= GitGuideLines = As we are several developers who works activly on Midnight Commander we need a very specific layout so that we always know which fix belongs to which branch and who is reponsible. At first please check out the git repository: {{{ git clone ssh://midnight-commander.org:22/git/mc.git }}} Now you can start to prepare this repository in order to track all remote branches in local ones: {{{ git branch -r }}} Will list you all remote branches which are currently available: {{{ winnie@energy:~/dev/mc$ git branch -r origin/10_fish_stalls_on_symlink origin/125-allocate-and-free-memory-via-wrapper origin/133_obsolete_autoconf_macros origin/142_debian_files_syntax origin/144_procmail_syntax origin/147_escaping origin/151_fix_uninitialised_var_edit.c origin/155_remove_WANT_WIDGETS origin/16_syntax_differ_c_and_cpp origin/65_additional_delphi_keywords origin/HEAD origin/master origin/mc-4.6 origin/mc-ru-fork origin/utf-8 winnie@energy:~/dev/mc$ }}} You see, this is quite much and the number of branches will certainly grow further. As remote branches are not interesting for developing you certainly want to set up some local branches in order to track there the changes of the remote branches: {{{ git checkout origin/65_additional_delphi_keywords -b 65_additional_delphi_keywords }}} Of course you can also choose another name for your local branch, but choosing the same as used remote makes the most sense. Okay.. fine.. now you should see all local branches: {{{ winnie@energy:~/dev/mc$ git branch 10_fish_stalls_on_symlink 125-allocate-and-free-memory-via-wrapper 133_obsolete_autoconf_macros 142_debian_files_syntax 144_procmail_syntax 147_escaping 151_fix_uninitialised_var_edit.c * 155_remove_WANT_WIDGETS 16_syntax_differ_c_and_cpp 65_additional_delphi_keywords master mc-4.6 mc-ru-fork utf-8 winnie@energy:~/dev/mc$ }}} The "*" marks the branch you are currently in. To switch between branches simply use: git checkout $branchname. {{{ winnie@energy:~/dev/mc$ git checkout master Switched to branch "master" winnie@energy:~/dev/mc$ }}} Now you are in the branch "master". Pleae note that everytime before you start to work on something, please update your local checkout: {{{ git pull }}} If there was nothing new you'll see this output {{{ Already up-to-date. }}} otherwise something like this: {{{ remote: Counting objects: 27, done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (10/10), done. remote: Total 10 (delta 8), reused 0 (delta 0) Unpacking objects: 100% (10/10), done. From ssh://midnight-commander.org:22/git/mc 6f8a3b3..8ebe787 151_fix_uninitialised_var_edit.c -> origin/151_fix_uninitialised_var_edit.c aeec284..f2f8ef4 master -> origin/master }}} Okay, fine. Now you are able to track changes, in your local repository and to update it. But in order to use it activly there are plenty more options... If you are only intrested in tracking the development you can stop here.. but if you are intrested in active development together with us, please read further.