed 01/27/25
#4638 Update RPM SPEC file syntax highlighting (patch from Fedora) mcedit master 4.8.34 enhancement zaytsev closed 01/27/25
#4639 command "Show directory size" scan dirs & err with automatic closed pop-up mc-core 4.8.32 defect closed 01/28/25
#4640 Command "Show directory size" closed pop-up in scan dir's mc-core 4.8.32 Future Releases defect closed 01/28/25
#4641 Termux skin & filehighighting mc-skin master enhancement closed 01/29/25
#4642 Buffer overflow in vfs_parse_ls_lga mc-vfs master 4.8.34 defect zaytsev closed 01/30/25
#4643 Stop faking current user uid/gid in extfs mc-vfs master 4.8.34 defect zaytsev accepted 01/30/25
#4644 Syntax highlighting for Turtle RDF mcedit master 4.8.34 enhancement zaytsev closed 01/31/25
#4645 Syntax highlighting for muttrc mcedit master 4.8.34 enhancement zaytsev closed 01/31/25
#4646 modfy time , format listing , date displayed : what's wrong ? mc-core defect closed 02/01/25
#4647 Clicking on the sort order indicator resets ordering by first column mc-core 4.8.32 4.8.34 defect zaytsev closed 02/01/25
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