= Google Summer of Code 2009 = We're listing here some ideas we have which could be done as a good GSoC project. Please note that this page should give you only a rough view about what could be done. * [wiki:GoogleSummerOfCode09/Utf8Support Adding UTF8 Support to Midnight Commander] As you probably know there is currently no UTF8 Support in Midnight Commander at all. As most systems nowadays use UTF8 this is badly needed for us. There are a existing set of patches which is currently used by the distributions. As this patches are more or less not very good, some stuff needs to be rewritten. * [wiki:GoogleSummerofCode09/Mvfs Using a vfs library to link against] Currently mc uses it own vfs code to access remote filesystems. As some of them are quite buggy we decided to switch to a new vfs library called libmvfs. As this lib doesn't handle atm all remote filesystems we need there is great help appreciated in order to add this into the lib. * [wiki:GoogleSummerofCode09/Threads Using threads for some actions] Currently mc is not usable while copying large files or similiar. Moving such actions into own threads would help here. However this will most probably need a major rewrite of some functions. * ... add your Idea here