Ticket #3780 (closed task: fixed)

Opened 8 years ago

Last modified 7 years ago

Prepare for release mc-4.8.20

Reported by: zaytsev Owned by: zaytsev
Priority: major Milestone: 4.8.20
Component: adm Version: master
Keywords: Cc: egmont
Blocked By: Blocking: #3856
Branch state: merged Votes for changeset:


Change History

comment:1 Changed 8 years ago by egmont

  • Cc egmont added

comment:2 Changed 7 years ago by andrew_b

Last edited 7 years ago by andrew_b (previous) (diff)

comment:3 Changed 7 years ago by mooffie

src/filemanager/panelize.c has unused "#define LABELS 3". Credit goes to "Andreas Mohr <and@…>" (this is from #2942).

comment:4 Changed 7 years ago by zaytsev

../../../../src/vfs/tar/tar.c: In function ‘tar_open_archive’:
../../../../src/vfs/tar/tar.c:805:69: error: ‘h_size’ may be used uninitialized in this function [-Werror=uninitialized]

comment:5 Changed 7 years ago by and

I tidy up OBS build testing across some linux distributions

mc-git_cleanup-*-default is current cleanup branch (3780_cleanup)
mc-git_master-*-default is HEAD branch

minor distributions failed with

parse_ls_vga.c:790:13: error: In the GNU C Library, "makedev" is defined
  by <sys/sysmacros.h>. For historical compatibility, it is
  currently defined by <sys/types.h> as well, but we plan to
  remove this soon. To use "makedev", include <sys/sysmacros.h>
  directly. If you did not intend to use a system-defined macro
  "makedev", you should undefine it after including <sys/types.h>. [-Werror]
          s->st_rdev = makedev (maj, min);

comment:6 Changed 7 years ago by andrew_b

mc-3780-tar.c-Cleanup-compiler-aggressive-loop-optimizations-warning.patch: applied as fixup.
mc-3780-boxes.c-Cleanup-pointer-compare-warning.patch: applied.
mc-3780-mcviewer.c-Cleanup-implicit-fallthrough-warning.patchh: applied.

comment:7 Changed 7 years ago by andrew_b

At current moment, the 3780_cleanup branch has 20 commits. I think it's time to review and merge it.

comment:8 Changed 7 years ago by egmont

Hi guys,

What do you think about a release real soon? It's been half a year since the last one.

Way back on May 7 I wrote on mc-devel: "this timestamp issue plus the pending mcview growing issues [...] are I believe a good reason to schedule a .20 release for the not-so-distant future (let's say, within a month or so)"

wiki/ReleaseGuidelines says "Period of releases: two-three months", but, in fact, the pattern recently seems to be (with a few exceptions) one in the spring and one in autumn :)

comment:9 Changed 7 years ago by zaytsev

Hi Egmont,

I thought of all people you are pretty much aware of what the current situation is. Sure, I'm all for making releases more often, but I'm simply incapable of doing so, as my stress level keeps increasing year after year beyond what I thought was even possible. Therefore, I'm struggling to do at least two releases per year and no less, and indeed they fall on time periods immediately "after spring vacation" and "after fall vacation"...

Anyways, as you might have noticed, I've started trying to merge easy stuff in preparation for the fall release. I don't know what Andrew's plans are, would be good if he could comment on what he absolutely wants to get in before release. I was hoping to review his cleanup branch next weekend, and then check what else can be easily merged & make an RC.

There have been some annoying OS X build breakage stuff on GitHub and a few small things I was thinking of trying to process...


comment:10 follow-up: ↓ 15 Changed 7 years ago by andrew_b

I want to see #3850 and #3148 in the release.
Currently, #3148 is on top on #3850 and will be rebased to master after merge of #3850.

comment:11 Changed 7 years ago by zaytsev

Hi Andrew, many thanks for your patience and feedback! I think the important thing is to finally get the cleanup in, then update translations and co., and then I will try my best to look into the other 2 things you mentioned.

comment:12 Changed 7 years ago by egmont

@Yury, sorry, I didn't want to urge you... in fact, when I started typing my comment I hadn't yet realized the twice-a-year pattern :) By the time I finished writing the comment, I didn't think it through that there'll be a release soon anyways :)

Sure, let's wait for everyone's pet peeve bugs to get fixed first.

Thanks a lot again to all of you guys!

PS. I've updated the wiki about the release frequency.

comment:13 Changed 7 years ago by andrew_b

  • Blocking 3856 added

comment:14 Changed 7 years ago by andrew_b

Merged to master: [2f25f66b5d0c62f70798ef3d922af1d9677209ee].

git log --pretty=oneline aff3834..2f25f66

comment:15 in reply to: ↑ 10 ; follow-up: ↓ 16 Changed 7 years ago by andrew_b

Replying to andrew_b:

I want to see #3850 and #3148 in the release.

Move to the next release.

comment:16 in reply to: ↑ 15 Changed 7 years ago by egmont

I was just about to ping you guys :) It's been a pretty quiet month, which hopefully means mc is quite stable. Hopefully all the changes got enough testing. Perfect time for a release :-)

I want to see #3850 and #3148 in the release.

Move to the next release.

#3850 has an accepted change, maybe it's okay to squeeze in that (but then it won't get enough testing, so maybe we should just delay it). I'd prefer you (andrew_b) to make the decision here. #3148 has been broken for a long time and doesn't have a fix yet, I fully agree that we shouldn't wait for it.

comment:18 Changed 7 years ago by zaytsev

  • Status changed from new to accepted
  • Owner set to zaytsev
  • Branch state changed from no branch to on review

prepare repository for release


download PO-translations from Transifex.net


store translations in git repo


download the hint translations from Transifex.net


store translations in git repo


create new NEWS wiki page for next version with empty template


add content of current NEWS wiki page to the doc/NEWS


create new tag in git


new version in Trac


new milestone in Trac


create tar.(bz2|xz) package files


make checksums for archives


upload source packages and checksums to the special upload area


developers should download tarballs, verify checksums, compile and install locally; if everything is ok, then developers vote for the ticket

comment:19 Changed 7 years ago by andrew_b

  • Votes for changeset set to andrew_b

comment:20 Changed 7 years ago by egmont

  • Votes for changeset changed from andrew_b to andrew_b,egmont

comment:21 Changed 7 years ago by zaytsev

  • Votes for changeset andrew_b,egmont deleted
  • Branch state changed from on review to approved

comment:22 Changed 7 years ago by zaytsev

  • Status changed from accepted to testing
  • Resolution set to fixed
  • Branch state changed from approved to merged

upload source packages and checksums


run command


update Wiki start page with latest release number


create new ticket (type=task, component=adm) for the next release


write an announcement: list user visible changes


close ticket for release


comment:23 Changed 7 years ago by zaytsev

  • Status changed from testing to closed

close current milestone


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