{23} All Tickets (Including closed) (3415 matches)

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Results (2601 - 2700 of 3415)

Ticket Summary Component Version Milestone Type Owner Status Created
#3726 Fix doc about 'default' fg/bg color documentation master Future Releases defect new 11/14/16
#3727 Information that appears on info panel mc-core master Future Releases enhancement new 11/17/16
#3728 Viewer doesn't work for files called *.foo.html mc-config-ini master defect closed 11/18/16
#3729 Fix three VFSs that use obolete dates: hp48, uace, uarc. mc-vfs master 4.8.19 defect zaytsev closed 11/23/16
#3730 Introduce a tester for extfs helpers mc-vfs master 4.8.19 task andrew_b closed 11/23/16
#3731 MSG_NOTIFY/MSG_FOCUS mix mc-core master 4.8.19 defect andrew_b closed 11/24/16
#3732 mcedit syntax highlighting for rc.conf mcedit 4.8.18 defect closed 11/27/16
#3733 Add the 'ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES' section to the manual page documentation master Future Releases enhancement new 11/29/16
#3734 Improve the syntax documentation documentation master Future Releases task new 11/30/16
#3735 Editor doesn't show search error messages when searching backwards mcedit master 4.8.19 defect andrew_b closed 12/03/16
#3736 mc_tmpdir() use a buffer on only 64 characters mc-core master 4.8.19 defect andrew_b closed 12/06/16
#3737 Documentation asks to run ./configure script which does not exist mc-core master defect closed 12/06/16
#3738 travis builder should also target osx in addition to linux adm master 4.8.33 defect zaytsev closed 12/06/16
#3739 .gitignore : build process should not left any modified or untracked files mc-core master Future Releases defect new 12/06/16
#3740 mc-wrapper.sh script is not installed in target bin directory mc-core master defect closed 12/07/16
#3741 PTP external filesystem (download files from photocameras) mc-vfs master Future Releases enhancement new 12/07/16
#3742 Update to the comments at the start of mc.ext mc-core master 4.8.29 enhancement andrew_b closed 12/11/16
#3743 v4.8.18 crash with <Ctrl-\> mc-core master defect closed 12/14/16
#3744 Tests for extfs's u7z filesystem tests master 4.8.19 task zaytsev-work closed 12/19/16
#3745 Integration mc with mc2(Lua) mc-core master enhancement closed 12/20/16
#3746 migrate from trac to github adm defect closed 12/21/16
#3747 extfs: hp48: fix float truncation mc-vfs master 4.8.19 defect zaytsev closed 12/27/16
#3748 mksh as a subshell mc-core master 4.8.33 enhancement zaytsev closed 12/28/16
#3749 Segfault in VFSs not setting block size in stat upon overwriting existing file mc-vfs master 4.8.19 defect andrew_b closed 12/29/16
#3750 Add support for RPM transaction scripts mc-vfs master 4.8.19 enhancement mooffie closed 12/29/16
#3751 Add a test for extfs's rpm helper mc-vfs master 4.8.19 task mooffie closed 01/03/17
#3752 extfs: tester: export some more useful variables. mc-vfs master 4.8.19 task mooffie closed 01/08/17
#3753 extfs: tester: let test scripts easily access configure-time parameters. mc-vfs master 4.8.19 task mooffie closed 01/08/17
#3754 A help shows wrong documentation master 4.8.19 defect mooffie closed 01/09/17
#3755 Fix emacs keymap mc-key-bindings master Future Releases enhancement zaytsev accepted 01/11/17
#3756 Add a new %macro which expands to full names of tagged files mc-core master Future Releases enhancement new 01/11/17
#3757 Two column panel is broken in user defined listing mode mc-core master 4.8.19 defect mooffie closed 01/15/17
#3758 fubar right pane at startup with saved long file listing mc-core 4.8.18 defect closed 01/20/17
#3759 mcdiff color weirdnesses mcdiff master Future Releases enhancement new 01/21/17
#3760 Editor frame overwrites button bar mcedit master 4.8.19 defect mooffie closed 01/22/17
#3761 mcedit marked column deletion with F8 is wrong. mcedit master 4.8.31 defect andrew_b closed 01/24/17
#3762 Initial support of OpenShadingLanguage syntax mcedit master 4.8.19 enhancement closed 01/25/17
#3763 Introduce run_listbox_with_data() mc-core master 4.8.19 task mooffie closed 01/25/17
#3764 Viewer: mouse click scrolls twice mcview master Future Releases defect new 01/26/17
#3765 Viewer: mouse click scrolling vs error dialog mcview master Future Releases defect new 01/26/17
#3766 add_widget() doesn't remove focus from the previously focused widget mc-core master 4.8.19 defect mooffie closed 01/26/17
#3767 Document the left/right menu panelize command documentation master Future Releases defect mooffie accepted 01/27/17
#3768 Cannot redefine ctrl-g mc-key-bindings 4.8.18 Future Releases defect new 02/01/17
#3769 Could not use a valid email to register on the website adm defect closed 02/03/17
#3770 Feature request: allow user to disable % macros on command line only mc-core master Future Releases enhancement new 02/08/17
#3771 trac: ticket create/update operations are very slow adm master defect closed 02/10/17
#3772 Esc-p and Esc-n don't work in External Panelize command history, only Esc-h works mc-core master Future Releases defect new 02/14/17
#3773 External panelize: can browse only one of the resulting directories mc-core master defect closed 02/14/17
#3774 mcedit: Weird coordinates for maximize/close mouse buttons mcedit master 4.8.19 defect zaytsev closed 02/19/17
#3775 Pressing <right> and <left> in the hotlist dialog doesn't refresh it mc-core master 4.8.19 defect mooffie closed 02/25/17
#3777 Trivial typo: please amend 'Replac' to 'Replace' translations master enhancement closed 02/26/17
#3778 No help for "History-query" documentation master Future Releases defect new 02/27/17
#3779 With sort by mtime, after Alt-i , making a change in a panel alters scrolling position of the other panel mc-core master defect closed 03/02/17
#3780 Prepare for release mc-4.8.20 adm master 4.8.20 task zaytsev closed 03/04/17
#3781 extfs: Some tests fail on Gentoo. Reason(s) yet unknown. tests 4.8.19 4.8.20 defect mooffie closed 03/06/17
#3782 highlight txz extension mc-config-ini 4.8.19 4.8.20 enhancement zaytsev closed 03/06/17
#3783 mcview: file interpreted as latin1 instead of utf8 mcview 4.8.17 4.8.20 defect andrew_b closed 03/07/17
#3784 extfs: make tester include diff in output tests master 4.8.20 enhancement mooffie closed 03/07/17
#3785 extfs: make the tester a TAP producer tests master Future Releases task new 03/07/17
#3786 extfs: rpm helper doesn't always preserve <backslash> in some fields, making one test fail tests master 4.8.20 defect mooffie closed 03/08/17
#3787 extfs: tests for helpers using 'sort' may fail tests master 4.8.20 defect mooffie closed 03/08/17
#3788 extension mechanism: signal in `View` process affects `Open` process mc-core master Future Releases defect new 03/09/17
#3789 extfs: rpm helper misses CONFLICTS field mc-vfs master 4.8.21 defect zaytsev closed 03/09/17
#3790 Search bug on editor mc-search 4.8.15 defect closed 03/10/17
#3791 Slow mc and mcedit launch when using X11 forwading mc-core master enhancement closed 03/13/17
#3792 mc clear prompt for subshell when shell is tcsh and uses their own mc-core 4.8.19 Future Releases defect new 03/13/17
#3793 Add EcmaScript 2015 support for JavaScript syntax highlighter mcedit master 4.8.20 enhancement zaytsev closed 03/16/17
#3794 TypeScript syntax support mcedit master 4.8.20 enhancement zaytsev closed 03/17/17
#3798 MC is leaking a pipe to executed programs mc-core 4.8.19 Future Releases defect new 03/24/17
#3799 The newticket web interface is taking too long to respond adm master defect closed 03/24/17
#3800 Install Error mc-core master defect closed 03/24/17
#3801 Capital C inserts grabage mcedit master defect closed 03/28/17
#3802 --with-screen=ncurses and double line frames mc-tty master defect closed 03/28/17
#3804 Update ada95.syntax file mcedit master 4.8.20 enhancement zaytsev closed 04/04/17
#3805 mcview and mcedit --help are wrong mc-core master 4.8.20 defect andrew_b closed 04/04/17
#3806 manpages list wrong paths to mc.hlp etc documentation master 4.8.20 defect andrew_b closed 04/04/17
#3807 Midnight Commander 4.8.19 Keyboard Regression mc-tty master defect closed 04/07/17
#3808 visible tabs options identation hide the cursor mcedit master defect closed 04/11/17
#3809 Configured codepage ignored mc-core master Future Releases defect new 04/17/17
#3810 Panelization is not kept while switching panel listing mode mc-core master 4.8.20 defect andrew_b closed 04/18/17
#3811 Have str_chomp() mc-core master Future Releases task new 04/18/17
#3812 to add mcedit.desktop mc-core master enhancement closed 04/20/17
#3813 Filter isn't cleared when entering empty string mc-core master 4.8.20 defect mooffie closed 04/21/17
#3814 MC does not set group-sticky bit when copy directory to directory with group-sticky bit mc-core master Future Releases defect new 04/22/17
#3815 Cannot return from QuickView panel mc-core master 4.8.20 defect mooffie closed 04/23/17
#3816 F10 doesn't work in QuickView mc-core master 4.8.20 defect mooffie closed 04/24/17
#3817 [mcview] Library/executable symbols not fully viewable mcview 4.8.18 4.8.20 defect andrew_b closed 04/26/17
#3818 Customize shortcut to return from subshell to other than Ctrl-O mc-core master Future Releases enhancement new 04/30/17
#3819 [mcview] Search doesn't grow file as much as needed mcview master 4.8.20 defect andrew_b closed 04/30/17
#3820 From 4.8.18 strange behavior when used in a SSH session from PuTTy mc-tty master Future Releases defect new 05/02/17
#3821 Initialize struct stat st_[acm]tim.tv_nsec when present mc-vfs master 4.8.20 defect zaytsev closed 05/06/17
#3822 -P option does not work mc-core 4.8.19 defect closed 05/09/17
#3823 Delay when browsing through the command history mc-core 4.8.19 Future Releases defect new 05/09/17
#3824 Quick cd is relative in panelization mc-core master Future Releases defect new 05/14/17
#3825 Do not keep the directory handle open mc-core master Future Releases defect new 05/24/17
#3826 [mcview] Goto doesn't grow file as much as needed mcview master 4.8.20 defect andrew_b closed 05/27/17
#3827 macOS Sierra 10.12.6 non-ascii characters issue mc-core 4.8.19 defect closed 05/30/17
#3828 syntax highlighting for apache hive mcedit master 4.8.20 enhancement zaytsev closed 06/14/17
#3829 Case-insensitive patterns in Syntax file mcedit master 4.8.20 enhancement andrew_b closed 06/15/17
#3830 mcedit: create a corpus of sample files in various syntaxes for testing purposes mcedit master Future Releases task new 06/15/17
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