= Release Guidelines = While preparing for the release: * create cleanup branch (if needed) with some little patches (usually with typecasts fixies, etc); * create ticket (type=task) for release. Ticket must be blocked by cleanup branch (if present); * vote for cleanup branch (if present); * download translations from Transifex.net by command [http://help.transifex.net/features/client/index.html tx]{{{ pull --all}}} and run: {{{ for i in *.po; do sed -i -e '/^#:/d' $i; done }}} * update NEWS file in repo and Wiki; * create new tag in git by command {{{ git tag -s }}} * new version in Trac; * new milestone in Trac (no needed for stable branch); * create tar.(bz2|xz) package files: {{{ mkdir dist; cd dist; ../configure && make dist-bzip && make dist-xz }}} * make checksums for archives: {{{ sha256sum mc-*tar.* >sha256.sum }}} * upload source packages and checksums to special upload area; * developers should download tarballs, verify checksums, compile and locally install. If everything is ok than developers keep votes in ticket; * upload source packages and checksums to http://www.midnight-commander.org/downloads; * update Wiki start page with latest release number; * write an announcement: list user visible changes (bugs and features); * close current milestone (no needed for stable branch); * close ticket for release.