{23} All Tickets (Including closed) (3415 matches)

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Results (2901 - 3000 of 3415)

Ticket Summary Component Version Milestone Type Owner Status Created
#4037 [PATCH] syntax: add missing spec scriptlets mcedit master 4.8.24 defect closed 11/27/19
#4038 Unused config entry "expanded_view_of_groups" mc-core master 4.8.24 defect closed 12/01/19
#4039 Bool vs. int inconsistency in config files mc-core master 4.8.24 defect closed 12/01/19
#4040 Debian sources.list syntax should apply to all files with .list extension mcedit master Future Releases enhancement new 12/05/19
#4041 Support more Debian sources.list URI specifications and options mcedit master 4.8.24 enhancement andrew_b closed 12/06/19
#4042 Symlink ownership mc-core master Future Releases enhancement new 12/06/19
#4043 Make MC interruptible mc-vfs master Future Releases enhancement new 12/09/19
#4044 mc halts during start-up when there's no internet connection mc-vfs 4.8.23 defect closed 12/23/19
#4045 Simplify and remove the cruft in the video.sh handler mc-core master 4.8.25 enhancement andrew_b closed 01/01/20
#4046 Menu navigation isn't working on AIX mc-core 4.8.23 defect closed 01/09/20
#4048 Error in BASH syntax highlighting mcedit 4.8.23 defect closed 01/14/20
#4049 MC doesn't let me modify contents of archive mc-vfs master Future Releases enhancement new 01/18/20
#4050 Prepare for release mc-4.8.25 adm master 4.8.25 task zaytsev closed 01/19/20
#4051 No internationalization support on OS X 10.9 mc-core 4.8.24 defect closed 01/20/20
#4052 Compile failure on OS X 10.5 mc-tty 4.8.24 4.8.25 defect andrew_b closed 01/20/20
#4053 4.8.24: build fails mc-core 4.8.24 4.8.25 defect andrew_b closed 01/21/20
#4054 syntax highlighting for shell is broken since 4.8.24 -rc1 mcedit master 4.8.25 defect andrew_b closed 01/21/20
#4055 4.8.24: browsing .DEB is broken (regression) mc-vfs 4.8.24 4.8.25 defect andrew_b closed 01/22/20
#4056 mcedit: useless subshell warnings mc-core 4.8.24 4.8.25 defect andrew_b closed 01/25/20
#4057 'mcedit .' render blank screen with invisible error. mc-core 4.8.24 4.8.25 defect andrew_b closed 01/30/20
#4058 mountlist.c:293:8: warning: "__linux__" is not defined [-Wundef] mc-core 4.8.24 4.8.25 defect andrew_b closed 01/31/20
#4059 YAML syntax highlight is broken on multiline blocks mcedit 4.8.24 Future Releases defect new 02/01/20
#4060 PHP syntax highlighting breaks on single quoted strings that end with escaped backslash mcedit master 4.8.25 defect andrew_b closed 02/06/20
#4061 Add support for opus audio mc-core master 4.8.25 enhancement andrew_b closed 02/11/20
#4062 expanded shebang's regexp for tcl.syntax mcedit 4.8.24 4.8.25 defect andrew_b closed 02/13/20
#4063 mc compiled with slang support does not handle mouse mc-tty master 4.8.25 defect andrew_b closed 02/16/20
#4064 Alt+H followed by Alt+P brings in garbage mc-core 4.8.24 4.8.25 defect andrew_b closed 02/19/20
#4065 VolkovCommander-like chain menu mc-core 4.8.24 Future Releases enhancement new 02/25/20
#4066 Mess in shell history mc-core 4.8.24 defect closed 02/25/20
#4069 editor synthax highlighting for bash broken again mcedit master defect closed 02/28/20
#4070 'make install' occasionally fails as: /usr/bin/install: cannot create regular file '.../mc-4.8.24/image/usr/share/mc/mc.lib': File exists mc-core 4.8.24 4.8.25 defect andrew_b closed 03/03/20
#4071 Sometimes mc hangs on directory change mc-core 4.8.24 Future Releases defect new 03/19/20
#4072 mcedit anchored regex line matching inconsistencies mcedit 4.8.24 Future Releases defect new 03/28/20
#4074 Midnight Commander loses content of the current directory mc-vfs 4.8.19 defect closed 04/19/20
#4075 mc crashes on mouse click in search file dialog mc-core master defect closed 04/20/20
#4076 editor_option_save_position=true in ~/.config/mc/ini doesn't work mcedit 4.8.24 defect closed 04/24/20
#4077 Error "caution: filename not matched" when zip contains a file whose name begins with dash mc-vfs master 4.8.26 defect andrew_b closed 05/02/20
#4078 Give a confirmation for 'skip' while copying. mc-core master Future Releases enhancement new 05/03/20
#4079 icon for mc mc-core master Future Releases enhancement new 05/05/20
#4080 Enable bash-completion mc-core master Future Releases defect new 05/06/20
#4081 Progress bar doesn't show speed mc-core 4.8.24 4.8.25 defect andrew_b closed 05/06/20
#4082 Subshell warning pops up when mcedit is invoked by git mcedit 4.8.24 defect closed 05/09/20
#4083 Crash in buttonbar_call mc-core master Future Releases defect new 05/12/20
#4084 Need help to learn keys: Home, End mc-tty 4.8.21 task closed 05/17/20
#4085 mcedit, regex replace: g_string_free: assertion 'string != NULL' failed mcedit master 4.8.25 defect closed 05/17/20
#4086 Improve archive support mcview master 4.8.25 enhancement andrew_b closed 06/01/20
#4087 [has-patch] Update verilog syntax highlighting to support latest SystemVerilog standards mcedit master 4.8.25 enhancement andrew_b closed 06/01/20
#4088 Please include the following Kotlin syntax file in official mc releases mcedit master 4.8.25 enhancement andrew_b closed 06/01/20
#4089 can't change directory after ftp timeout mc-vfs 4.8.24 defect closed 06/04/20
#4090 Zip extraction: executable attribute lost mc-vfs master defect closed 06/05/20
#4091 vfs rpmfs improvements mc-vfs master 4.8.25 enhancement andrew_b closed 06/14/20
#4096 mc with ncurses after #3954 mc-tty master Future Releases defect new 06/17/20
#4098 [has-patch] Add arduino .ino file extension to those recognized by the C++ syntax highlighter mcedit master 4.8.25 enhancement andrew_b closed 06/21/20
#4099 In subshell on Solaris 11.4 SPARC terminal size is always 80x24. mc-tty master 4.8.25 defect andrew_b closed 06/23/20
#4100 Add WIM archive(image) support mc-vfs master 4.8.26 enhancement andrew_b closed 06/26/20
#4101 When copying two symlinks using "Follow links" the output is all wrong mc-core 4.8.24 4.8.26 defect andrew_b closed 06/29/20
#4102 [PATCH] Dialogs and menus have shadows mc-core master 4.8.26 enhancement andrew_b closed 07/05/20
#4103 Prepare for release mc-4.8.26 adm master 4.8.26 enhancement closed 07/18/20
#4104 Chattr dialog doesn't work with mouse mc-core 4.8.25 4.8.26 defect andrew_b closed 07/20/20
#4106 Regression in mc 4.8.25: Switching panels with L/R cursor keys doesn't work anymore mc-core 4.8.25 defect closed 07/22/20
#4107 Ctrl + I doesn't work any more mc-key-bindings 4.8.19 4.8.26 defect andrew_b closed 07/24/20
#4109 DEB extfs doesn't work: nothing for CONTENTS mc-vfs 4.8.24 defect closed 08/15/20
#4114 Persistent command line buffer for subshell mc-core master 4.8.26 enhancement andrew_b closed 08/27/20
#4115 Moving directory trees from ssh leafes empty directories mc-vfs master defect closed 09/05/20
#4116 tarfs and long names mc-vfs 4.8.24 defect closed 09/09/20
#4117 Quick view panel only shows raw view mcview 4.8.25 Future Releases defect new 09/12/20
#4118 Midnight Commander truncate filenames when browse archives mc-vfs master defect closed 09/29/20
#4119 Cannot scroll panel listing upwards using mouse mc-core 4.8.25 4.8.29 defect closed 09/30/20
#4120 tcsh "The Commander can't change to the directory" error mc-core master 4.8.26 defect andrew_b closed 10/01/20
#4121 mc fails to delete any file from some zip archives mc-vfs master defect closed 10/04/20
#4122 mc fails to extract any file from some zip archives mc-vfs master defect closed 10/04/20
#4123 mc porcesses file names inside some zip archives incorrectly mc-vfs master defect closed 10/04/20
#4124 mcedit crashes at startup mc-core master 4.8.26 defect andrew_b closed 10/08/20
#4125 add configure option to omit git sha1 from version string mc-core master enhancement andrew_b closed 10/08/20
#4126 fixups to persistent subshell command line buffer support mc-core master 4.8.26 enhancement andrew_b closed 10/08/20
#4127 several improvements to mc.ext and syntax highlighting mc-core master 4.8.26 enhancement andrew_b closed 10/08/20
#4128 improve handling of compressed content in mc.ext mc-core master 4.8.26 enhancement andrew_b closed 10/08/20
#4130 Opening .PAK and .ARC archives with Midnight Commander mc-vfs master enhancement andrew_b closed 10/11/20
#4131 warning: Deprecated pre-processor symbol, replace with G_UNICODE_COMBINING_MARK mc-core master 4.8.26 defect andrew_b closed 10/13/20
#4132 mcedit's 'command/Find declaration' dialogbox width is hardcoded to 64chars mcedit master 4.8.27 enhancement andrew_b closed 10/15/20
#4133 [PATCH] Allow running clipboard commands if DISPLAY is not set mc-core master 4.8.26 enhancement andrew_b closed 10/15/20
#4134 Midnight commander home page shows ads adm defect closed 10/18/20
#4135 Add an internal terminal capability to MCEdit mcedit master enhancement closed 10/19/20
#4136 Python scripting for MCEdit – does it have a chance of merge? mcedit master enhancement closed 10/19/20
#4137 TERM "*-direct" values are not recognized as True Color-capable mc-tty master Future Releases defect new 10/20/20
#4138 Right to left language (like Hebrew) causes name and size columns to be switched mc-core 4.8.24 Future Releases defect new 10/23/20
#4139 Make McEdit recognize the alt-ctrl-… keys mc-tty master enhancement closed 10/28/20
#4140 Improve python.syntax with new keywords mcedit master 4.8.27 enhancement andrew_b closed 11/01/20
#4141 Allow compound (AND) conditions in mc.ext to disambiguate overloaded extensions mc-core master 4.8.29 enhancement andrew_b closed 11/02/20
#4142 Refresh on Ctrl-l lost mc-core master 4.8.26 defect andrew_b closed 11/05/20
#4143 mc inside screen with incorrect colors mc-tty 4.8.24 defect closed 11/09/20
#4144 mouse clicks don't work on ncurses-6.2, generate garbage to stdout mc-tty 4.8.25 Future Releases defect new 11/10/20
#4145 Filenames longer than 255 bytes are not supported mc-vfs master 4.8.26 defect andrew_b closed 11/14/20
#4146 "Quick cd" doesn't follow window resizes mc-core master Future Releases defect new 11/17/20
#4147 mc hangs accessing files within a .tar.gz within a cpio within an rpm for first 60 seconds mc-vfs 4.8.25 4.8.26 defect andrew_b closed 11/19/20
#4148 mc does not threat TERM=screen.xterm-256color as 256 colored terminal mc-tty 4.8.25 defect closed 11/24/20
#4149 TERM=alacritty, TERM=tmux and TERM=tmux-256color don't handle Shift+F<N>. mc-tty 4.8.25 4.8.26 defect andrew_b closed 11/25/20
#4150 MC_EXT_BASENAME / %p is unset when viewed using mcview mcview 4.8.25 4.8.28 defect andrew_b closed 11/29/20
#4151 mc frozen after vi-like <ESC> in bash mc-core defect closed 12/03/20
#4152 opening history dropdown marks line edits as modified mc-core master 4.8.26 defect andrew_b closed 12/03/20
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