Ticket #3453: patch01-find.c-find-file-title-content.diff
File patch01-find.c-find-file-title-content.diff, 1.4 KB (added by Miven, 10 years ago) |
old new find_do_edit_file (WButton * button, int 1505 1505 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 1506 1506 1507 1507 static void 1508 setup_gui ( void)1508 setup_gui (const char *pattern, const char *content) 1509 1509 { 1510 1510 size_t i; 1511 1511 int lines, cols; 1512 1512 int y; 1513 1513 1514 1514 static gboolean i18n_flag = FALSE; 1515 1516 char title[BUF_MEDIUM]; 1515 1517 1516 1518 if (!i18n_flag) 1517 1519 { … … setup_gui (void) 1531 1533 lines = LINES - 4; 1532 1534 cols = COLS - 16; 1533 1535 1536 if ( content && *content ) 1537 snprintf (title, BUF_MEDIUM, _("Find File: '%s' Content: '%s'"), pattern, content); 1538 else 1539 snprintf (title, BUF_MEDIUM, _("Find File: '%s'"), pattern); 1534 1540 find_dlg = 1535 1541 dlg_create (TRUE, 0, 0, lines, cols, dialog_colors, find_callback, NULL, "[Find File]", 1536 _("Find File"), DLG_CENTER);1542 title, DLG_CENTER); 1537 1543 1538 1544 find_calc_button_locations (find_dlg, TRUE); 1539 1545 … … do_find (const char *start_dir, ssize_t 1629 1635 int return_value = 0; 1630 1636 char *dir_tmp = NULL, *file_tmp = NULL; 1631 1637 1632 setup_gui ( );1638 setup_gui (pattern, content); 1633 1639 1634 1640 /* FIXME: Need to cleanup this, this ought to be passed non-globaly */ 1635 1641 find_pattern = (char *) pattern;